Master Sifo-Dyas is dead? Pardon the language Master Kenobi, but what am I supposed to do with all these fucking clones?

Master Sifo-Dyas is dead? Pardon the language Master Kenobi, but what am I supposed to do with all these fucking clones?

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>Form a band? Like the Jackson 5 but there's more of them

what would happen if someone couldn't pay for the army?

would they mass murder all the clones?

They're paid for in advance

>he doesn't understand hypothetical scenarios

But sheev paid for it.

No I get what he's saying. It's not that you can pay in advance, it's that you MUST pay in advance.


>Like I give a shit. Should have thought of that before you created all of these clones you fuckstick.

What the FUCK was HIS problem?

What kind of dumb business takes someone's word that isn't an established government or business on such an expensive order.

They are clones, they are not real people

>what would happen if someone couldn't pay for the army?

I think they are ultra Jews who want it paid in full up front.

Who the fuck thought that building anything in a planet with constant rain and no land was a good idea? I thought Vader's lava palace investment was bad, but this is easily worse.

I got the impression that the Kaminoans didn't really care about the clones either way, so they probably would have just aborted them.
Sifo-Dyas was a Jedi representing the Republic.

>some long necked fucks have the power and resources to create an army that can defend the entire galaxy.
so could anyone just pay these ayy lmaos for an army and take over?

>not being able to keep a bunch of spics entertained
>on a planet called El Camino

So... lawn cutting service?

is there any decent r34 of those gals?

>what would happen if a business worked on an order for millions of intelligent battle-ready clones without any down payment

that business would be laughed at by rich people on neighboring planets

So a Jedi came in secret to these cloners and said "build me an army, the Republic will pay you. But don't tell anyone. Don't even send updates about the army to the Republic. Also, pretty please don't use this army to take over the galaxy".

And the cloners said "ok".

Only one is a girl.

Dude I dont care.

>guys shows up
>orders the largest army in the entire galaxy
>weapons, armor and vehicles included
>capital starships and fighters included

>nobody runs a credit score check or asks for someone to vouch for him or makes sure the guy is capable of delivering the funds and so on
>this is all done somewhere off the radar and no authorities were involved

>nobody in the republic noticed this is going on

>nobody in the republic attempted this before, given the ease with which the largest army in the galaxy is made, you'd think they'd try

That entire plotline is really weird.
It's like Lucas had something plotted out in the first draft and then disjointed fragments of it made it into the movie.

From the movies we don't even know who this Syfo Dias is and why he was able to order such a huge army and his name does kind of sound like Sidious yet this is not really followed up on.

At no point after that do the jedi even investigate who ordered the army, why and how.

the trilogy needed more trade federation stories and more politics

>it's like Lucas is a fucking retard who planned his movies around funny farting gungans and epic sword fights instead of coherent plot

hmm wonder how you got this idea

it was to show that the Jedi were so trusted and part of the Republic that no one would question it

They got money so why would they give a fuck?

So were there no receipts on any of the clones or massive not-star destroyers that said "t. Darth Tyranus" he paid for them right?

Is there a extended wookiepedia entry detailing the cost of the clone army and breaking it down into subsections and eventually the cost of clone troopers per head.

Someone should get on that.

The Kaminoans were in league with the Sith
this syf oh diaz cover up is just for teh stupid dumb senate controlled by palpatin anyway

tpm stream @

>and by the way, we've got them all programmed to execute Order 66 on command
>Order 66?
>you don't remember?
>course I do! don't be daft! I was just joking...order 66. Right right. Anyway please show me how they poop.
>but they're just like -
>I said. SHOW. ME. *waves hand*