One of these

>guess personality


You feel like no one really ever thinks the same thoughts as you or expands on the ideas that you have, leaving you feeling isolated and alone.
Since graduating high school, life became too serious and boring.

the ride never ends

>he reads

get better taste in games and movies dude

U in /osg/?

has little non-utilitarian interest in cooking but feels somewhat strongly about people who can't cook
is secretly happy about the absolute state of humanities so he can feel good in comparison

good books.
sorry, don't recognise any of the albums and i don't know shit about films or vidya so i'm not sure about personality.
pretty good. i'd guess you're neither an introverted nor an extroverted person. you usually don't take things too seriously but at the same time you're able to be sincere, if friends are dealing with things you'll do your best to listen to them and take them seriously.
all three books are excellent. un homme qui dort is a cool an unusual pic, i only found it from reading perec. all three albums are good too, i especially like hvis.
you're in your late twenties, you've accomplished quite a lot though you might not give yourself credit it for it. you're not happy happy but you're basically doing good.
again i recognise the books but little else

no way you play QL

I must be pretty great at hallucinating then.

has vagina
has never seen a vagina

18 years old, speaks in memes irl

3 of the 4 categories aren't related to music. Reported.

dropping them spicy film recs boys

any other paul thomas anderson film. You'd probably enjoy Kurosawa as well.

any 80s film

A bittersweet life
8 and a half
pretty much any Japanese new wave you'll probably enjoy

any Lars von Trier film

dr strangelove, the lobster, any edgar wright

any sergio leone film, any jean-luc godard film, any french poetic realist film

thats the top 3 most boring movies I've ever seen

>Tokyo Drifter
I like you.

whoops, forgot to rec you some films

chelsea girls

thanks my friend, tried to chose three films that differ from one another but I could have easily made my top three all Suzuki

ayy Sirens of Titan best Vonnegut.
You lack direction in life.
You get bored of women easily.
Obliviously you're either depressed or you've unconsciously romanticized the idea of depression.
You're thinking about buying some plants to give your apartment a lively vibe.

>Obliviously you're either depressed...
*obviously but maybe obliviously too

Good games and books.