Post the albums that reminds you of the good times

post the albums that reminds you of the good times
Post the albums that reminds you of the better times


blank banshee and vaporwave is for autistic retards



it's a chumbawumba reference you complete fucking moron, nobody said anything about blank banshee



I'm old enough to understand this meme

Senor Year was some fun times. This album really shaped my aesthetic

there are no good times to remember

>Senor Year
your favorite year was a sausage fest lol

For about two months I'm pretty sure I lived inside this album. Every night me and my friends driving around, getting into trouble, new adventures, smoking pot, doing drugs. I swear I felt like I was inside the strange cartoon world of the album. It was always playing.

>not having a sausage fest your senor year of high school
What are you, fucking gay?

reminds me of the better times

>not having a pattyfest your senora year of highschool
i think they gayfer here is you, homo.




u don't know me famalam

i'll call the police

i'm dangerous








This album desu, if only because of the nostalgia factor, and nothing about it specifically.



uninronically this, their concert in my town was also pretty cool. shame they cant grow out of their 'safe' sound.


Trippy synth pop with Latin American musical influence is the epitome of a top musical aesthetic

When it clicks, it clicks hard


moonlight is one of the best vaporwave songs i've heard, if this is even considered vapor

Idk man, I think Vaporwave can now be used to describe anything electronic and with heavy distortion. It's more like a mood than a genre

Regardless, it's a great song, and I wish more people listened to this album

Fashion Killa still bangs to this day


Q goes hard