Thoughts on Fishmans?

Thoughts on Fishmans?

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meme band because rym weebs overrate them but their music is pretty cool

Long Season is my favourite album ever but you're probably still right

the 98.12.28 version of Long Season is the best recording ever made but everything else is pretty uninteresting

*poop sounds*

their early dub/reggae shit was real bad. full of engrish and generic melodies. kuchu camp, the space one, long season and their live album are the only good records

You don't think orange, kuchu camp and uchu Nippon setagaya are worthwhile albums.

Their old stuff is pretty underrated

not memorable enough because I dont remember them so they must have been pretty uninteresting. and i listened after i heard long season.

yuzuru kashiwabara is a fantastic bassist

absolutely, Shinji is a genius but man Kashiwabara is one of the best bassists I can think of


this band bores the shit out of me

Pretty much the only non-Jamaican band in history outside of the Clash that takes influence from dub and isn't horrendous.

Holy shit I'd never heard this before and it's fucking amazing


go back to Sup Forums weebs

just started listening to them and they're fucking incredible. sad I waited this long to give them a listen


Serious question: Are the poop sounds intended to be poop sounds or is it just supposed to be splashing?

you must have been pretty out of it when you were listening if you don't remember naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiito curuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuzingu

god this is so good