Trump's attacks on the NFL are about respecting the flag

>Trump's attacks on the NFL are about respecting the flag

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It's obviously his way of getting back at the media that constantly attacks him by burning them in their pocketbook.

Pretty clever move

Don't you know the story behind the USFL?


Explain yourself

yes, probably also part of it.

But NBC CBS ABC are bashing him 24/7

are we suppose to know what the fuck this is

He's still butthurt about the USFL and the Bills.

For anyone unfamiliar:

>USFL established in mid 1980s
>decides to compete head to head with NFL and gets their ass kicked, one of the big owners pushing the change was trump
>they basically put all their chips into suing the NFL as a monopoly
>win some parts of the case but nowhere near enough, get dissolved
>eventually awarded compensation of three dollars, plus 76 cents of interest

Imagine being a man elected to the highest office in the world, but holding petty grudges like a middle school girl

If your not petty, you'll never get rich

It's obviously his way of appealing to his paranoid, knuckle-dragging base. The one that thinks NASCAR is a sport.

There are a lot of very petty but very poor people out there, so the connection is superfluous.

>Trump's attacks
>Not realising your getting Triggered by an AI Twitter bot or his staffers that write this shit for him


t. butt hurt retard who STILL needs to push lies about the guy who sent his loser candidate packing

donald trump is the 45th POTUS and there isn't SHIT you can do about it, bitch.

>USFL is a football league for Spring Football during the NFl offseason
>Begins to gain ground
>Chairman gets terminal cancer and Trump takes over
>Changes the schedule to coincide with the NFL
>Gets demolished
>trump sues the NFL for three billion dollars
>Actually wins but court rules he's retarded for asking for so much and award him $3.76. Essentially bankrupting the USFL
>To this day claims he did nothing wrong.

You've gotta look at everything and not let anything go if you want to be a business man as succesful as Trump is

And Fox also broadcasts games... most Trump supporters believe Fox News is fair


Hillary's at Costco signing her book. LOL

>he thinks Dump is a "successful businessman"


Imagine being this stuck in the coinflip philosophy

Imagine crying about the USFL all day.

Can't wait to see Muller take him down and charges him with obstruction of justice . Got my popcorn ready

Well he could probably buy the Cavs 20 times over, so much for a "Bum"

He's got so much money I don't think he's even taking a salary from The Presidential role

>le 4d chess maymay

That, and when they turned down his ownership group to buy the Bills.
Nobody nurses a grudge like Donald.

How much does Putin pay you Kremlin shill?

The fuck you talking about?

>Worth 3.5 billion
>Cavs probably worth 2 billion

Plus he thought he could maneuver the NFL into accepting HIS Usfl team into their real league.

That didn't happen either.

So he's like a Pats fan still upset that Carolina shut them down in the End Zone a couple of years back...

And yet if he'd just put Daddy's money in an index find he's be far richer today than he actually is.

Remember to sage

He literally owns 2 planes.

How many planes do you own?

>>Worth 3.5 billion

What's the source for that number? I'm seeing really divergent numbers on what he might be worth.

Which is always the most retarded statement ever.
>If he never spent any money on anything ever for 40 years he would have more

They were purchased for $375M in 2005, 5 seconds on google that's all it takes

Damn i hate arguing with dumb niggas


>thinking owners pay full lump sum for teams

Gonna be stale in 7 years and 3 months bro

The pregames are up? What about the actual, you know, games..

And the Cubs were bought for $900 million in 2009 and are now worth 2.8 Billion.

Fun fact, things increase in value.

I got no planes, but I got one of these 90' Octopus kites from New Zealand, so that's pretty fun.


Thankee kindly.

> won't release his tax returns because Russia money laundering and he's insecure that he's not worth that much

>massing corruptors to transition into broodlord.

Impressive New Zealand.

>implying that people that watch NBA voted for drumpf

Sup Forums absolutely CANNOT deal with the fact that the President has destroyed their precious handegg

Who the fuck are the Cubs? Besides Trump could still afford them too Kek, I'll tell you who couldn't tho, Lebron James, Kaepernick and other washed up niggly bear bums like them

It's obnoxious watching this obvious gamergate 2.0 "NFL is dead" campaign, tbqh.

>Who the fuck are the Cubs?

Don't you have a call to prayer you need to attend?


No one cares about Baseball in 2017

We're talking about what he "invested" his money in, idiot. I.e. his supposedly genius "business decisions." Nobody is saying he should never have spent any money, just that the way he chose to manage his investments was incredibly stupid in light of the head start he received.

Read up on his blunders in the USFL for example, it's hilarious if you aren't a partisan faggot.

t. partisan faggot

nah just not retarded, you people smell funny

Let me white-splain to these white people
It’s not about the anthem
It’s not about the flag
It’s about injustice you’ve never experienced because you are white

It’s about knees in backs
And forearms on necks
It’s about stop and frisk
It’s about bullets in backs
It’s about sentences being handed out with out a trial
It’s about being looked at as a lesser man
But god forbid they ever question the man

When they’re on the streets it’s about “why can’t you be peaceful?”
When they’re on their knee it’s about “why can’t you be respectful?”
When it’s really about why can’t you keep your mouth shut.

I can’t breath because justice is not equal
I can’t breath because people aren’t being treated as equals
I can’t breath because you’ve got a hand around his neck because he was selling loose cigarettes
I can’t breath because you shot him in the back and then tried to make it look like it was an attack
I can’t breath because you stopped him because his pigment doesn’t “belong” in this neighborhood

We can’t breath as a country because our leader is a divider instead of a unifier
Make America great again he says
But for who? You?
What about the rest of us?
The voiceless and the downtrodden
The people who’ve been beaten to remain silent
Make America great please
But first you need to acknowledge that things aren’t equal
Because we can’t breath.


why is kneeling for the anthem disrespectful but waving the confederate flag isnt?

>he said, waving the USSR flag

See what I mean?

You have marching orders and key phrases.

It's all so transparent.

>When it’s really about why can’t you keep your mouth shut.



What is partisan about anything I said? Do objective facts make you upset?

Because the Confederate flag is part of US history

lol what?

Didn't they start counting online views as overall views this season?

so is the right to protest

On a scale of butthurt to assblasted, how angry are you?

Protest what? Having a police force?

So is Sherman's March to the sea, but you don't see us burning Atlanta to the ground every year.

lmao got this from the WSHH Facebook page btw

Because they aren't exclusive.

I can respect the american flag, and still have pride in being a southerner in an era we are told by media to be ashamed of who we are.

You mean being told you should be ashamed of being racist? Stop pretending bigotry is just some inherent part of southern charm; nobody in "the media" excoriates any legitimate southern attributes.

Liberals call anyone who fights back "petty". This is how they attempt to frame things. Either you sit there and soak up punishment like George W our you're "petty".

Not this time faggots.


to protest what exactly?

Try telling people in Glasgow that the Irish flag is part of British history.

If you think the battle flag means slavery is cool, you have never been south of mason dixon.

>liberals want to peacefully protest, back away from fights
>liberals want to fight like a man
>animals, niggers, subhuman



They would acknowledge that it is

Your comment shows that you don't really understand Britain, would have been better if you said, try telling people in Ireland that the Northern Irish flag is part of their History

>liberals tweet back at racist orange man
>get raped over the coals by other racists for causing a ruckus
>liberals do nothing
>have to watch as a racist ruins their country

we literally can't win as long as HE'S in the white house.

>It's obviously his way of getting back at the media that constantly attacks him by burning them in their pocketbook.

This is correct. People at large are boycotting NFL because of it, including myself. I used to watch my team play on-and-off but after this I think I'm just going to stick with baseball.

Trump essentially baited the NFL and they took the bait hook, line, and sinker. Now sales will dip heavily because a large portion of the NFL's fanbase are ex-military.

Really fucking stupid move on the NFL, altogether.

I could care less whether I know British history, all that matters is you know what I meant. In every other place in the world, they either outlaw symbols of old regimes altogether (Germany) or leave statues up in isolated places for people to deface or reflect (east Asian countries).

Then how come the Confederate flag was the flag of the state of Georgia until 2001?

delete this

Holy fuck he managed to fail even when he's right. You have to be a pretty big cuck to do that.

>if you disagree with me once, clearly you are connected to something else I don't like in some sort of grand Jewish conspiracy because my autistic world view only works if literally everyone is out to get me

He saw an opportunity and grabbed it. NFL ratings are down, many reasons to it, he wants to claim he did it.

And you all literally voted for him?

that's because southerners literally think they won the civil war. Took them till 2001 to realize they actually lost and their flag looks kind of stupid

No one said anything about jews.

Are you okay?

Because it's Georgia, and I (or anyone else) didn't know it was part of their flag because nobody cares about Georgia. If Georgia's state flag was important, it would've been an issue, but it's obvious that nobody cared. That, and people would've just looked at it and assumed it's just rednecks being crazy about that south-will-rise-again shit as usual.

most people didn't

why wouldn't we vote for someone like that? He turned a shitty rec league into $3.7 billion in proft. Even when he loses, he really wins