Oh, does this shock you?

>oh, does this shock you?

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He yelled at a guy in a club. He should apologize to the guy he yelled at and the other people in the club for ruining their evening. That's it. Nobody else should have cared.

South Park's response to it was when I first started to suspect they were fags.

What a sad pathetic "artist", if you can even call him that. He is so insecure and uncreative that he couldn't think of something even half witty to throw back at the hecklers. Instead, he just goes full Sup Forums on them "NIGGER, NIGGER, YOU'RE A NIGGER, 50 YEARS AGO BLAH BLAH BLAH". It's like how pathetic and low CAN you actually go? It's not even that it's "racist", he could have made a funny witty racist joke, but the fact that he just went on a racist rant like a 12 year old boy on Xbox Live is just sad.

Calling someone nigger is one thing but saying that 50 years ago the black guy would be having a fork shoved up his ass is a little too far

Michael Richards always seem unhinged to me if you watch the behind the scenes of Seinfeld and how he reacted to the others messing up.

this scene was kino

They made an episode about the aftermath of this event

>"Okay, you take the monkey's side"
JESUS what were they thinking by allowing this to be aired?

I guess the 90's were a different time

>watches south park
Underage b&


He did nothing wrong, the audience was being rude, and thus, deserved to be called niggers.

He just seemed like a guy who wanted to do his acting and then leave and not joke around. In the bloopers he always gets annoyed when the other actors start cracking up with laughter

Michael wasn't calling the audience niggers, he was calling one black man a nigger and then stated how if the black man was living 50 years ago he would be killed

A little extreme but then I am not a comedian

That's professionalism, I'm sure he got sick of their Jewish shenanigans after a few seasons.

You're right, he just screamed at them. and people should have just written this off because if he had just screamed at some his in a club people would have thought he overreacted but nobody would have been angry at him. But because he said the magical n word that casts a spell over blacks and makes tem relive slavery, he got so much shit.

It was just between him and the poor guys he yelled at and of course the other people in the audience who's evening he ruined because he couldn't keep his cool at hecklers
(Comedians are pretty self righteous in their anger toward hecklers, and I doubt he's the first one to snap at them)

What's the difference ?

The nigger shouldn't have been rude. 50 years ago that nigger probably would have been a whole lot less rude.

And he should apologize to them and the rest of the nation (including the guys at South Park) shouldn't have cared because he yelled at two guys on a club and not every black person in the country


>he said nigger boo hoo

Honestly, I would have just laughed if I was in the audience. It's not like one word would ruin my evening. I'd be more pissed at the nigger heckler. For fucks sake, Bill Hicks basically said Hitler did nothing wrong at one of his shows.

I was 15 when I watched it, give me a break.

>Bill Hicks
The ultimate eighth grader comedian


Yeah he just screamed like an autist but at least that's a more honest approach. At he he isn't some faux intellectual like Fatton Oswalt, and respond to hecklers with a pretentious rant.


The fact that anyone calls South Park red pilled is laughable. No, I don't say they're blue pilled because they're not advocating to gas the kikes or even just not letting the white race die out, but take a situation where a guy yelled nigger. It wast nice but it doesn't concern them.
If a fat guy was pissing me off, I'd call him a fat fuck. It isn't nice but nobody would get their testicles in a knot about it.

And take that episode. Randy hestitantly said nigger. He clearly didn't want to but thought it would be the answer so he said it. According to them, there is no coming back from hesitantly saying a word on a game show.

Listen to how self righteous they were on the commentary 'if there was a word that was as offensive to white people it would be banned'

What a crock of shit. Maybe white people know that when they hear words, that making a media storm out of it isn't the best response. The best response would be to turn the other cheek but of course most people don't myself includes. But instead of making a big media shitstorm about it, you just turn back and call the guy something.

Inherently, the word redneck, a slur against whites, is just as offensive as nigger because it was used to describe the descendants of irish slaves in the West Indies.

But do white people give a shit when you call them a redneck? No

So Matt and Trey should shit their mouths to focus sucking on the nigger dicks so they so desperately love.

>you can get your life ruined if you say a doubleplus ungood word in the land of the free

>taking Sup Forums opinion this seriously


Based Kramer

looks like uncle trying to look cool in front of his kids

the B plot to that episode was Stan realizing he doesn't understand how it would feel to be called nigger as a black person and that he should just let it go and stop trying to make sense of it.

>calling someone a redneck is the same thing as calling someone a nigger

are you for real

i'm not a racist
that's what so insane about this



>whoa dude are you for real oh wow I can't even
Yeah. Redneck is a slur against whites, nigger is a slur against blacks. There is nothing inherently different about them, you've just been trained to think otherwise.

Same goes for Cracker

>are you for real
Are you a 20 year old Mexican girl?

>that fucking heckler shitting all over him and then saying "MAN YOU WENT TOO FAR CRACKA THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR"

These are the people that cry about getting shot while robbing a store.


niggers are a waste

Seinfeld did suck though



Soon we will only need 50 different words (20 being genders) to express ourselves. think of how easy life will be

This is the face of autism.

nice pasta. I hope.

I specifically remember it being on the news. It was a big deal before South Park ever touched it. I think they even implied he was going for shock humour and it backfired, which is the only really defence he could have gone with



We're too busy being better people to be offended.