Was Vin Diesel ever ripped? People always assumed that back in the day because he was an action hero...

Was Vin Diesel ever ripped? People always assumed that back in the day because he was an action hero, but on every photo I found he doesn't look that big

Bruce Willis wasn't ripped at all, he just looked like a male

But that was the point of Die Hard, it was more realistic than typical 80s movie

He was pretty yolked in Fast Five. Not really ripped though, just huge.

There was a time when he was muscular but he was never cut he was just built.

This is shooped to hell. Look at the shadow of his head on his chest and his chin.

Here have some more!

is this what you like?

That's shooped right? He can't be that short.

Had enough you fucking slut?


All shooped.
Post some more computer art.


is that a real shot from one of the movies?

Diesel is a midget compared to the Rock. Yes this is real.

XXXXXXXL: the return of burger cage
The Fat and The Furious
The Chronicles of RiThick

>you now remember the celebrity hotel

where's that spliced balcony image

His most built was probably Pitch Black era. And that was 17 years ago.

I thought this was more The Rock getting in his personal space (aggro posturing)

what the ???

I remember as a kid him being swole as fuck

every single time


Well that's because he was. Die Hard producers wanted a swole action star like Arnold or Stallone, but everyone turned down the script and the only guy left was the guy from Moonlighting.

What the fuck? Why Vin looks like a mannequin, why is he taller than Rock, when in reality it's the opposite, why is he not looking directly at Rock?


They need actors to be the same height so it looks good on camera. Usually they make them stand on a little plinth or something but for some reason here they used a greenscreen.

I thought die hard was originally going to be a sequel to Commando but Arnie either pulled out or couldn't do it so it was adapted into die hard?

user...that's what cut looks like.

> originally Richard Gere was the lead but was replaced with Bruce Willis...it made for bad blood on the set of The Jackel

As much as I want to believe this, it's probably just suppose to be "cool" that they stand next to eachother, since if I remember right, The Rock is shown walking off from his spot in this scene

Its called taking Steroids

Yes they are supposed to be shoulder to shoulder. Vin is just standing on something to look roughly the same height.

Just a fucking white male.

He's built just like me.
One day I'm the machinist, the next day I'm chloe moretz.

I think he did once or twice but 90% of the time he looks like off cycle with bitch tits.

never really bought him as an aciton hero, going to to toe with the rock was kind of ridiculous