What are some films that require repeat viewings to understand/appreciate?

What are some films that require repeat viewings to understand/appreciate?

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Are you retarded?

Tinker tailor soldier spy is confusing as fuck though

They to between flashbacks and modern day without even notifying you


You must be dumb as fuck, nigga.



Anyone else think the movie should have been called 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor'?

'Spy' just ruins the flow of the title.

Donnie Darko
The Prestige
The Usual Suspects
The 6th Sense

I guess none are necessary but you get more out of it

What about Tinker Guy Soldier Spy

Jesus Christ

You're a dumb fuck.

Synecdoche New York.
F For Fake
The God Silence Trilogy
A Serious Man
Holy Motors

that just sounds like a kids movie

>You're a dumb fuck.

i fucked your sister you faggot nerd

My sister is a lady and would never consort with you

Good day sir!

Smiley's glasses

>ruins the flow
thats the point
it places far more emphasis on spy

That's the title of Le Carre's book.

I watched the Prestige and understood it all because I was listening very carefully. Another great movie related to that is the Illusionist one of my favorite all time movies.

Another great movie is the Imitation Game.

Movies that I've watched twice just for enjoyment: Straight Outta Compton is all I can think of right now.

It's not about understanding it it's about noticing the hints the 2nd time

I'm seriously baffled by the level of stupidity present on most of the anons from Sup Forums.
I mean, i knew WE WUS dumb but thats some Sup Forums level of mental impairment
People saying Nolan is complex, it must be a ruse of some sort, am i getting played?


not really. you can pretty much get what there is to get with only one viewing

yeah kid youre a genius

were all waiting for your screenplay to blow us away with your raw intellect

I'm pretty fucking smart, but i dont write scripts, i edit shit.
Still, the Sup Forums influx and mahvel fags is really showing in this thread

alright kid


yeah ok that's some real intellect you've got there, can't wait to see what other movie endings you'll deduce and tip your hat to in the future

First, I watched them for the plot.
Then, I watched them for the lore.
Third time, I watched them for the poetry.

yeah you should stick to your sitcoms and nolan flicks
Oh so just because i have a massive intellect i have to be a writer?

no its because youre a dumb cunt

noone who is intelligent in the classical sense becomes a professional editor, that's a job for someone who lacks the ability to create the work and then edit it

Yeah, you'll never understand editing when you're stuck watching shit major hollywood movies, go watch something made by Dziga Vertov, Eisenstein, Riefenstahl, Welles, even the Coens are brilliant editors.


No one who calls themselves smart is intelligent

I feel you get a better grasp on the story on repeat viewings

The film Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy was not a well directed film. The acting was extraordinary. The screenplay was a bit of a mess but still commendable for taking such a complex story and distilling it. The editing was a bit of a mess but commendable for squeezing in so much material in a two hour film. Overall, the film disappoints in its failure to convey the depth and nuance of what is truly a great novel.

It isn't your fault if you didn't understand Tinker Tailor the first time you saw it. I blame the director. He botched it. I highly recommend you watch the seven-episode TV mini series starring Sir Alec Guinness as George Smiley. You will not find it confusing at all. In fact, you will discover just how shallow the film's screenplay and direction is in comparison. Also, read the book. Better yet, read the Karla trilogy of books.

What would you rate A Serious Man? The plot sounds semi interesting.

Memento. In fact, I believe is it meant to be seen at least twice to really appreciate it.

Best Coen's flick IMO.

An underrated masterpiece honestly

This was just a mess



tried to watch this multiple times

fell asleep every time

How difficult is it exactly


Agreed, If a film doesn't have much women I can't focus on it for much long


I was really surprised by TTSS. I didn't care for the vampire loli film. But Alfredson did a great job with this one, it genuinely felt like mature filmmaking, the kind you just don't see anymore. There are moments of cinematic grace that reminded me of Melville or Leone.

The tension in the café terrasse scene is masterful.

I wonder if it was a conscious homage on his part. But the ending is just like the flashbacks from Duck You Sucker. Two old dear friends (possible lovers?), one has to kill the other because of a political betrayal and higher purpose, the other knows and accepts it from a distance, unspoken yet so much said with a drawn-out stare.

And of course the flashbacks during the party. Lenin Santa is the best character.

It's quite possible I'm a pleb and I don't know it.

boring.not even in my smart movie list

Hi OP. I'm the smart movie guy in our group basically, i'm the go to guy to ask if they want to ask what a particular scene in a movie means or what smart movies to watch.

and so far my list includes

Fight Club
Cloud Atlas
Pulp Fiction
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Oldboy (both the Korean and the remake)
The Matrix Trilogy

and many more from my list. AMA



I've read that if you're going to read the books you should start with the first because you won't enjoy the more stiff writing style Le Carres earlier books, is that true?