Is sherlock good? For tv?

Is sherlock good? For tv?

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Yes, it's great.

Watch it in order to see the degradation from a good, smart TV show to stupid, not even entertaining magic shlock.

Be honest you just wanted an excuse to post that pepe

first 2 seasons are good, 3 and 4 are a fucking mess. do yourself a favour and stop after 2.

its a good peep desu

it was literally never good, it was always inconsistent contrived garbage that wouldn't have ever passed for a detective show if it didn't endlessly pander to tumblr viewers who didn't know better

nice buzzworlds

The show is inconsistent in its character development to the point where it feels like it's either being written by a retarded person or being written by committee- in one episode sherlock doesn't know the sun orbits the earth, in another he can remember the specific circumstances of an astrological event from hundreds of years ago and identify it in a painting

It relies overly on contrived plot points rather than putting in the legwork to develop a coherent plot- sherlock advances the plot entirely through inconsequential trivia like knowing random facts about shoes rather than using critical thinking in a way that develops his character meaningfully

You are tumblr incarnate if you ever liked this show

>in one episode sherlock doesn't know the sun orbits the earth, in another he can remember the specific circumstances of an astrological event from hundreds of years ago and identify it in a painting
it was the same episode, Sherlock found about the event while solving the case and John made him to admit that astronomy can be useful. Sherlock lack of astronomical knowledge was a little arc of its own and developed his character.
deductions were also ok-ish, most of the times straight from Doyle like Watsons phone in 1 episode.
characters actually developed and plot reached it's climax with season 2 finale, only after that they were out of ideas and started pandering shit, it began with actully putting gay fanfic on tape, not before it. you seem to remeber first episodes clearly.

Threadly reminder

your life is an inconsistent contrived garbage. please end it

it's a good show

>jokes about predicting the future
>did you actually thought i could do that top kek
>can predict what will happen in two weeks in the next episode

>the sun orbits the earth

First two seasons are very good

First two seasons are good
And then the writers decide that they love the tumblr fanbase so much that they're just going to write all future episodes directly for them

>First two seasons are very good
>First two seasons are good


Sherlock is flawed in itself. People confuse fun with good, I like it but it's shit still.

Nice pepe

Sherlock? More like redditlock, am I right?

Watch the ITV Sherlock Holmes series from the 8os it's better than that shit on bbc.

Yea I've seen it but not the new season. The abominable bride was ok but the last season wasn't

>the sun orbits the earth

Stop posting ugly men

Cereal Killer was so fucking stupid. Moffatt and Gatiss sure have a knack for coming up with shockingly crappy ideas every once in a while.


It's just dumb imo

No, it's terrible.

You're both wrong but I think you know that

It's sad how many detectives are like this.

it's kino

>sherlock jumping off the hospital
>Eurus's deadly saw game

that's literally it


name one memorable moment from that episode. You need to earn those trips by backing it up.

The way they turned Watson's clock into a phone was very neat :^)

What was the point of this scene? Why would she risk killing Sherlock there, but not later? And in the end, the apartment was totally fine again. What the hell? Why was this in the show?

just to give him a little shock is all
the apartment wasn't fine until they completely rebuilt it
the better question is how didn't the floor get destroyed in the explosion?

>Why would she risk killing Sherlock there
She deducted that he WILL escape absolutely unharmed.

Stop being a weak jawed faggot.



Out of all the problems with the past two seasons, Cereal Killer barely qualifies as an actual issue.

When was the last time there was an episode dedicated to solving one case?

Sherlock is trash for redditors.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on the other hand is pure kino and the pinnacle of detective television.

I detective show should present the viewer with the information required to deduce the killer, and then have a race between the onscreen detective and the viewer

sherlock just uses magical reasoning and, and one of the main tropes is holmes pulling info from his head so we couldn't have possibly used it to reach the same conclusion as him

>I detective show should present the viewer with the information required to deduce the killer
That's near impossible desu


I don't think that's ever been the case.

I used to like it a hell of a lot more when it first started. As time went on, the plots got even more out there and I was like "WTF this is dumb!"

But i realize now it was always dumb, but it's a fun kind of dumb.

how good is Euphonium anyway

chuuni s2 made me so mad I swore to myself I will ever watch another kyoanus anime

>that stare off
>that jarring fast to slow motion clunky elbows-to-the-shoulders running
>those poorly composited "videocopilot action essentials pack" AE explosions
>cucumberbitch jumping out of a window like a fucking ballerina executing her final dance move

just needs a shot of steven seagal operating somewhere in that sequence for full on cheese kino

Sherlock made me realize how terrible reddit is.

Literally everything was wrong with this season but that part is genuinely alright. He's using Sherlocks puff piece for his own gain.

Why what do they do there?

I had the sister twist spoiled for me by browsing Sup Forums, and saw this image a few times. I genuinely laughed out loud when it actually happened in the episode though. Something about their faces and the way they're flailing and the fact that it's supposed to be dramatic was hilarious.

>detective show should present the viewer with the information required to deduce the killer, and then have a race between the onscreen detective and the viewer
I get your point but:
>tfw watched countless episodes of midsomer murders
>tfw never even try to guess who the murderer is
>tfw even once I'm aware that this is apparently the appeal of detective shows and that I never do it, I still don't try
>tfw enjoy it anyway
comfy show

what were we talking about again?

>great episode build up making you think how the fuck does the taxi driver convince his victims to kill themselves
>he just points a gun at their heads forcing them to swallow a pill


JUST to make a more interesting commercial. It contributes nothing to the show.

That was good though, I liked when these mysteries got your head turning and then it turns out it was really simple all along. Like when Moriarty just bribed the guards to let him steal the Crown Jewels instead of using complex computer code.

Maybe every once in a while, but when every episode is "solved" by shooting someone it gets a little tiresome.

>baskerville ep
>reichenbach ep
>mads brother ep
>belgravia ep


>wedding ep

Except it wasn't and it feels insulting. You overhype yourself for something and then fail to deliver.

It's time for your autism meds user, those words mean nothing.

Second episode was the best in the season, but detective part still sucks ass.
Maybe I remember something wrong, but in seasons 1 and 2 sherlock was looking for clues and was driving around a lot. In last 2 seasons he goes to the crime scene, find something there and that's it, investigation is over. After that just cheap drama for 40 minutes about Watson and shit.
Villains after Moriarty are fucking joke tho, it's the same scheme over and over
>I think this guy is bad but I can't prove i~
>mister Holmes, bad guy invites you to his house
>oh yes, mister Holmes, I'm the bad guy as you thought, but you can't prove anything you stupid fuck I'm gonna kick your fucking ass
>I'm le highly functional sociopath so I always had a plan
There's no fight between them, no games, nothing

I prefer Elementary. them making Sherlock an emotionally broken heroin addict adds a nice flair and lucy liu is very pretty


What does cinema and film mean?

If that episode had been in S4 then the taxi driver would have been a mind-controlling wizard

FILM 1/4

no he doesn't

>these posts

Why does kino trigger reddit?

the whole point of space travel is that you dont have to push off of anything theoretically any movement in space would send you in that direction forever until you are acted upon by another force how could anyone not know this

What "Smarter than Holmes, Mycroft, Moriarty and Eurus" character will we see next season?

eurus and moriarty's child

If you actually know how to articulate yourself you don't have to use buzzwords?

M-my waifu is pure!


Sup Forums should be watching the 1984 series with Jeremy Brett.

and she and rosie grow up to be a lesian crime fighting duo who solve future crimes

Alright, next time I will say that "I consider this movie picture to be perfect" instead of saying "kino" just for you.

It really makes you think

Not that guy, but that would be great. Unless you're trying to shitpost on purpose, then knock yourself out.

I don't get the whole hype about the series and all the girls fangirling about it. The only two episodes that stood out for me were "A Scandal in Belgravia" and "The Reichenbach Fall", other than that it just felt like watching Sherlock Holmes meets CSI: London

what is the most hilariously contrived plot line in the show?

> detective show should present the viewer with the information required to deduce the killer

Does this ever happen?

>tfw never even try to guess who the murderer is

Just as a sidenote I've read that guessing stuff gives you dophamine boost even if you are wrong at the end, so it can be done for fun but yeah, seems silly to try and guess a murdurer based on nothing.

First season is great, second is all over the place but has some great moments and as always great visuals.

Sherlock's death. Either that or Sherlocks Mind Palace.

I heard that mind palaces/maps are a real memorization technique though, just Sherlock's is wildly overexaggerated

What a beautiful man.

That's not Pepe, it's helper

it is

>what is the most hilariously contrived plot line in the show

the writers thinking i give a shit about mary
john going insane when mary gets killed and him instantly blaming it on sherlock john who is a trained army doctor lost his shit when he realized people die

>a trained army doctor lost his shit when he realized people die
this, so many inconsistencies in character. Mycroft "iceman" Holmes who pukes after seeing a guy killed despite watching his own brother be tortured and being a top secret operative? All sorts of dumb shit just because it made everything more dramatic.

mycroft isn't actually like sherlock thats why he managed to get such a high ranking job he feels as if sherlock is scum thats why he always calls him brother mine its a reminder that if they weren't actually related mycroft would most likely have had him killed mycroft is just a normal guy for the most part or atleast able to hide the fact that he's a sociopath thats why he lives in a pretty normal house compared to sherlock's whose house is torn to shreds

And the fucking well scene.
>where the fuck is the water in the well pouring from, it's open sky above? Show maker is aware of this problem since he doesn't show us.
>they save Watson by throwing him a fucking rope, despite him being chained
It's just so bad filmmaking. And that horrible explosion scene, what the freaking fuck.

Mycroft never dirties his hands. It's an essential character trait Conan Doyle wrote.

It is great OP, ignore the aspies, best character development and some of the best cinematography (scene transitions especially) I've seen in a TV show. Yeah, it's more "drama" than "crime" but that is kind of the point.
Benedict Cumberbatch is a madman.

Example of the cinematography for you OP.