California have 18 sport teams that can't draw a dime. How do you fix this?


stop rebranding and relocating and hope one of them becomes a winning team

Not after the nuke which triggers the 11.0 earthquake ;)

>left coast sports

The colleges are more popular here anyway

hockey is cool here :(

>tfw white in California

>san diego

fix your map nignog

8 college football stadiums have over 100k capacity

are there no major cities between LA and San Francisco or north of Sacramento??

holy fuck california

refuse to stand for the national anthem.
That will fix it.

what a shitty state

You east coast fags don't understand the concept of mountains. The coast is mountainous between LA and the Bay. You have the central valley with a few large cities like Bakersfield and Fresno, but those cities suck.

I can smell the cocoa butter from here.

Live in Bakersfield, can confirm it's a shithole

>east coast
I seriously hope your dumb little queer ass is just fooling around.

Farmington nm somewhat like bakersfield- just dont stay long and it's otay!

>live in california
>mountains in the background everywhere
>people even live on mountains
>have to drive through mountains to get anywhere
>move to east coast
>literally have to travel to where the mountains are to see them

you east coasters have no idea what real mountains are like

so california is literally just two cities, Los Angeles and San Francisco


saw handwritten roadside sign that spelled in caps GOAT
came to screeching halt and bought some
>toughest meat i ever had

e-excuse me but you f-forgot the LA galaxy...

you bang esse?

Kinda. More like two massive metropolitan areas, the Bay area and LA (if you include the OC, Inland Empire, and Antelope Valley). There's other large cities of course, like San Diego, Sacramento, Fresno, Bakersfield. But yeah, for such a large state, the population is concentrated in a few places.

Motherfucker please.

The Appalachian Mountains don't hold a candle to the mountains we have out west. Those are merely bunny hills compared to the mighty Sierra Nevada range. Hell, even just 30 miles as the crow flies from downtown LA you have Mt Baldy topping out at over 10,000 ft, which is higher than any point east of the Mississippi.

>dude commiefornia lmao

nothing needs to be fixed. It's fuck huge. Clippers and Chargers should be relocated tho

only your mother

Back to San Diego I agree

>how do you fix this
Simply beg Kim Jun-Ung to nuke Commiefornia off the map. It's long overdue.

Alienate the fan base that you actually do have by kneeling during the God damn national anthem.

good luck queer. i was adapted by two males so in theory you banged my male moms ass. ha ha faggot.

boy pussy is still pussy

there are no mountains on the East Coast.
are you high?

At least it's better than Florida sports fans. They don't even attend their games unless they're winning.

fuck the chargers will take the clips tho

>All those shitty teams crammed together in certain areas

who /cali/ here?

909 reporting

the kings suck ass but the fanbase still follows them. Raiders too

909 too, Chino reporting in

kys asap, its the only way

Go to bed Lavar Ball