ITT: “dark” artists who aren’t actually depressed or mentally ill

ITT: “dark” artists who aren’t actually depressed or mentally ill.

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my dick

>Henson suffers from anxiety and, as a result, rarely plays concerts

you start to think "oh wow his music must be extremely emotional" and then you hear it and its fucking starbuck-core indie folk no difference than the kind on the alt-radio.

probably dan barrett

>if he had real anxiety he'd make good music
not how it works

he tries to be "le shy artistic man that the world doesn't understand" I fucking hate it its so cheesy. grow up, Keaton!!

Steven Wilson
In fact he is actually quite humorous


maybe he can't help it, anxiety is a real thing
this one is probably most true
he's probably had a much harder life than you

Stop looking for cheesy stuff it's not there!

any artists with OCD? hmm

ITT: “dark” artists who aren’t actually depressed or mentally ill.
How would you know?

wow he is S O Y as fuck. look at how frail he is.

He recovered. Doubt it was fun for him back then.


pic very related


all of the good ones

Joey Ramone


i just know it

The Have a nice life bald guy

bones is dead inside junkie

>known "fascist"
>loves jazz and had jewish bandmates
so what's his deal?

Anna Von Hausswolff

>smokes weed and even talks about not taking pills etc

Any depressed musicians that make positive and uplifting music?

you're probably right. I've had a pretty hard life and as a result have beaten my girlfriend, and pregnant chicks, and strangers. life's tough man

Sun Kill Moon?

That would be insane if he’s actually been faking it

>his deal
I believe a man like Vander transcends such earthling concepts like fascism or the zionist agenda, he clearly leads a "cult" where creating soundwaves of either celestial or dark origins are his/its endgame.

I must have heard the wrong tracks.

>you start to think "oh wow his music must be extremely emotional"
only if you're an idiot

So that's why everything he released in the last two years were crap?

Michael Gira

dont call me idiot pls i only come on here to relax and vent

the guy's perfectly sane
despite charges of torture and holding captives

>if you're anxious that means you must make extremely emotional music
how the fuck did you even come to this conclusion?

Not really an excuse to beat women. Even if you've had a hard life that's some real lowlife scum shit.

>Vander transcends such earthling concepts like fascism
Vander is an admirer of the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler's orations are the blueprint for his vocal style in Magma.
Vander is a good man.

fascism doesn't discriminate based on race. that's nazism

>Michael Gira
Michael is depressed because he knows he will never get to watch everyone die.



pale waves

Gaahl is actually a shy person who values authenticity. The torture stems from a betrayal.

Shut the fuck up bitch I don't explain shit to you!!!!!!
>no but wha-
shut the fuck up i can post anything with nothing to back it up cunt FUCK.YOU.


Stop posting this trash please

Who this

He takes medication tho

y tho

are you serious?

Daniel Johnston

Are you a Sup Forums cunt?

>its fucking starbuck-core indie folk no difference than the kind on the alt-radio
>suffers from anxiety
>pic is of a scrawny white male with a beard
This is extremely common. Nothing new or interesting here.

What about the time when he fuckin crashed a plane because he thought he was casper the ghost and nearly killed himself and his father?

Keaton needs to get beaten in a circle with bamboo sticks

The way you worded your post is kind of stupid because one doesn't have to be "depressed" or "mentally ill" to make macabre music/art. I have talked to many people online and in person who make "dark" art - from power electronics to guro - and more than half the time their explanation for making abrasive/disturbing forms of art simply stems from an interest and/or fascination with the macabre. It is similar with people who for instance enjoy painting pictures of beautiful things, or people who love drawing porn. Art doesn't always reflect a person's complete mental state. That's black and white thinking. The psyche is more complex than that.

What - Dan can fly planes? Information, please

pretty impressive dan, if that is your real name

his father can

listen dan it didn't have to end like this.

Biggest poser of all time.

Charlotte Ercoli

Oi fuck outta here ya good for nothin small wanker prick. Fuck off to reddit you piece of shite

Does he not also pretend to be gay?

You need to keep your HRT in check, little lady.

With John it was pretty much the opposite but Peter always seemed a cheerful, friendly chap who just happened to make extremely bleak (and beautiful) music.

His manlet rage is autentic

He is homosexual, but he's no faggot.


The dark tone of their sound, especially in the 2000s, comes more from tension between band members, divorce, and drugs than depression or mental illness.

you still are insane from time to time

Maybe in his early career, but then it just got silly
>Blow my fucking brains out
That is a line from one of his newer albums, when he had everything in his life together.

I believe he felt the shit in stuff like The Fragile, maybe even With_Teeth, but he was really reaching by that point, but when Hesitation Marks came out? It all feels incredibly fake.

heh, cool fake-jawline-beard

What does that prove exactly? Is the admirer not capable of molding his heroes' ideals into his own? Will Sup Forums ever relax for once?

Hesitation Marks is about looking back at who he used to be.

Still sounds fake to me, he talks about how "haunted" he is, he has no reason to be haunted.

did you listen to everything he released the past 2 years though, its a lot of music

>smokes weed

yes that's how it works

t. illiterate

sheesh, even his jaw is a poser!

I know I'm a litle retard at writing or saying anything really but Sup Forums is still complaining like a bitch with no sense of action, so here's to (you) o literate cultured one.

What do you think I was saying?

Peter always seemed more direct and capable of explaining their music in interviews.
His role in the band was more technical than Jhonn's was.

I dunno mate I got triggered because everywhere I go, shit always gets deflected into nazis, politics I'm trying to take a break from that and enjoy blissful ignorance.

>not sad
>make music
>be sad
>make music
>no longer sad
>continue to make music
wow what a con artist am I right ? really pulled the wool over everyone's eyes

Christian Vander has credited Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich as an inspiration on Magma.
I like Christian Vander, Magma, and Adolf Hitler.
>enjoy blissful ignorance
If you are with me, then seek moments of pleasure, but do not give up and retire our people.

I don't enough about to disagree, but you can be funny if you're depressed or have anxiety, some of the funnest comedians suffer from depression.

Rudolph Hortler destroyed and shamed his country. How can you possibly respect him as a nationalist? Fascism destroys nations with pointless war.

>soy boy
>makes soy music
>scared of people

this isnt strange at all


Gira's been through more shit than anyone on this board guaranteed.

to be honest if I was involved with the kind of people he was and after a decade, you were the only one who had their shit together, let alone retain their success, I'd be pretty shaken too.

Conversely, I work in a place that's top tier in my industry with people who could do basically anything in our field, but they still casually make reference to killing themselves every day

The virgin Magma:
>from Italy (pleb nation)
>claimed to be fascist but too pussy to join the Ordine Nuovo
>claimed to be a nationalist but didn't even sing in Italian
>invented a meme genre that only avant-teens like
>every song sounds the same
>can only play in 5 time signatures
The chad Henry Cow:
>founding members studied at Cambridge
>combined modern classical, rock, free improvisation, and avant-garde jazz
>cool socks

I was saying that he can't be faking it because he takes meds for it