What’s the most obscure band you can think of (that isn’t just some local or regional band)?

What’s the most obscure band you can think of (that isn’t just some local or regional band)?

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Caroliner rainbow, although that's more of an art project

Poets of Rhythm


Every obscure band is local you dipshit

this, OP is fag

death grips

Frank Riggio

Christian and The Hedgehog Boys

OP probably asks bands on social media how he can get presale tickets to house shows

Is it wrong to reserve a ticket to a standing room show? I did it once but I didn't think anyone cared.

Hall & Oates


Grape Digging Sharon Fruits

Cradle of Filth

Shit Ghost.


my band

thank you

My acapella act that surfaces whenever i take a shower

my brand

sweet smoke

Shoot the Sun


The Gerogerigegege

Box Codax. It's a side project of one of the guys from Franz Ferdinand. I kinda like Hellabuster.

ghost mutt

thought of the group. I like their hand-crafted artwork


Me singing in the shower. Only one listener: me

Tokyo Anal Dynamite has over 1,000 ratings on RYM, wouldn't really label that obscure. Good band though.

Neutral Milk Hotel

giant sand

They wouldn't be obscure anymore if I told you.

An user's band he made after he dropped out of college around three years ago.

yes but there is soooo much more to gerogerigegege than just tokyo anal dynamite, (not even his best rock n roll stuff)

Off the top of my head
Kill Bill and all of EXO if rappers count
If just bands Plumtree I guess but they're kinda known because of Scott Pilgrim

Rightfully so, no other noise rock album will top it.

>no other noise rock album will top it.
have you heard the first two Gore albums user?

meadow house

Some experimental electronic producer who releases cassettes underground. Wears a skull mask with horns, literally nobody ever knows about him and google brings up shit.


No, but I’ll check em out.

Skeleton Staff

Tages, easily

as dena
william basinki
electric universe

>william basinski
are you serious

U2. Ah fuck never mind they're from Ireland. This is too hard OP

The Smiths

One question, is there any musician that has the mental problem that bones from the tv show bones have?

I would like to see what music this kind of msician would do

The Sup Forumssicians that released tonefield albums.
They arent local and not even Sup Forums cares about them or the genre.
Even Sup Forums think it sucks, and thats something

The most underground not local band at those bands that just release a single song at an compilation made by a not so famous net label.

G-Gas, Japanese HC. Self-released a cassette in 84 that I picked up for a buck at the flea market the other day.