The first time I listened to this I was high on meth

The first time I listened to this I was high on meth.

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i was on pot the first time I heard GUMMO

What's the story behind the meth user

Can you explain to me why you would ever use meth

I was drunk on God's love the first time I listed to it.

I bet that was fun. Just go get some ritalin instead though, it's better for you and it's legal.

wait is that an actual album cover? that's not adventure time OC fanart?

ritalin fucking sucks

meth vs. ritalin is like comparing fucking a porn star to getting your dick chopped off with a dull knife while you watch some meth head fuck your bitch

I use meth every once in a while because it gets you high as fuck and it's pretty fun while you're on it. I try not to use it a lot so I don't fuck up my life too bad. Still has affected me negatively in some ways but I genuinely enjoy using it occasionally. Wouldn't recommend if you've never used it though. Way too easy to take it too far.

It's good for your teeth and your psyche.

Be safe friend
Do a little lsd when you get the chance

because it takes 10 hours to ejaculate

Thanks user I will. I've done acid before and had an opportunity to recently but didn't because I wasn't in the right headspace.
That's definitely part of the appeal. When you finally orgasm it feels fucking amazing and you can jack off multiple times in the same night with the same effect.

cocaine is like an expensive pack of cigarettes where adderall is a cheap one

be safe user. i tried just a little once. it was probably midnight and i was up until 9 or 10 that morning playing fifa on dreamcast.

reading a book called methland right now actually. terrifying descriptions of the effects on the body.

this one guy blew his mom's house up, melted the skin off his body so he has no nose and has to flick a lighter with the little nubs he has for fingers. somehow got visitation rights for his kids though.

how is that appealing? i could understand 2 or 3 like with ecstacy but that just sounds painful.

real niggas smoke salvia n listen to this shit

this what i think of when i hear the word salvia

It's a tryptamine, chemically very similar to mushrooms or DMT. Dosage is a huge factor, but yeah it can show you some nutty things. You gotta be prepared for it, and it helps to have other humans around that will stop you from doing stupid shit if you lose control. Also it lasts like only 15 min and it's legal in many states (sold in smoke shops).

yeah but it's legal and free

yeah the album art was stolen

A meth head who I know who frequently says this stole $20 Pretty sure you're going to end up fucking your family over because there's it is only all or nothing with meth. but good luck lying to yourself

*from me

Salvinorin A is considered a Dissassociative actually. Salvia is a very different psychedelic.

I'm well aware this makes I typed this out like a retard but you get my drift


why are you posting kramer

kramer is based