Why do people say this is so great?

Why do people say this is so great?

There wasn't a metal album with this much detail in its production at the time. In fact the production work on this is intricate enough to where the band did a presentation at Berklee College Of Music about it. Besides that, the album has a lot of variety to it. Songs that range from being like a minute long to being over 10 minutes which leads to a lot of versatile structure. Riff wise the album has everything from hardcore riffing played really fast to more traditional sounding metal riffing to layering multiple melodies to whatever weird shit is in some of the songs in the middle of the album. Rhythmically this was their first really mathcore sounding album, too, like they can be so erratic changing up so much that I know for some people they play a part in why they think it's not a metal album. The whole thing really felt like a new approach to intensity at the time.

This. Plus the songwriting is quite excellent, don't think there is really a weak track on the entire thing. It carries the momentum remarkably well, an extremely important quality in hardcore records. Great musicianship, and lots of variety too, from straight mathy riff-fests to slower, sludgier songs.

I initially thought the album was decent, but it wasn't until I saw Converge live that I felt like I really understood what makes the songs so great. Check out the Jane Live album that came out last year

Why it is so overrated?

along with the whole production aspect the compositions and songwriting of the album is top notch and blows a lot of albums out of the water
the entire album is about a breakup which gets reflected in the music as chaotic guitars and drums along with a very dirty sound (you can hear a lot of buzz from mics and amps). Songs fade in to each other in such a way that it feel continuous and disjointed at the same time. It's meant to disorient the listener. Add on to this that you intentionally cannot understand Bannon's vocals. His delivery is just meant to carry emotional intensity and not actually sing the lyrics. If you read the lyrics contained in the album liner they don't match up at all with what's actually sung because it's meant to represent when you rehearse something to say to someone but you lose track of thought in the moment and just lose it
basically the entire album takes a theme, an emotional breakup, and applies it to nearly every aspect of the music and does it flawlessly. It's a very angry album and it's a very sad album. When it came out there wasn't much like it and few albums have come close to matching it

>Epitaph records


because it's a metal album that got a high pitchfork score so nu-males can feel safe listening to socially acceptable metal.

no that's sunbather you're thinking of

it applies to the majority of albums on here

pantera and neurosis are definitely not numale metal and neither is converge

I get the more melodic and/or atmospheric shit on there maybe being considered numale, but I don't get why Gorguts is on there.

Also surprised Deftones is on there. Nothing against Deftones, just expected them to be considered numale.

>Deftones isn't* on there

Tell me about the production, I'm interested.

>still falling for memes
what year are we in, 2001?

If you're gonna meme, then at least meme right. The best memes are memes based in truth.

i love Hell To Pay, Phoenix in Flight, and Jane Doe a lot but never cared much for the other tracks

>based in truth
pick one

>not released on Epitath


burzum is correct

This got a 7 from cuckfork stop letting random aspies on metal form you're opinion on music

Listen to the record and then watch their Berklee lecture, both of those will do a better job than I can. I think the wikipedia page even talks about the production

this didn't even get that high of a score though, it only got a 7.7 which is about what the average metal album they review gets

get jesu the fuck out of there

actually nadja too, no one fucks with them

I thought this was a hardcore album.