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Ride on time > For (you)


Good stuff op. The genre is called citypop. Lot of good compilations on youtube.

RIP Miki Matsubara

probably the best one

check out Hiroshi Sato's stuff and Testpattern

Probably anything from Taeko...

that's a big album

Tatsuro Yamashita - For You.


There was a mega link but I don't have it anymore.


holy shit, makes me wanna be at summer already. cool stuff

4:00 AM is the funkiest song ever

Um, user...

That's a big album

Naah Taeko>Junko
she also has good stuff though..

Junko Furuta >Junko

How did Japanese city pop artists manage to put so much FUNK into their songs?

It's called the 80's, everyone did it. Why do people act like city pop was anything but Japan's take on popular western music at the time? They didn't invent anything

that's why I never say it's innovative or something like that. It's just some really good stuff I discovered and truly enjoy, that's it, no need to label it.

Internet subcultures


that's the song that got me into her. I love the epic background vocals on that thing.

I always preferred Melodies and Big Wave, but For You is alright.

After 5 Clash > Both

considering Tatsuro Yamashita was a contributor, this album is bound to draw comparisons

city pop can be weird, the good stuff is really good but then theres also a lot of mediocre shit

citypop deserves the hype anyway. if you read a little more about those singer you will discover that almost all of them are very respected musicians that even after the decay of city pop, continued working on music, some on international level.

I think a lot of Sup Forums falls for the citypop meme and doesn't dig a little deeper into what inspired a lot of citypop artists. Like YMO for example has some insane electronic shit, and a lot of these citypop records involved YMO members, or were heavily influenced by them

yep. take this for example: Ryuichi Sakamoto
Haruomi Hosono
Yasuaki Shimasu
Chris Parker


Just got a copy of that record in the mail. Great for a weekend morning

damn how much did that cost you? I can only find copies online for like $200+