Good thread

good thread



JPEGMAFIA is seriously one of the biggest attention whores in music today. Hates comparisons to Death Grips and MC Ride but continuously namechecks them in the media and on his tracks.

DG is dead

He insults them so people don't think he's biting them. Unbearably corny

>my genre
what did he mean by this

I'm a sucker for production, I love his stuff but some (a lot) of his lyrics come off as try hard
I tried listening to Black Ben Carson and while the sound design on some tracks was pretty glitchy and great, the lyrics made the album practically unlistenable to me
at least Veteran is tolerable


He's too juvenile all around for my tastes for some reason he thinks that being self aware of it with a layer of sardonic absurdism over it makes him different from all the people he complaints about.

Too bad since a lot of his music aesthetically can be interesting but it gets embarassing too fats to stick around.

The genre aint even his tho. Who can agree with me that DG is much more experimental than Jpegmafia

even if jpeg was more experimental (he's not), I think the irony lies in the fact that death grips were releasing industrial hiphop roughly half a decade before he was, and yet here he is acting like he owns the genre

>man who looks and sounds like MC ride disses him over not being woke

what a clown

He doesn't sound like MC ride, he has the voice of a kid, i was disspointed to hear it since the intrumental intro was really nice i even initally mistook him for a sample but halfway through the song i realized he had already started rapping.


It was ok.

exactly, deathgrips defined the genre if anything

how does jpegmafia expect anyone to take him seriously or fear him when he's so visibly insecure about his own hairline?

He shaves his head, what other way is he supposed to handle it? how's that insecure at all?

imagine being this much of a loser
he ran into a genre and then declared himself the gatekeeper
too bad no one knows he exists

go to bed jpeg you fucking cringey faggot. you write like a 14 year old who just got into politics. the only reason fantano liked your album is because he didn't want to seem like he was siding with the alt right. you can see how red his face gets when he's interviewing you. you suck shit fag. you will never be 1/10th as good of a lyricist as stefan and i hope people continue to mistake you for him for the rest of your 'budding' career

Hahahahahahaha bet you wouldn't say that shit to his face hahahaha.

this is one of the only pics of him without a hat on

Why does he hate white people so much?

not sure considering all his fans are white

>Plainly displays his balding on his fuckign album cover
>Supposedly this makes him insecure about this

Wouldn't it be the other way around you alt right loser.

this is the exact kind of thing jpeg says in all his interviews. no user would care to 'hahaha' that long. it's so obvious it's you faggot. you post in every thread about yourself pretending to be a random listener that likes your music. the only thing more pathetic is the physiognomy of milo the rapper
because he's insecure about his hairline

either youre baiting or youre him
either way youre retarded


Answer the question.

*breathes in*
you literally wear beanies and hats in 90% of your pictures including the ones INSIDE

lmao this dude trying too hard to be stefan right down to the tattoos. except for esoteric mystecism he's going for 'the only black kid at a sufjan concert' look

I don't understand why Peggy and Milo got so bent out of shape over Niggas On The Moon. Ride is the only lyrical presence in Death Grips, so there's no question as to who's putting the nigga word in his album title. It's like saying you can't title you album/mixtape with the word of you have a single white producer/engineer.
I like Peggy's music a lot, and I he said he was just name checking another black man or something, but it just seems wack to me. A stretch.

You're a zoomali skinny with the hairline to match, you bitch fag

I listened to some of his songs but it got boring fast. How is attacking the alt right or whatever american guild is the target of the month any different than rapping about "haters".

Same problem i had with Clipping the music itself is kind of nice but the lyrics are so boring that i can't stick around even if i tried.

the funny thing is no one would care about his similarities to death grips if he didnt go insane trying to deny it
artists are compared all the time this dude just oculdnt handle it

the dude is literally on the radio rn not posting on Sup Forums lmao

If they are that much into that kind of shit shouldn't them be proud of MC The Rides for forcing his white team mates into naming the album that instead of getting mad?

The implication of the lyric seems to be he thinks Zach Hill and Andy were the ones begging to put Nigga in the 1/2 of a double album title, and Ride allowed it? Considering neither of them have ever said a word in any DG song, that feels like a stretch. Kind of a baseless call-out t b h, not worth getting mad over.

literally who cares

daily reminder that niggers are subhuman

peggy and milo are literally racist. who cares about their opinion

>I don't understand why Peggy and Milo got so bent out of shape over Niggas On The Moon.
they don't care about the racism stuff. they're pretending to as a defense mechanism. subconsciously the first thing they react to is stefan's prowess as a poet. they become engulfed with jealousy and hatred because they know they'll never be able to write anything as poignant as the songs on niggas on the moon. so what they do is try to justify this hatred without admitting they're jealous so they use identity politics as a clutch. it's especially sickening given the message of songs like black quarterback and blood creepin.

good post

>Dude got from being jokingly mistaken with MC ride to being accused of being Sup Forums 24/7 pretending he's his own fan

Looks like just being able to handle the banter is always the right move. Instead of just being reactionary.

what a retard
its the streisand effect for retards

isn't that a girl's name?

I was just wondering, where do you get your ideas from?

this nigga name really peggy but he out here showin out on the internet lmfaoooo get this lil house on the prairie ass nigga outta here fr

What exactly is the message of Blood Creepin?

Why don't you post with your real name?
Why don't you post with your real name?Why don't you post with your real name?Why don't you post with your real name?Why don't you post with your real name?Why don't you post with your real name?Why don't you post with your real name?Why don't you post with your real name?Why don't you post with your real name?Why don't you post with your real name?

lol he actually fucking looks like a discount ride

bro jpeg my man u quoted me 3 times LOL
what a terrible response to criticism
you should seriously stop posting here it is bad for your sanity

sup peggy you soft cunt

>Jumps to a conclusion about other shitposters jumping to conclusions

kill yourself doc

im peggy


I'm Spartacus

im biracial


No, I'm Shitposticus

hi peggy im dad haha

The animosity against the guy is unfounded t b h, what did he even do to cause this?

meant say hey kid. dont know how i mixed those up

LITERALLY shit on all white people and DIRECTLY dissed Sup Forums after shilling his music here and posting her actively
but you already knew that, didnt you peggy?

he's fucking lame

hey peg peggy peg peg peg
all of my fears came true

peggy is a fucking stupid nigger haha dumb coon

aside from hating all white males and shitting on death grips for no founded reasons, he gives off a sniveling cunty vibe in all his interviews. even if he wasn't a jealous racist i'd say the hate for him is warranted based on his attitude alone. i can't entirely blame him though considering how much time he spent on places like pol and stormfront. poor guy probably thinks everyone that isn't black wants him dead. it's funny how this kind of victim complex is present only in the 'whitest' black backpack rappers like him and milo.

He's a great producer, has a unique sound, and writes decent bars, but he's kind of soft to the bantz which makes him say butthurt shit that just makes more people butthurt and repeat ad infinitum.

>and writes decent bars
name 1 (one) decent bar

lmao that nigga is so easy to troll. i remember people on Sup Forums asked a bunch of questions on his tumblr back in 2014 and he had a nervous breakdown and almost quit rap

>AR built like Lena Dunham

wow a simile so impressive

haha it’s funny because he makes fun of le sjw girl

can anybody post the screencap that shit was fucking funny


>my best friend is white
the epitome of irony here

it's ok
i have white friends

no but he’s doing the “i’m not racist my best friend is black” thing that everyone gets shit for doing

tell me more



tell me more



tell me more

yr a fuckin nigger milo u kno that a real uppity fuckin nigger