What does Sup Forums think of the Eagles?

What does Sup Forums think of the Eagles?

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The Big Lebowski

I more or less agree with The Dude. I like a few eagles songs, but for the most part, can't stand them. Don Henley was good though as a solo artist.

better than meme grips

I can't stand the fucking eagles

but this is true

glenn frey was a piece of shit that bullied every single member of the band until they either left or drank themselves into waste, and henley sat back and watched

desperado is a tite fuckin tune though

they were talented motherfuckers

They played in my city a few weeks ago and the cheapest tickets were like $200. What the fuck?

I hate the fuckin death grips, man!

Eagles [Asylum, 1972]

These guys certainly boogie more than the bluegrass sellouts who populate the vaguely country-oriented mainstream of contemporary American rock, and they certainly write more memorable songs. But this culminates the reactionary individualism that country-rock has come to epitomize in the counterculture. What's worse, the country orientation bespeaks not roots but a lack of them, so that in the end the product is suave and synthetic--brilliant, but false. And not always all that brilliant, either. B

Desperado [Asylum, 1973]

With its barstool-macho equation of gunslinger and guitarschlonger, its on-the-road misogyny, its playing-card metaphors, and its paucity of decent songs, this soundtrack to an imaginary Sam Peckinpah movie is "concept" at its most mindless. I don't know, fellas, how do ya "tell the dancer from the dance"? Have to get people off their asses first. C

I hate the fucking Eagles maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

don henley is a pedophile 2018

I hate hearing hotel California

trash tier dad rock, definitely among the worst

>But this culminates the reactionary individualism that country-rock has come to epitomize in the counterculture

Does anyone understand what this guy is talking about?

Hotel California is an amazing song, despite how overplayed it still is. All their other shit is trash

a lot of the communal free love counterculture from the 60s had just died off and become this narcissistic shell of itself at that point

He's talking about the transition from the "We Can Change The World" 60s optimism to the self-absorbed "Me Decade" 70s. In essence, people kept the free love and drugs part of the 60s while dumping its politics.

>What do I think of The Eagles?

I don't!




If you're a 60 year old man who drives an F150, then the Eagles are ok.

Hotel California sounds cool... if you're 12 years old. Then you realize it's pretty much cynically manufactured pop music where they've checked off all the boxes to ensure a hit 3deep5me single. Pretty much the same thing as when a movie director says "this scene needs to make the audience feel sad. here's $50,000, compose a tune that invokes sadness."

I have a genuine dislike of the Eagles. Its just not a good sound to me. Each of their solo careers is far better than the collective. There best material is overplayed to the point of it being robbed of all value and their other stuff is bearely hitting meh.

lmfao who hurt you

t. guy who's never heard Van Halen and Motley Crue

Better than CSNY i guess.

It's sorta offensive in retrospect because it helped transmute the aesthetics of "country music" into Stadium Rock/Pop

>Better than CSNY i guess.
Or worse than that, CSN.
>It's sorta offensive in retrospect because it helped transmute the aesthetics of "country music" into Stadium Rock/Pop
That's why Bernie Leadon left the band in 1975, he wasn't happy with their transformation into commercial arena rock. That and he was a huge Christfag who disliked the degenerate rock star lifestyle.

desperado is pretty dope but the rest is garbage

I thought Don said they were calling it quits when Glen died.

It's the overplaying of their hits that makes people hate this band.

They were a decent country-tinged rock band until they added Joe Walsh for their last 2 albums.

But the final 2 albums with Walsh at least turned them into a more rockin' band, as opposed to their earlier, softer stuff.

All you have to do is listen to Hotel California , Life in the Fast Line and the Long Run singles and compare it to their greatest hits album (which came out just before they added Walsh and everyone owned a copy of it) to notice the difference.

Personally, I prefer the Eagles with Walsh for the last 2 albums over their earlier stuff.

There early shit was literally mom-rock, that's how I got my own copy of the Eagles Greatest Hits on vinyl, when my mom stopped caring about her albums and let me play with them as a toddler. That, along with James Taylor's JT album seemed to be a favorite among moms at the time.

James Taylor's fanbase back then was mostly same as Mac Demarco's is today--college girls who think some dude with an acoustic guitar is so cute. I think the mom/bored housewife demographic in the 70s would mostly have been listening to stuff like Barbra Streisand.

Life In The Fast Lane is their only good song, thanks entirely to Mssr. Walsh.

I don't hate the eagles, I think there are far worse bands. But I be damned if Boys of summer isn't one of the best songs of all time

I hated this band for like 25 years

thought it was crappy dad rock

then, out of nowhere, it grew on me, and I have to say, I am an Eagles fan

>Hotel California....
>you can neber leeeebe!!!! WOoOoOo! Spooky Wooky! I"ll neber do drugz!
Not as bad as America, but almost. A truly horrible band. I think 70's soft rock was some kind of cosmic balancing effect brought on by prog. Prog was unnaturally good. There had to be an absolute black hole of shit around to balance the equation.

The Eagles are what you get when you market something completely mediocre. If you had their records, Led Zeppelin, and Queen right next to each other, there's no way you would go out of your way to pick an Eagles record.

What a retarded opinion.

this song is actually stuck in my head

Please do not tell me you think the solo in hotel california is anything else but fucking brilliant

Bad 70s beach sex music. Do not listen to.


>I have a genuine dislike of the Eagles. Its just not a good sound to me

Well, you gotta be sitting on the beach in Santa Monica puffing on a joint or two to "get" them.

If I hear Hotel California on the radio one more goddamn time



They're alright, overrated by boomers but still wrote good songs. I unironically enjoy their individual solo careers more actually.

>overrated by boomers
this is an understatement
if you listen to literally any person between the age of 45 and 65 they will tell you The Eagles are the greatest band to ever walk the face of the earth

Mixed. I can hear Already Gone a thousand times, but too many of their other songs have been overplayed to death. Will always get a plus for HHGTTG using one of their songs as their theme.
This, Boys of Summer is amazing.

>literal fucking 1990s children

I hate the fucking Eagles

the epitome of a professional rock group
everything rock is not supposed to be

>The Eagles

Why do this to yourself.

Joe Walsh solo > shit > Eagles discography

Take It Easy, Tequila Sunrise and Hotel Califournia are the only songs of their's that I return to. I always found it weird they did a Tom Waits cover on one of their albums and a 6 minute instrumental used on HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy on another of their albums.

>Eagles - Hotel California (666)
what did they mean by that?

>band has a drummer who's also the frontman

soy reppelant

I believe they're the greatest band of all time. I actually cannot comprehend why anyone wouldn't like them other than being a reddit edgelord and recently watching the Big Lebowski. Better than the Beatles, that's for sure. Inb4 boomer, I'm 20 years old.

They've also usually always played live songs like the record note for note with no jamming or improvisation, which is pretty lame. Jamming at live shows is the essence of rock and roll.