David Bowie married THIS?

David Bowie married THIS?

she looks p good there but usually I'm not feelin her

Isn't she the queen in MJ's Remember the Time music video?

I wasn't sure about it until you brought it up.
Yup, that's her.

yes he did.


She's pretty hot looking there. What's the problem?

and for good reason

He's so out of her league it isn't even funny

Joanna Newsom married THIS?

BONUS the closest mj and david bowie came to each other was awkwardly bumping knees

Bowie was openly bi so.....

Honestly I just find it strange he had a black wife. White male and black female are so rare, especially for someone who can literally get any girl in the world.

was there an issue between the two? It seemed during the 80's, both of their popularity's would be perfect for a collab

nigga have you listened to his music? de niro and george lucas, THAT is surprising.

Was this taken in their kiddy porn dungeon

Who tops?

Grills like funny guys

>he gets to admire that ass every day

Supposedly he's actually very serious

i'll be damned.

I thought Bowie married a man?

>I thought Bowie married a man?
Nope. 2 women.
One insufferable cunt for 5 years until breaking it off in the mid 70s.
Then he got married to Iman in 92 and was very happy with her till death.

He married I Man