Muh freedoms!

>Muh freedoms!

NFL player uses freedom of speech to support a cause.

>Autistic screeching

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Remember, freedom of speech not freedom from consequences! :^)

>muh freedom from being criticized


The thing is, the people criticizing haven't proved that they need to be taken seriously.


Not all of them. It's still an sizable minority who claim to be boycotting, and there's no reason to assume that they aren't casuals anyway.

How is that fedora posting? He's right. This has nothing to do with free speech. Nobody is going to jail for any of this shit.

Why does everything have to be about conserivtivea and lierarals? When is the moderarate side going to get some attention, dammit>

It's not the cause, you idiot. It's the reasoning behind it.

Blacks are 13% of the population but commit almost 50% of the violent crime in this country. Yet, we're somehow supposed to feel sorry for them when they don't listen to police, attack them, and then get killed?

If the athletes really gave a shit, they'd preach to black communities and use their status in order to tell them to stop breaking the fucking law. That's it.

You want to stop police brutality? Stop nigging. This notion that black people are somehow 100% innocent when a cop shoots them is ridiculous.

You think these animals have any concept of authority?

>shooting unarmed people is acceptable because the cops can't be expected to do a better job anyway

you're the problem.

I don't get it, is the NFL owned by the state or is a private company? Because in Sweden people can fire you from a private company without infringing freedom of speech

I guess liberals only do this when they agree with cause.

>But when the president of the United States invites you and all your teammates to the White House to honor your Stanley Cup championship, you go and represent the team.

>On Monday, Thomas instead chose to represent himself.

I hope e!spn is "praising" lebron.

>There’s no disputing the argument that Thomas’ decision has been a distraction to the team. How could it not be, with the entirety of the media, from hockey beat writers to sports dislikers, weighing in? (Almost immediately, cryptic and critical reports from vague “team sources” suggested that Thomas was destroying the locker room; when he didn’t play the next night, people murmured that he might be on his way out.)

No, and sadly, it's true. I want to like people and I want to have faith in people, but blacks have shown time and again that they simply cannot coexist in a civilized society.


Except most of the time they're not. I've been arrested twice in my life and guess what? It was because I was doing something I shouldn't have been doing. I was young and stupid. Yet, neither time did I resist, neither time did I mouth off, and neither time did I make any sort of hostile movement or gesture.

Do as the police officer says and you'll be fine. It's not rocket science.

I agree with you to a certain level. But blacks do get treated differently.

there would be more arrests if whites were treated like blacks get treated. Although black culture should get some blame on the higher arrest rates.

>I was young and stupid.

Judging but the rest of your post, you still are.

Why do you think they get treated differently? It might not sound fair, but they've earned a reputation over decades. It's hard to give them the benefit of the doubt anymore.

Why do they get treated differently?

>this is what CTE riddled football players are kneeling for

because of mentalities like

>Laws that go heavily against blacks
>Politicians connected smoking pot with “evil negros” back in the 20s
>Connecting MLK Jr. and the Civil Rights with communism to incite fear against blacks and their bid for equality
>Enslaving blacks because they were considered less than human
Man, I wonder where they got this negative reputation?


How fuckin' hard is it to not act like a nigger?

that's pretty disturbing. people like this shouldn't be cops.

you mean where white people in power were enslaving them and lynching them. you are given less opportunities when you are poor. I mean they can work harder but I kinda understand the grind now when I am working a wage slave job with no real ending in sight. You are willing to do a lot more things to reach financial stability

I am not saying they are 100% innocent. Some of them need to work harder. their culture a lot of the time champions the drug dealer/thug.

Until that pie chart becomes 100% black, there's no justification in racism and it remains nothing more than a form of mental retardation.

You mean awesome. Don't charge a cop with his gun drawn and act like you're about to pull a pistol, common fucking sense really.

You also aren't black, they don't give them the benefit of the doubt like your pompous lily white ass because of those statistics you quoted eariler

>>Laws that go heavily against blacks

Literally fucking illegal.

Name said laws, please.

Injun here. Never had any trouble with the cops because I don't act like a dumb nigger.

>the left is winning
>white supremacists forever losing
>trump might actually lose all 50 states in 2020

Thank you so much, Mr. President. You've done more damage to the right than us liberals could ever dream of doing.

Can't believe that racist Donald Trump voting asshole shot the unarmed child that was just reaching into his pocket and pantomiming drawing a weapon. Smdh. #WhyWeNeel

>jim crow laws

>stats prove blacks commit more violent crimes
>we should just ignore those stats and assume every black is non-violent

>left is winning

[Citation needed]

Blacks get treated differently FOR A FUCKING REASON. This reason is right in front of you and you refuse to accept it.

they said that before last election too. I really do hope someone other than communist bernie sanders comes up

>jim crow laws
Not even around anymore.

Tell me which jim crow law is still in effect.

>i-i i totally thought he had a g-gun, guys! i mean, i didn't see it, but.... he's black so it's okay!

cop sounds like a total pussy tbqh

I hope the far cuck and left white cuck kill each other and leave the white women for the rest of us

t. preps black bulls

A. Only 2% of people owned slaves

B. There are more slaves now in Africa than there ever were in the US

C. The first man to ever own a slave in the US was black

D. It happened a long fucking time ago. There are dozens of government programs specifically designed to help blacks achieve success. Yet, they get squandered.

i don't look at race, i look at everything objectively, and what i saw in that video was a guy who's clearly too easily threatened to be a cop.

Christ. This is why blacks will never make it out of their slump. People like you are holding them down by not forcing them to take responsibility for their actions. Victim complex destroys people.

Drumpf supporters are uneducated, poor and vote against their own interests

>people charging at officers who reach behind them and whip their hidden hand around should just let it happen brah

Seriously kill yourself.

They're protesting because their "brothers" can't handle being caught doing crimes and they want to say it's the color of their skin... BAKA FAMALAM

yeah but you guys are bringing up decades of discrimination never existed.

Meanwhile a nigger shoot up a church and no sign of it anywhere in the news. But yeah america is sooo racist..

The nigger was high on sizzurp and charging a cop with a gun drawn. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes boy :^).

Because i see "white" on that pie chart too. How do you know i'm not one of them? How i do know YOU'RE not one of them? Because, by that logic, that makes you just as much of a nigger as them.

>they're just using their first amendment rights to express themselves
>therefore you shouldn't be able to criticize them

seeing some all time retarded arguments today

also I think this protest is stupid because they picked something to protest means too many different things to too many people, so they're just dividing people over something that doesn't really have anything to do with what they're protesting in the first place

A cop is taught to preserve his own life in that situation. It's called the heat of the moment and you have to make snap decisions. You people literally think a cop should always wait until he has a gun pulled on him before he fires?

No one said that at all. We're talking current times, bud. Blacks have never had it so good. If they'd lead civilized lives, they'd be fine. There literally is no conspiracy to keep black people down, despite what liberals want you to believe. Blacks keep themselves down.

We have 17 year old black kids who will gobble shit like this up and the lroblem will continue, dumbass youre letting the problem continue.

Anybody under 25 who plays slavery card has a victim complex

Doesn't fit the narrative. Dude had a picture of kneeling too as his cover photo. You think the media dare show that? kek

>Three strikes and you’re out
Goes heavily against those with drug possession or use. You’re going to be thrown into prison for life for some crack or pot?
>Mandatory Sentencing
Also goes with the Three Strikes but you’re automatically thrown into jail for a mandatory sentence over simple possession

Look, I agree there are bad eggs in each race/religion but come on, how can’t you see bias against minority’s in the United States!

His life wasn't at stake. Sounds easily threatened to me.

Fucking this. A dozen black people could go around killing whites and say fuck whitey and the news would be like, "Is race a motive?" If they even covered ti all.

it's a private organization made up of the 32 teams. It's the commissioner who has the ultimate authority in any case like it or not.

>in Sweden people can fire you from a private company without infringing freedom of speech
same in America

You're asking for something that is impossible to achieve without a full dictatorship and a perfect society. Complete nonsense.

But even they favoured blacks. Blacks were net receivers of free stuff even then, lol.

Best is when cops shoot someone who is either resisting or carrying some small weapon like that one crazy bitch with a butter knife. All that training and you don’t know how to properly disarm some skinny cunt with something you spread peanut butter with?

Then in that case, there's no point in generalizing.

How is it more biased towards blacks? Do blacks do more drugs? Maybe stop doing drugs?

That doesn't really prove anything.

Why is Sup Forums as a collective seem like such an echo chamber for alt right autist? Sup Forums and /fit/ seem more rational and reasonable boards but like the majority of Sup Forums users have swallowd the alt right dildo pill

Take your shitty NFL shenanigans to Sup Forums.

This is fucking Sup Forums you fucking autstitic monkeys.

Why would you give someone the benefit of the doubt when it could cost you your life? What if they really have a gun?

If you don't want to get shot, don't act threatening, don't act like you have a gun. Simple.

>alt right

Hivemind. Sup Forums is what's edgy and popular right now, so lots of these kids go there and try and fit in, because they use Sup Forums as a way to "belong" to a specific subculture.

>Kaepernick specifically said he is kneeling over the mistreatment of blacks and those of color
What is so hard to understand about that?

>alt right
Is that an indie bookstore?

Black lives matter but its her body her choice to kill a baby. Versus bix nood.

>only blacks do drugs


Why do whites that commit the same non violent drug possession crimes have statistically got way less punitive sentences than their black counterparts that get the books thrown at them?

If you see a guy reaching behind his back for something, what are you gonna do? Are you going to wait and see what it is?

You'd be dead 9 times out of 10.

[citation needed]

Blacks get away with more shit trust me im from flint. And white people get their kids taken away a lot faster

>Stop doing drugs
Tell that to all of the heroin addicts in this Opioid Epidemic. Shit ain’t easy when you’re living in poverty and squaller. Best chance for some blacks is to deal drugs too, most specifically crack during the 80s. You associate crack with blacks and that’s how you get em. That’s how mandatory sentencing works.

But at least he wasn't easily threatened, bro.

Gonna need a source on that.

America seems to be a mess right now but is really being against disrespecting the national anthem and rioting black people considered "alt right"?

>only blacks do drugs in plublic or in their car with music blasting at 2 in the afternoon when every other adult is working be he dun have to.

>Are you going to wait and see what it is?
>You'd be dead 9 times out of 10.
Where'd you get those statistics? Breitbart?

>freedom from consequences

Sup Forums here, I'm so glad that these niggers decided to fight this battle. They have no clue that the average NFL fan is staunchly Conservative, and this only pushed them further to the right.

I think the Left in America completely forgot that one of the main aspects of politicking in a 2 party system is to not antagonize your opponent so you don't radicalize them, and that seems to be the new M.O. for the Left in the Trump era. The more they protest, the more they openly try to influence traditionally non-political events like sports, the more they piss off otherwise friendly conservatives and make them increasingly unlikely to agree with your point of view.

They have no idea the hornet's nest they swatted at today. They have no idea that they were fucking with the American religion, especially for conservatives. If they honestly thought they were going to win recruits today then they are seriously fucking idiots.

I'm guessing you lack common sense, but

So if you see a guy reaching behind his back acting like he has a gun, then bring his arm forward acting like he has a gun, you're going to wait until he finishes bring his arm toward you until you fire?

If he really had a gun and the cop did all that, he'd be dead before he had a chance to defend himself. Why should the cop assume someone acting like they have a gun doesn't have a gun when it could mean his life?


Its just that the niggers dont even know what their protesting. Its an. Irreconsilable iq problem. The niggers aint got no sense. When they were in africa they never built anything.

Lol youre such a pussy. Armchair badass over here.

Except the ratings have been going down and protesting has been a culprit.

Honestly, it depends on the ratings this week. Pundits have been clamoring about how great the games were so far, so if the ratings still go down, Trump was right. PERIOD.

Generalize what? I'm just saying that the black community has to commit crime at a lower rate, otherwise police will continue to target them. 13% of the population committing 50%+ of violent crime is incredibly high and a massive problem. You are keeping black people down by ignoring this.

Today we have learned that racists are still racist. The trick here is you can't make it about respect for the flag when you are just mad that people are different than you.

But since he waited until he finished drawing his weapon the black criminal was able to survive. Who cares if an innocent cop just doing his job dies or not. Black criminals lives matter more.

>Cuntserviatives mad about black people expressing their first amendment rights
>Totally ok with President questioning the press and stating them as the enemy of the people
Go back to Sup Forums you literal embodiment of cancer

>Black criminals lives matter more.

So many people think this, too.

It's not 13% committing 50%. It's like 5% if you just count black males above 12 committing like 40-45% of violent crime. You're being too generous.

stop projecting your own racism on people that just don't like politics in their sportsball.

thank youuuuu

Press is biased and fake news anyway. Those fuckwits are still bitching about muh ruskies.