The music stops. He walks out. Within the first five seconds of his monolouge

"So Trump...."

Every Monday-Thursday. Every Show. Always Trump. He can't stop. It's all he thinks about. The weekend brings no respite. He's not talking about Trump. But he's thinking about him. And then it's Monday. Time to do it again. For 8 years. 8 excruciating years. How long before he snaps?

"So Trump..."

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't wait until you feel the pinch. You fucking garbage people are gloating in the face of the collapse of your life.

Hollywood will never ever like Trump. That much is obvious. But, there will be a time where Hollywood will learn to respect Trump

Yeah. Why can't these inbred hicks understand that it's in their best interest to give all blue collar jobs to Mexican immigrants, all white collar jobs to Indian immigrants, all manufacturing jobs to overseas Chinese slaves and all remaining public service and education jobs to blacks and women?

You stunned cunts are now aligned with Russia. Take that in. Think what had to happen to make you enjoy that. You're programmable garbage pieces of flesh.

In order for us to witness the fruition of the prophecies, the grip of the earthly powers must be made tighter. And we must all rejoice at their ascension.

first one every time. How's the weather in tel aviv?

Liberals will never forgive Russia for abandoning communism, will they?

They're not going to chinese slaves, they're not going to Indian slaves, they're not going to mexicans slaves. They're being Roboticized. That's it, that's all. Productivity has destroyed employment on a VAST scale. They've created deep learing AIs that are smarter than Doctors at coming up with cancer treatments FFS.

He's got 5 nights a week to fill with jokes, and Trump is always in the news. Even if it's annoying it's bound to happen, and you know it's not just Colbert. Almost every late night comedian has Trump-centric material every night.

It's only fair, since for the last eight years they made fun of Obama using scathing jokes such as...


You people are like listening to "the oldies", you really don't know anything about whats happening in your future and you have no clue how to react.

You seem like women hoping someone will figure it out for you.


Exactly. What kind of backwards fucktard even watches late night television anymore? Colbert's entire career is an outdated relic.

Because Trump is the president? Is it weird to talk about the president? I don't understand the complaint.

>it's another Trumplrina is triggered thread
Are we gonna get threads of butthurt every time somebody pokes fun at the man for the next four straight years?

That "understanding" was implanted by Republican propagandists (Rush Limbaugh, etc.), singing the praises of "free market capitalism" day after day.

>Is it weird to talk about the president?
It was for a while

>libcucks wake up in cold sweats with stomach pains thinking about Trump

god I fucking love this shit

it hasnt even officially started yet either

You know what? I'm not going to argue with you on that point at all.

So why did Trump throw the shittiest piece of neocon economic theory in the trash, and why did Hillary Clinton then dive into that same fucking dumpster to retrieve it?

8 years

Comedians have no right to disrespect our intrepid political leaders!

Sup Forums might not agree but life is a lot easier without a tv at home. Just follow 3 or 4 shows a year and ignore all the political stuff.

Is free speech not a right in this country? Doesn't our President himself practice free speech even when people want to silence him?

If you don't learn how to handle a joke by then it's gonna be a long eight years for you


That's the only set in stone concept you need to accept. It's utterly carved in stone.


what TED talk did you watch.

You all have a date with clinical depression and will need a massive SSRI onload.

>8 years
>16 years

>Implying the next 8 years aren't going to be anything other than great.

Wew lass

What the fuck backwoods world are you living in? They're selling AI mainframe time to every major corporation right now. Are you not reading the news? Are you from Alabama and not tuned in?

Because Trump had basic political intuitions whereas Clinton refused to mentally step outside the insider, donor-dominated bubble she has lived in for decades. I'm not defending Clinton, I'm saying the movement toward free trade and globalism is mostly a Republican project, with some accompanying support from DLC-oriented Dems.


I voted for Trump simply because I wanted to be entertained, and by holy shit its been comedy gold so far, and man's not even officially in office yet
>slinging shit back at the media
>calling out fake news, garbage websites
>triggering people every time he opens his mouth
Goddamn i've never had so much fun watching politics. The next 4-8 years are gonna be amazing.

In which case Trump flat out telling the Mitt Romneys and Paul Ryans of the world to go fuck themselves is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party since Eisenhower?

Because they're both god awful pieces of shit

Possibly the worst two candidates of all time managed to be in the same race together


>8 years

Something about counting chickens before they hatch

Stop believing the garbage hype. Being patriotic means supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

Btw, Putin is a duplicitous thug. You know it, I know it, Trump know it. We don't trust or align with him any more than any other world dictator. Trump is shaking shit up, and it needs to be shaken up. Too much dead wood.

Now Sup Forums has to start a thread and get in arguments with strangers online every time someone makes fun of Trump though.

It's too bad too, because there was one scandal after another, but nothing but crickets from late night.

>Since around 1990, however, the story has been very different. For a couple of reasons—lower transportation and communication costs (exemplified by the container ship revolution), a wholesale shift of developing economies away from import-substituting policies—we’ve seen a huge surge in North-South trade, that is, trade between countries at very different levels of development, with very large differences in wages. This trade still expands real income on both sides, but it has produced much bigger effects on industry employment and, probably, the distribution of income between labor and capital than the trade growth from 1950 to 1980. Chinese exports really have displaced millions of U.S. manufacturing jobs; imports from developing economies are an important reason, although not the only reason, for stagnating or declining wages for less-educated workers.

>As Branko Milanović has shown, the overall effect has been big gains for the third-world middle class and the global top 1 percent, with a big sag in between representing the advanced-economy working class. From a global welfare point of view, this is surely positive: the income gains of hundreds of millions of formerly very poor people matter a lot. But that’s not much comfort for first-world workers who find their lives getting harder, not easier.

Krugman might be a meme, but if there's one thing he knows a fuckton more about than you do, it's trade.

>Clinton has a 99.9999999999% chance of winning.

You don't say

>implying having Russia as an ally isn't great

This entire site is Sup Forums and we're purging this place of you reddit fucks. This board was better when it was all feet and disney threads. Now it's nothing more than shitty late night tv threads.

The day of the rope is here.

I just always thought that Common Core turned Americans into morons. Just made them protein filth. Are they not dumb as they seem?

>Quoting krugman

Please kiddo get off of Sup Forums and go back to taking out $30k/year in student loan debt for your shitty degree.

Literally me. Ive grown to hate and distrust any politician, but I don't see the system changing any time soon... so why not just vote for the one that makes me smile.

Do you even remember the Bush years? They hate Trump 10x as much as they hated him, and I didnt think that was possible.

>implying reddit isn't just Sup Forums or /r9k/ lite

Hehe remember that time we invaded Libya and plunged it into permanent anarchy

Or that time we overthrew the President of Egypt so an Islamist party could take over and then screamed when the military threw out the Islamists

Or when 1,000 more soldiers died in Afghanistan for no apparent reason

Or when we gave a bunch of AK-47s to a Mexican drug cartel and they immediately shot an ATF agent to death with them

Or when we bombed ISIS in Iraq while supporting ISIS in Syria and calling Russia war criminals for bombing ISIS there??

I feel bad for Colbert, to be honest. I still like him even with all of the liberal garbage he spews out of his mouth

>As dumb as they seem?

Must be, because I can't tell if you agree or disagree with me. Wtf is protein filth btw? Do they sell it in jars like marmite.

I don't think it's up to him, he is just told what to say most the time.

Bill Maher on the other hand, bitches about Trump every 10 minutes by choice and then cries that he gave Obama and Hilary millions, and they won't accept his offers to show up. Trump said he would but he's too scared to talk to him in person and just bitches about him all the time.

Or when the President declared the PATRIOT Act as illegal and unconstitutional then renamed it the USA FREEDOM Act and added a bunch of new surveillance powers to it and called Rand Paul a terrorist enabler for opposing it

Or when a trillion dollars in new spending on roads and bridges was approved and the money disappeared without building a single road or bridge for some reason

>Obama is a thousand foot pillar of oiled obsidian

>Implying god emperor Trump won't abolish term limits and stay on as Dictator in Perpetuity.

He lacks bants that's the problem, when he was on CC he had wit to him so everyone liked him even republicans. Now all he does is rant on his soap box.

I think it's because of a lack of writers due to all the late night shows spin offs from Stewart. They've spread themselves too thin so they can't turn out funny monologues 5 days a week.

Bill Maher should be talking about that. Colbert should be playing stupid games with celebs.

Fucking no talent Phil Hartman impersonator.

I wish someone would go on the show and imitate Phil Hartman's wife.

>they'll respect my meme clown, just you wait

Are Trump supporters underaged? Was this their first election?

Did you not miss the 8 years of "So Bush..."? Why are they acting like this is somehow some brand new mystifying concept that they can't understand why liberal late night is going to be talking about Trump for the next 8 years?

Even Bill Clinton got a few good years. I'd say Obama got off pretty clean by the pure fact of being so fucking boring that he didn't even get that many mild ribbings as Clinton did.


And yet, this film turned out to be fairly sympathetic.

>Too young to know Reagan

He experienced the highest ratings of his life (both on Colbert and Daily Show) during the 8 years of Bush.

He'll be fine. Late night is back on easy mode for the next 8 years.


It turned out to be fairly sympathetic to Bush because Cheney and Rumsfeld were actual supervillains and he was just a dimwitted evangelist they drug along for the ride

God above how long does he spend in the makeup chair?

>not sworn enemies

Which is pretty much how it went down in real life though.

except nowadays people can see through this shit, after 8 years of not a single joke at the expense of Hussein Obama.

You must not have remembered the bush years, that's ALL these fucks would talk about for 8 solid years. From curtain call to credits, Bush! Bush! Bush! Bush! Bush! BUSH! BUSH! BUSH! BUSH! BUSH! BUSH!
Then they would go back to their dressing rooms, take a swig of whisky, and muster up the courage to put the pistol back in the drawer and do it all over again tomorrow night.

Kinda surprised nobody had a dig at the drone strikes.

To be fair even most Bush bashers thought along those lines. At least all the ones I talk to. They're already sharpening their knives for Trump, but it'll be interesting once he's in to see if he's genuinely the anti-Christ and will sell us out to Russia, or if people will tell him he's a good boy with the best words while they do all the shit.

>implying hi show will last 8 years

imagine being this much of a cuck

>Magic robots will drive trucks through rain and snow and through road construction
>Trains will finally be robotized even though they still have people driving them on fucking rails.
>Robot programmers, magic.
>Magic robot plumbers and AC repair, C3P0
>Robots are always cheaper then people, no matter what.

I can tell you don't have a degree in business or understand basic economics.

You also don't know shit about programing or AI. They have been working on AI since the 1960s. Even you even had the slightest idea about how a google car worked, you would be greatly humbled at just how bad machines are at driving.

Retards like you though we would have fusion in the 80s.

Screen cap this if you want. Their will be people inside of cargo trucks for the next 50 years.

Yes, and we're expressing our free speech by refusing to watch their bile and making fun of them on Sup Forums

Lemme just take a screenshot of something Anonymous said on Sup Forums and keep it in my back pocket for the next 50 years.

Wrong? They (and if you want me to be specific, Michael Moore and his fans) claimed Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan for sheer personal gain.

You know I'm right.

Faggots like you don't even know how to make a webpage in HTML. You don't know fucking shit about robots, GPS, radar or how fucking robots work.

Cars are going to people in them for a long fucking time. Self driving cargo would only be used on highways.

Born in 77 here.

pre-k through 2nd grade we were bombarded with "USSR is a backwards hell hole and we might have to blow them up to "help" their people". Movies confirm. See Red Dawn and others.

Then Reagan and Gorbachev started talking.

Movies like Russkies and COUNTLESS others (like white nights (sp?) come out, showing that russians are just like us with silly accents and they are very oppressed. We should like them.

Mass immigration of Russian refugees. Nobody talks about that do they....tons of them came. Before them was Hmongs and shit.


In my lifetime I've been taught to hate russia, to feel sorry for them, to accept them, and now they are trying to make me hate them again???


Russians are fine and we need them as our friends. This is from me learning about them through dozens of russian refugee friends and shit. Conditions there are still rough but not as bad as they were. We could help make them great.

The libs just need a "boogey man" so they don't seem so god damned incompetent and/or retarded.

obama is a hilarious source of jokes

This debate reminds me of someone observing the Wright Brothers flight and saying "You train and boatfags are fucking finished, everyone in the world will be traveling by aeroplane or dirigible by the Year of our Lord 1920"

Or someone who traded in their horse for this

Why does no one mention the fact that obama ran on promises of ending the middle east conflict, and instead lit syria and libya on fire, and has flooded europe with unchecked hordes of refugees? Oh wait, its because this will mean the end of white people in europe, and therefore is a good thing to liberals


>after 8 years of not a single joke at the expense of Hussein Obama.

People made fun of Obama. Obamacare got a plenty of ribbing when the website didn't work, you thin skinned little shit. He just didn't make an ass of himself on a daily basis like Trump and was articulate, so there were less opportunities to make fun of him

What's wrong with not being openly antagonistic towards Russia? If it comes down to the economic choice between Russia and the EU/Britain then sure, I'd prefer the latter. If it comes down to war then you'd be an idiot not to choose Russia as an ally. Or be friends with both of them because they're all a part of Christendom. Russia literally dindu nuffin since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Thats my point.

This tech is so primitive right now and the people shilling it really don't understand the limitations and obstacles that still need overcome.

fucking this.

>elect an ass-hat
>get mad when people call him an ass-hat

fucking retards

the problem is both sides only want free speech when it helps them. Both sides get pissed if the joke is on them

Don't blame the people that voted for Trump. Blame the left and yourself, for pushing your agenda to the fucking hilt. This is the result. The left just fucking ruins everything.

BLM claims to be about police reform, but when they are revealed to be the race hustlers they are, actual reform will be impossible.

Campus kangaroo courts and women who cried rape and been proven to have lied have made people so skeptical of rape, that now actual rape victims will be labelled liars because they have no corroborating evidence.

It is literally all. your. fault.

Well he's sinking in the ratings

The age demographic that still watches late night TV doesn't want it to be constantly politics. Maybe a couple of jabs every episode, but there's other shit to talk about


And I believe it was James Cameron who looked at the (very impressive in their own way) Commodore 64 and Apple Macintosh and ZX Spectrum and then wrote "in 1997 the machines take over"

>my brother-in-law is a rapid Hillary fanboy
>100% certain Hillary is going to win election
>he teaches jr high social studies
>he signs up for chance to take students to the inauguration
>actually gets approved, becomes kinda insufferable talking non-stop about how amazing it's going to be to be at inauguration of 1st woman president
>Trump wins, now he's forced to spend a week in DC basking in the gloriousness that is Trump

Bet he'll march with all those women

Am I on Sup Forums?

>Preach socialism and egalitarianism all day long

They love communism, they just prefer the wealth capitalism grants them

Why is Immigration SO important to leftists? Trump is further "left" than mainstream Republicans on literally every single other issue, basically at 90's Democrat levels, yet for some reason being anti-immigration has singled him out as the most evil and wicked Hitler of all time.

The traffic and cancerous faggotry there has hit critical mass. Soon all of Sup Forums will be Sup Forums