ITT: movies for pseudo intellectual douchebags

ITT: movies for pseudo intellectual douchebags







It was OK. I have no wish to rewatch it, but I don't think it's bad.


pic related is my contribution
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


What would be a movie for a "true" intellectual?

>relating to wanting to fuck a sexbot modeled after pornstars makes you a pseudo intellectual

anything by nolan or refn or inarritu


Batman vs. Superman

Barton Fink. It's about movie about how "intellectuals" need to stop believing they are intellectuals and actually fucking listen.


The coens literally think they are intellectuals they are pseudos and pseudo filmmakers.

seriously now

How? It's a sweet story with a pretty fucking simple concept.

Your favorite movie

they're b8ing in a b8 thread, you dimwit

I did not like this film

Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings

>whoa le dream within a dream within a dream

it's shit

Honestly no such thing. You're either smart or you're not your taste in art doesnt speak for your intelligence, for instance my sister had a 4.0 gpa and is going to John Hopkins but listens to drake exclusively and watches dumb Netflix shit


Fucking hell. I hate society

Then your sister is just another cock starved idiot who worked hard to impress daddy

I'll be impressed if she gets a degree that's worth anything

Lol wut? If you were dumb enough to think taste in media has anything to do with intellect then I don't know what to say honestly.

ITT: Contrarian faggots trying to fit in.

She turned into a fucking USB stick.

No. She has her issues, basically with our shitty genes everyone in our family has some form of psychosis but she is the most moral type of girl in this day and age. I'm kind of proud of her, she won't have seen until marriage

Also, studying medicine, do you not know what John Hopkins is known for?

Not an argument.
Just because you can't relate to any of the characters it doesn't mean the movie is shot.

>Then your sister is just another cock starved idiot who worked hard to impress daddy
Bruh you sound pretty pseudo go to /r9k/

>I'll be impressed if she gets a degree that's worth anything
Is anything besides theoretical physics worth anything? Is learning something for yourself not worth something?

Wouldn't Exist Machina be the opposite of that? Not because it's some genius work of art, but because it's a simply designed and well executed thriller based on some very basic science fiction concepts, and only retards will feel like they're being tricked into getting confused by the small level of intelligence on display in the movie. Normal smart people will just accept the premise and enjoy it for what it is without getting uppity trying to figure out how smart the movie thinks it is and how dumb the movie thinks that they are.

No i mean that society is based on what it is instead of what it should be

Look up the venus project on youtube

I'm saying that she could just go to college and get a degree in sociology or communication or some bullshit
What I'm trying to say is I fundamentally disagree with the idea that intelligent people enjoy the bottom of the barrel trash like Drake and Netflix crap. Everyone I know who loves that stuff is either straight up an idiot or is so emotionally out of touch that they can't engage in art emotionally even within themselves. In other words they lack emotional intelligence, which is controlled and developed through general intelligence

My fiance's dad fucking loves this movie

>mfw he has such a boner for Scar
>mfw he pauses the movie every three minutes
>mfw a 1:30 movie becomes a 3 hour movie
>mfw he explains how complex and intellectual it is
>mfw my fiance isn't annoyed
>mfw I want nothing more than to kms myself

Fight Club is the ultimate pseud-core

Nah man not gonma waste time on token pseud shit.

Fight club is the ultimate entertaining black comedy that pseuds pretend to hate because they were told to

t. pseud

Top kek

Theres actually maturity and intelligence in being able to enjoy things that are "generalized". Ive found people that consume exclusively "alternative" media tend to be compensating idiots themselves. Sure you can like your Hungarian folk chants, but that doesn't mean you can't equally like drake or whatever.

Besides, not of that matters. She listens to drake and posts dog filter snapchats but is still smarter than you or I will ever be. That's how things work, I suggest you just accept it.

Reeks of r9k loser pseuds whining.

Lmao, how sad people actually think tjaf stuff they merely CONSUME, not produce, not create, somehow speaks greater of intelligence than actual grades and academic performance. Lol

Who is the girl

Who said just consume? I'm an artist myself, and I use art to talk and communicate with other people. You're right though about that general attitude
I understand that. I didn't say popular=bad. My favorite band for God's sake is Led Zeppelin. But there's a difference between popular/generalized and lowest common denominator. There are no intelligent people who exclusively enjoy pop music.

hows it pseudo intellectual it doesn't claim to be anything other than about an AI going rogue, pretty classic theme

pseudo intellectual is like inception or something

Zeppelin are my favorite but I also lile avant garde and ambient and electronic shit like david bowie brian eno and kraftwerk

Also love classical music like tchaikovsky

Using the word pseudo intellectual is to be a douchebag.

He probably molested your fiance.

Are good grades and academic performance the equivalence of intelligence?

being good at remembering stuff and following orders is not even remotely close to the same thing as intelligence

if anything i would say good grades means you're an idiot

especially when the correct answer on all their tests are "white people bad, diversity good"

It's a lot more absurd to say that academic performance reflects intelligence.


I'm being completely honest when I say that I know he did.

She calls me daddy now because of all of her issues

I think it was pretty chill. Nothing really intellectual about it, but the setting was a bit different, robo was cute and the villain was unusual in that he wasn't all sinister (or even really a villain)

Nailed it.

>t. highschool dropout, never set foot in a university


Why the fuck do you hang out with him?

Are you 14?

We haven't talked to him in a long time, he's not coming to our wedding, he doesn't even exist in my girl's eyes anymore since he tried to touch her daughter.

>amazing girl
>shitty hick family
>marrying you because she wants a family
>abandoned her own

jesus christ

your fiance's daughter?

>her daughter

Jesus, where's Bukowski? Fucking /lit/

Flannery O'Connor

Essential "I'm edgy and I like to pretend to be intellectual" core

fuck sorrentino

That's a good adventure movie and is a stealth classic for sure. Internet pseudos dislike it, but it'll be very revisited in 30 years alongside The Dank Knight and Memento.

Ex Machina was a solid thriller, but was expecting a little more. Perhaps because it was low budget, the movie end was kind of anticlimatic. Still good though, will rank high on best sci fi of the decade list.

Scarlett Johansson is simultaneously starring in the biggest films in the world and also in some creme de la creme artsy flicks. She's way way too based.

i want to touch her robutt!

>I didn't get it so it's pseudo intellectual

>t. Community college dropout

She is smarter than you for sure.

No single credible intellectual has ever claimed that something has to be high brow or intellectual to be enjoyable.

If you were actually intelligent and logical you would see that even if school was pointless and its standards trivial then you still must exceed in It if you want to get anywhere.

Besides media is supposed to be entertaining for the most part. She studied the more artsy shit in class but on free time its also most logical to enjoy things most directly connected socially and cultural-wise. After years in the "alternative" artsy fartsy scene I was a decade late realizing that most people that base intelligence or merit on taste are the most banal people imaginable.

I'm wasting my time though, you're going the trivial and standard teenage pseuds rebel phase. you will grow out of it, but only too late like I did.

My advice? Get the 4.0. its trivial and piss easy, any moron can do it, but it's absolutely crucial despite that.

>Donnie Darko for adults

The movie is fine, but some people think they are very clever because they watched it and liked it


I wouldn't say Ex Machina was really pseudo-intellectual, it was just a story about an AI going rogue and its wacky creator

Lmao this fucking loser, do something with your life and finish elementary school.

