Name a more dishonest film besides Birdman

Name a more dishonest film besides Birdman

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Any Xavier Dolan flick

they look ridiculous

is this supposed to make me feel wistful for a simpler era?

the holocaust was real though you deluded schmuck

>xavier dolan
is this somebody's oc?

anything by disney

Gosling looks fine. Yellow is a color almost no woman can pull off, at least white women.

It does something to the color of your skin/teeth. Makes you look weird. There's a reason it's one of the least common colors used in clothing.

Yeah, that's exactly what the film is supposed to do. It's a cash-in on Hollywood nostalgia the exact same way The Artist is. There's nothing special about it besides its novelty, and it'll quickly be forgotten.

pretty much everything by speelburger

I unironically agree.

His movies all lack authenticity past J'ai Tue Ma Mere.

you can't even see her teeth you silly bitch

for newfriends:
Dishonest Filmmaking:
(Tarantino, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Alex Garland, Paul Thomas Anderson, Nicholas Refn, Tom Hooper, Tyler Perry, Rian Johnson, Alfonso Cuaron, Noah Baumbach, Andrea Arnold, David Yates, Denis Vilenueve, James Franco, Steve McQueen) are intellectually bankrupt moral whores and charlatans; their films appeal to the modern phenomenon of the 'Pretend Epic' or Pseudo Cinema, often tied to the criticism that "It was a movie that thought it was a film" they have no ideas of their own and are filmed purely to have fancy essays made about them. They obfuscate their lack of insight under a smug impenetrable irony and often contain scenes with disingenuous attempts at depth with characters spouting platitudes that the director takes VERY seriously.
This directly panders to the IMDb reddit sensibility of quote circlejerking since these hacks are masters of the fools wit, "Quipping" (Not to be confused with the marvel co-opting of the word) , it sounds smart, cool and worldly but in reality there's nothing of substance, the Revenant's attempt at spiritualism was cheap and laughable and whilst someone like Malick has considered his philosophy, Inaurritu wears his introspection on his sleeve to give his film a false sense of depth with pathetic sermonising.

THIS is Dishonest Filmmaking.

They leech the greater works that preceded them; like The Enemy being a rip off Eraserhead, but they have nothing else to say.
They act under the guise of deconstruction with surface layer obvious 'social commentary' and a quirky forgettable score praised as 'innovative'. They are all inauthentic sycophants that rely on oscar buzz and post 9/11 detachment for relevance.

These directors are hacks and will be forgotten to time.

Some notably earnest filmmakers include, but are not limited to:
>Mike Leigh
>The Coen Brothers
>Werner Herzog
>James Cameron
>Mel Gibson
>Terrence Malick
>Gaspar Noe
>Clint Eastwood

Does nothing to change the fact that yellow looks pretty awful on people. It's just not an appealing color. That's why she looks ridiculous. That and her awful shoes that clash with her awful dress.


>Gaspar Noe
utter trash

Except Alison Lohman in Drag Me to Hell.

That yellow qtpie was beautiful.

Spoken like an autist who's never saw the film

Enter the Void was garbage

What the FUCK

yes. Are you agreeing with me or did you forget to memetext?

Is this the new Harry Potter pasta ?

Enter the Void was garbage


Dishonest filmmaking is my favorite meme of 2017

The implication that any of you guys even watched the film is hilarious to me

Don't worry I'm sure mad max 5 will be good hehe.

This post is really dishonest!

that movie about the colored ladies at nasa who did math problems and built rockets.

>film begins by immedietly killing epileptic audience members

I came here BECAUSE I just watched La La Land, after hearing a lot about it, and asked to myself "what are /lit/fags thinking about it?"

Its by the same autist. He has tons of pastas.

I dont think its fair to whack David Yates in there. Hes being held down by Warner Brothers like a whore to shit out the latest harry potter

not to say Tarzan wasnt shit. it was, but I still hold out he will make something good and low key

Qbrick and Fincher should be under dishonest too

Idk what's more retarded not knowing dishonesty isn't a meme or not detecting that La La Land is 100% dishonest. You don't even realize what it actually means

>The Artist

The Artist was actually good though and was one of the few times The Academy got it right. You're a pleb if you think otherwise.

>good and low key

Where are all you middle school dorks coming from?

I dont understand. youre going to have to be clearly on your insult

How is La La Land 100% dishonest? It's a passion project Chazelle worked on for 7 years

just leave.

It's a simple and silly movie. It's fun to watch, but nothing worthwhile. It makes success because it appeals to tumblr hipster feminist women. Emma Stone acting was really great, her first "audition" shows right away her skills.

Even lower than dishonesty.

bit angry aren't you
what a pathetic thing to do on an anonymous imageboard

He's the anti harry potter autist who whines abour yates everyday not seeing the irony that yates has pissed off a lot of people by making honest films. He made wandkino. He is probably going to get angry at me for saying this, Yates is a kinoman through and through. He directed the absolute fuck out of the films scripts and if you think he didn't then provide me with a 20 page essay of everything you'd do differently.

David Lynch is also pretentious as shit. Eraserhead is ok, but Blue Velvet is disgusting.

are you threatening me?

did anyone else think ryan gosling either undersold or oversold every single one of his fucking lines in this movie? I couldn't take him seriously throughout the entire film.

how did he regress so far from the notebook?

She was fucking awful pleb.

Are you threatening me, master jedi?

Its terribly written and everything about it exists just because it can not because it should for a cinematic reason. Its ebin. Its for the reddit crowd. Not to mention bad songs and singing.

this tbqh. i love la la land, but yeah, this.

I like Yates but Im not here to defend Harry Potter films, just that the only time hes had the chance to make a film he wanted he was tied down by tight schedule to make the latest harry potter film as well, which in the end probably made Tarzan shit
not really


Ah, thank you for confirming that this is just a meme

>I like Yates
>i like yates
>bla bla

you're a broken record. i'm bored with your drivel. every night it's the same boring opinions.

>the holocaust was real though

People still honestly believe that?

Inshallah idiots like you get struck down.

thanks for not having the intelligence to argue

Malick the coen brothers and cameron are some of the most dishonest out there. You just ousted your shit taste.

>look up imdb sensibilities on 4plebs
Wait you're just a buzzword spamming babby

dishonest. everyone should be ashamed!

More tears?

Yeah, he was kind of bad. But the movie is not as dramatic as The Notebook.

Ummm if you think La La Land isn't reddit you're stupid

Lynch is just a bit touched in the head. He isn't dishonest like the others

don't know if you guys are meming but if this is the case then why did he win a fucking golden globe? it that not a clear indicator of a dishonest film?

what do you mean?

a lot of things.

Nobody has to defend the HP films they were great and I was talking about his direction he upped the acting and the atmosphere and did direct the fuck out of the scripts he had.


dude, theyre dancing. Its a fucking dance move. Chill out.

What's the point of all this? You guys are just arguing over a term that has no concrete definition, and even if it did, has no actual value to discuss.

You're just throwing out words that you perceive as having value but you have failed to explain how or why. What makes a film "Reddit"? Why is a "Reddit" film good/bad? You never explain, you just say, "This is Reddit", and that's the crux and conclusion of your opinion.

Even if you could come to a consensus on the definition of "dishonest film-making", and then prove that La La Land is a dishonest film, you still haven't argued whether the film is good or bad or not. Just "dishonest". Who cares? This thread mentions a lot of the greatest classics of recent film and some of the best auteurs as "dishonest". Mostly because they're popular and everyone knows the easiest way to bait people is to say 'popular thing is bad'. There's no point to this.

Emma Stone couldnt have had a worse performance

It amazes me that you have just as much voting power as me, if not more depending on where you live

>You're just throwing out words that you perceive as having value but you have failed to explain how or why. What makes a film "Reddit"? Why is a "Reddit" film good/bad? You never explain, you just say, "This is Reddit", and that's the crux and conclusion of your opinion.

if you lurked more you would know what it meant, or you're just being willfully obtuse.

Watch this faggot

which is why i voted for Trump, twice.

>Even if you could come to a consensus on the definition of "dishonest film-making", and then prove that La La Land is a dishonest film, you still haven't argued whether the film is good or bad or not.
I dont think thats the point. The point is a dishonest film is made with an agenda and regardless whether its a good or bad film its not something I want.

>The Artist was actually good though
>director goes on to make piles of shit
Really makes you think

So this is just a repackaging of the talentless hacks meme? Lame.

Like how Clint Eastwood made that moving picture film about boxing when it was really about euthanasia? Yeah, I felt bamboozled by that too.

Tell me thats not real.

look at the reaction to the main embryo who pushes this for this flick and birdman because of his reddit love for Emma Watson and reddit hate Emma Stone can't even handle his own shitposting.

>it appeals to tumblr hipster feminist women

Jesus, Sup Forums. You're just as bad as SJWs for making something out of nothing.

Yes, also Trolls is about comfort eating

No, I've been here for almost a decade and no one has ever been able to concretely define something being Reddit as anything more than "this secret club that's not my secret club likes it, so it's bad!"

I hope you realize that you're spending your days arguing using buzzwords with no value.

>film is made with an agenda

What does that even mean? You realize all art is made with an agenda, yes?

>nothing to see here goy, keep moving.

Your mother.

I live in a tiny state and I'm 2/2 in terms of electing a commander in chief.

You lay off Fincher buddy

lana and lily wachowski and tom ford should be added to the earnest list

Coen brothers are dishonest by virtue of their race

>No, I've been here for almost a decade

I don't believe you

>no one has ever been able to concretely define something being Reddit

someone literally did in this thread but you didn't come here to read you came here to defend the dishonest reddit film

> "this secret club that's not my secret club likes it, so it's bad!"

could you be anymore from reddit?

>I hope you realize that you're spending your days arguing using buzzwords with no value.

I hope you realize you don't belong here soon

I also hated both films OP. Arrival too

You only "hated" Arrival because you didn't understand it.

Dishonest filmmaking is about the faux-epic while a talent-less hack is an artist who centers all their work around the same thing that requires little technical ability.

>Even if you could come to a consensus on the definition of "dishonest film-making", and then prove that La La Land is a dishonest film, you still haven't argued whether the film is good or bad or not.
If something doesn't feel honest, it's not going to have an emotional connection with the audience. It matters.

Says the philistine who thinks Hitler was an amazing artist.

She is going to look atrocious in 10 years.

Nah, she's on Chloe's routine.

No way, nerd. It's got Noland, Tarantino and Vilenueve on it and theres no reason for him not to be. In fact I'd even put Darren Aronofsky and The Wachowski sisters in it too.

>Wachowski sisters

they're both dudes, you whackjob.

>Gaspar Noe
>Producing anything earnest after Alone Against All
This pasta has potential but at the moment the director selection feels forced. Tarantino never claims to be anything more than masturbatory pulp and Refn seems too autistic to be pretentious (havent seen all his work though). 5.5/10 I look forward to the next draft.

it's baffling you're still here.

Looks like a pair of nice ladies and not dudes to me my friend.

Why's that? I sincerely think that the idea of 'dishonest filmmaking' is worth discussing and user's post caught my attention.

oh sweet jesus