Who was actually in the wrong?

Who was actually in the wrong?

Grimes for his stubborn belief that status and happiness are determined only by intelligence and work ethic.

Grimes for not realizing what a shit world we live in and not just becoming a drug addict instead.

Grimes. Just as Homer would be wrong in OUR world. Grimes is wrong in theirs. He fails to understand the basic truths of his own reality.

grimes is like the redditfag that comes to Sup Forums and is upset by what he sees and tries to change things instead of adapting or leaving

He was a broing cynical fuck who was idealistic towards the idea of hard-work and felt entitled to better things because of it

Grimey was too autistic for Springfield


Hmm, no Homerbros?

>audience winking
>Homer is a sociopath
>Homer is retarded to the point of not realistically being able to function
>cop out ending
>general cartoon logic

This episode would have been a fine diversion on its own but in the context of what came next it's fair to say it signaled the beginning of the zombie years.

>cop out ending



Grimes for not adapting to the norms of society.

He wasn't that smart to begin with.


Getting offended by a Simpsons episode

Reddit, get out.



>Homer is retarded to the point of not realistically being able to function

This is interesting because Homer isn't usually that retarded. I mean he's dumb but in this episode they cranked his stupidity up higher than normal just to have him drive Grimes up the fucking wall. That bit where he pours water on the console to stop the beeping? That's really not normal Homer t b h.

Homer didn't mean any harm to Grimes

100% ol Grimey, all Homer did was try to be his friend. Although fucking up his pencils was kind of a dick move.

>dat sideshow Bob episode with grime's son where they desecrate the legacy of the original episode

>Getting riled up over pencils
>Not having your pencils in your pocket

It was the beginning of jerkass Homer but I still think it's a great episode on its own. Would've been a great finale imo.

Homer, that was the point. The episode was a reflection on the series up to that point on how Homer was able to achieve all he did despite his character being a slow-witted fool.

and how does that make homer in the wrong? it makes him more respectable if anything

>thinking Jerkass humor was the fault of the Simpsons downfall

I don't know. I think the Simpsons characters were always crazy but only relatable in it's subtlety. In fact that was the whole strengh of the Simpsons. Subtlety, Feeling. It had that for longer than people give credit.
The HD era (Season 18 or so) where it just turned into Famly Guy 2.0

>"Homer was out of character"

Homer has always taken the easy way out in life and being lazy. How is it out of character that he acts selfish and has no empathy toward others at some point of his life?

"Wrong" as in Grimes had a point. I guess not wrong in the way this meme defines the word.


Grimey was a brilliant satire of people who think they're more intelligent than others and look down on them, yet aren't able to accomplish anything special temselves

Lol still funny

Grimey was a brilliant satire of people who think they're more intelligent than others and look down on them, yet aren't able to accomplish anything special temselves

inb4 "he had a hard life". people like that are always prepared to make excuses based on times shit goes against them. Shit goes against everyone at some point in life. The real winners deal with it

Why didn't Grimes get another job? Mr Burns isn't the only person who owns a nuclear plant.

>tfw too intelligent to live

Now that I think about it, this episode is pretty similar to "Homer Loves Flanders" (except for the ending where he sticks up for Ned obviously). Homer's just an enthusiastic guy desperate to be liked and can't understand why he isn't. I guess you're right, it's just part of his character.

Homer has been lucky, but such is life. It's often about luck. Remember how he made that Rant that's Americas fault? I don't know. The whole western world is about luck more often than not. Not just America.

>The whole world is about luck


Learn to live with it or die.

grimes had no point. he was just jealous and spiteful and looking for someone to blame his struggles on. he treated homer like shit; but homer, instead of abusing grimes in return, tried to befriend him, felt depressed when grimes rejected him, and even changed his behaviour in an effort to please grimes, but grimes was still a prick to him. grimes was just an asshole

I watch this episode very rarely because it's actually so depressing

The key distinction is Grimes sees himself as a success and Homer sees himself as a failure. Grimes feels alienated that his 'success' is not properly rewarded. His perseverance and determination alter his character in a way that almost no one can associate with.

And then you can look at Homer's desperate need for approval from this man. The greek tragedy of the whole episode is that Homer fundamentally respects and admires Grimey, but this only angers him as Grimes wonders why this respect and admiration does not translate into real world 'rewards'.

Tough watching, genius episode.

So 99% of people on this board?

Grimes did have a point: Homer wasn't only lazy or lucky, he was incompetent.
Grimes put effort into his important job on which the security of a whole city depended, Homer did not.

In what way is Grimey not the exact same character as Chalmers as far as being a normal "realistic" guy in a cartoon world and not understanding any of it?

Had Chalmers already morphed into the one dimensional sitcom SSSKKKIIIINNNNNNNNNERRRRR! boss at this point?

>Homer was out of character
Who are you quoting nobody said that

ok, but incompetence is part of homer's character as the "bumbling oaf." homer's incompetence would be a real point in the real world, but not in this cartoon. and ultimately homer is not so incompetent as to make his meagre successes ill-gotten or undeserved, as grimes believes

I like Superintendent Chalmers. He's a good guy, bro tier

> Lovejoy:"Frank Grimes, or Grimey, as he liked to be called..."
Just came to this thread to say that the line at the funeral is one of the funniest in all of Simpsons. Fucking Homer is messing with Grimey even beyond death. Not intentionally, just because of dumb.

Hes not completely wrong you know

This. And for the longest time I hated this ep because of how "other" and unnerving it feels. But that's kinda the point its a bottle episode. Ur only suppised to look at it on its on much like the more terrible armand tamzarin ep. They have a point and story to tell but they tell tgis story outside of the typical established simpsons universe

i agree. even though as others said, they cranked up homers stupidity level, it is one of the best simpson episodes.

That wasn't really the point of the episode you fucking idiot, Homer was genuinely a retard who not only didn't deserve his job but he actually was dangerous to have him in that position

literally me

Hi Grimey!

Shouldn't surprise you that they get so mad over the episode that makes fun of them. From what I've seen, the consensus among normies (youtube) is that Grimes was an asshole who couldn't get over the fact that life isn't a role-playing video game where you can just put in work and receive rewards without fail. But we are on the "fuck chads and stacies!" website.

>had no point

Having Homer in charge of safety at the Nuclear power plant was a danger for the whole city and more

then he should have stuck to that point instead of getting mad about homer's personal life. ultimately grimes cared more about being jealous over homer than he did about safety or homer's incompetence

Reminder that Frank Grimes Jr. exists

>Thinking the Grimes episode is one of the best ever.

Chinese warlords had to play some kind of dice game before being in that position.
For them, luck was as important as knowledge.

Homer has been in fucking space, is head of safety in a power plant and owns a home with two cars. Hes pretty well off for being such an absolute idiot.

lucky him

>He fails to understand the basic truths of his own reality.

Holy shit, this is literally the best thing ever said about this episode. Thanks, user.

Supernintendo Chalmers is indeed a great character.

>Supernintendo Chalmers

Everytime kek

Thats Grimes problem, Homer got lucky and didnt work for anything.

He has held almost 300 jobs by sheer luck, he keeps getting picked up in company schemes and put in great positions for keks.

Good idea, poor execution. Cringy as fuck. 4th wall shit is rarely good

Homer for his laziness, Grimey for his envy.

>Homer got lucky and didnt work for anything
he has worked the same miserable job that he hates for over 10 years without getting a promotion or a raise, all for his family's benefit. he's lost his hair, his youth, his health and his time in this process. he's on his fifth mortgage at least and the family barely scrapes by. homer has worked for everything he has, and nearly killed himself in the process

Are we going to ignore his adventures in space, being in a band, being a boxer, among other things?

Hes not doing better with his luck because hes an idiot. Burns doeant know who he even is, and hes been his right hand man twice now.

Homer literally proved him so wrong that he died

yes, because they have nothing to do with grimes' false assertion that homer "leeches off hard-working people," "like me." homer has done and continues to do everything society says one is supposed to: get married, have children, get a mortgage and house, get a job, raise and support your kids, obey your boss, pay your taxes, go to church, go to college and get a degree, etc; and his meagre 'reward' for all this is his lower-middle-class suburban life. homer hasn't 'leeched' off anyone, and grimes had no right to call him a parasite, a fraud, or think him some sort of crook, especially after homer had invited grimes into his home and tried to make amends. grimes is honestly disgusting