What did I think of it?

what did I think of it?

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SJW that trolls the greatest generation
>Why am I being persecuted for what I believe
>If you shoot a gun at a cardboard target we will leave you alone forever.
>I-I can't do that. I-It goes against my beliefs
Literally invents his own version of gender, whoops, I meant pacifism, and in the end everyone comes up one by one and apologizes to him for not being open minded enough.

Thanks Mel

Sgt. York was also against using his weapon at first because of his religion. Then after watching his fellow troops die around him, he decided to fight, not to kill, but to protect.

You're a God damn communist heathen who should go back to rebbit.

>not an argument

i dunno i just found a decent stream of it ill let you know in an hour or so ;^)

mel gibson playing god. they should've kept it more closely related to the actual events, with the invasion of the tanks and where des had to wait 6 hours to get rescued and crawled over 300 yards

too much cheese

I thought Mel was the Alt-right and hates pacifist SJWs?

A Sup Forums myth

yeah didn't he get shot multiple times and craft a sling out of a broken rifle? I don't care if they thought it was too unbelievable, if a story that crazy happened in real life it should be in the movie

pretty good movie that will be considered a flop and get about 0 important awards because Mel Gibson directed it. Interesting story and direction to take with a war movie and fantastic visuals and storytelling. The only weak thing was the love interest. I feel that wasn't very developed in the movie but I also don't think that it needed to be expanded upon, either. I just thought it was odd that it was in this film. The scene with his father beating his wife when Doss walks in was probably my favorite scene out of the movie.

i felt like the fact that he was only useful for one thing "carrying injured soldiers" wasn't enough to compensate.

There was a large gap between "I'm refusing all your beliefs and only sticking with my own" and "I'm the second coming of fucking christ"

here's your (you) faggot

It will haunt you till the end of your days.

It was good, nothing great. Overrated tbqh. I couldn't take it seriously with Vince Vaughn and Andrew Garfield sounding like retards. The first hour definitely dragged on and felt like a cheesy Lifetime sitcom at times. The last hour was pretty great though. The seppuku scene was classic Mel.

Go see Silence yall

unrealistic depiction of 1940's war. Even I know they didn't just send 10's of thousands of yips to a suicide field.

That's terrible war planning and even worse for politics.

>considered a flop
>Budget $40 million
>Box office $157.8 million
Only a dipshit would call this a flop

>Hacksaw ridge
>Budget: $40 million
Gross: $157.8 million


Glad you could join us, Sir.

I need to ask you know this is based on a true story, right?

not only that but the fact that his father had to pull some string in the most shady way just to prevent him from going to prison removed all sense of heroism from the flick.

Action was brilliantly executed, everything else was incredibly hokey and half-cooked, the only motif that worked was the titty knot and the heroic sacrifice ending was completely unnecessary.

One of many.

If a film doesn't at least quadruple its budget then it's a flop. Ask anyone.