Holy shit, this album is perfect

Holy shit, this album is perfect.
Wouldn't be surprised at all if it ends up being AOTY.

i'll be honest, it's my favorite album
seeing these fucks in atlanta, hyped

Is this album already a meme?

I really like this record.
I find it fascinating that Sup Forums seems to hivemind this one despite all the ambivalence from critics.

who's album of the year?


first 4 songs are GOAt, rest is meh

Not their best record but def AOTY

it could be a little shorter and it would be better, some of the later tracks just are flat.

Little Dark Age is pretty good, but this one feels like the superior album. This and Oracular Spectacular.

ITT: soykids

You’re in this thread too, soybaby

so you agree all MGMT shills also consume copious amounts of soy

I don't get what MGMT are doing on this album.
Evey time they get something great going, they ruin it with "whacky" noises and sound-effects.
Why do they do this?

God damn do I love Flash Delirium.

Believe it or not their whole goal is not to be popular with the masses.

fucking yo a track has nothing to do with trying to get popular

No. I think you follow your own rules. Thus enjoy calling yourself soy.

I am really enjoying this record. Like, if I try to think about it too hard or w/e, yeah there's some 80s revivalism going on, but I don't care. There's definitely more modern tropes in there, too. In terms of the haters, I have seen comparisons to M83 who have a far cleaner sound than what's on this record and Ariel Pink whose stuff isn't as trippy as how this album feels (it's almost like everything's barely keeping itself together) also Ariel uses way too much guitar sometimes not enough electronics for me.

Are their other albums like this, too?


It's simple, no filler all killer, fun songs.



LDA is prob their most poppy and accessible album since Oracular Spectacular (its bside is full of great overlooked psych rock)
Congratulations is a Psych rock/pop masterpiece with calmer beautiful songs with creeping paranoia. It just sounds so fresh, fun and unique.
MGMT (Self titled) is full blown electronic experimental neopsychedelia and is a mixed bag for most people but it grew on me a lot. Some of their best work is on there (Alien Days, I love you, too death, Orphan of Fortune) but it takes a lot of listens to take in.
You should totally check them out man, they are a way overlooked band because they are known by most as the band who made 3 hits but thankfully their reputation is slowly being respected as one of the best psych bands of our time.

I think it's meh, first half is really good then it falls off pretty hard.


Sorry but 6ix 9ine beat it.

only the When UR Smol track

It’s pretty bad, your probably trolling

It starts very nice but later it drops off.
Still a solid 7 tho