Why are the savage white people now picking on the innocent Muslims?

Why are the savage white people now picking on the innocent Muslims?

And why is floki liking Islam but hated Christianity?

Scandinavians have always been cucks apparently.

Floki from Vikings converts to pisslam and Guthrum from The Last Kingdom converts to christendumb. It's like they're just trying to run it in the pagans' faces, however few exist and actually see any of this.

the scene with all the muslims praying while they kill the imam is so fucking retarded holy shit

How so?

>town is getting assaulted
>they just pray
>a stranger randomly enters the room and walks to the imam
>they just pray
>more strangers
>one of the cuts the head of the imam off
>keep praying and if literally nothing happened
reddit muslims

jesus fucking christ, people, Floki got spooked by the chanting and felt killing them would be a bad idea. he didn't fucking embrace islam. he didn't suddenly become a camel jockey. get some fucking perspective.

most imams are desperately unlikable. the praying muslims were probably grateful.

The show had to convey the tangible 'godless'(idolless) faith that scared floki.
When caligula was feeding Christians to the lions that same power established the Christianity in rome.
If you're willing to die not giving a fuck, your religion is something to be feared.

who watches this show?

then why didn't the christians fear the gods of the vikings?

How was floki scared by the idolless faith when he just heard chants?
He was mesmerized the moment he heard the chants.
Vikings were willing to die not giving a fuck, and the show showed it plenty of times.
The muslims scenes seemed to just want to show how peaceful they are and how barbaric vikings were.

Why would a Viking convert to Islam, especially in this time period? It's basically Christianity rewritten for the Arabs and simplistically at that.

They had idols cuck.

>tfw they didn't show how they got so far north

>And why is floki liking Islam but hated Christianity?
They don't engage in idol worship and elaborately decorate their temples like the Christians they raided, nor were they trying to hide and protect any treasure, they just went on with their prayers.

Floki spent weeks tied up in a cave and his child died the last time he killed a true believer, now he faces a temple full of equally devout lunatics, it's equal parts curious fascination and fear of divine retribution.

He remembers Applestand.


There are quite a few historical accounts of Vikings converting to Islam after visiting places like Istanbul, Muslims like to wear their wealth so they were totally blown away by all the gold, silver, fancy clothes made of silk, perfumes, spices etc. Not to mention you get a fast track into heaven if you die in battle just like Norse paganism

Wich he didn't respect and actually killed.

Then the gods took his child from him and his best friend disappeared for years.

I don't recall floki linking the death of his child to killing a priest.

They are cucking and race mixing now. Also convering to Islam. Really makes you think.

I swear, this show is always good when things are happening in England. As soon as the plot goes anywhere else, it goes to shit.

>innocent Muslims

The raid on the iberian town was really bullshit.

>for some reason all the muslims are arabs and moors instead of converted iberians
>the town has no garrison of any kind
>people keep praying while the town is being raided and the continue after an armed stranger barges in and they still go on when the imam is beheaded in front of him

Its was really shit, they could have made floki get interested into islam without all this retarded shit.

But istanbul was still christian during the viking age you could say baghdad and cordoba otherwise you're right though.

it was in the south, close to Gibraltar. They would be mostly ethnic Berbers there.

I agree it was retarded, it seemed like a episode to remember the brutal vikings are an then they show peaceful muslim, Floki being retarded about their faith and Helga helping a refugee girl.

It reeked of "lets play it cool about muslims". And they showed muslim women rape, but that's okay because muslim don't really care about them

glad i dropped this fucking show.