The next four years are gonna be great

The next four years are gonna be great

A bunch of people who make it there career to hate white men, its like they want 12 years of Trump.

Omg michael moore looks like an old woman...

>let's lecture the idiot public, they're so lucky to have us to tell them how to live
I fucking hate modern Hollywood so much

>Lena Dunham
>Now what?
Well I sure hope she's off to Canada, like she said she would.

these career neoliberals are a small portion of the media.

i don't get why you alt-right get so bent out of shape when there are ideologues on both sides spewing identity politics.

Look out Michael, that hood is trying to steal your purse!

>van jones
Literally nobody likes this guy, why is he famous?

Is the flag meant to be touching the floor?

So how many of those guys you think Chelsea fucked?

Is Michael Moore about to make us call him "Michelle"?


If you're an edgelord that lives to get internet reactions out of people, then sure yeah the next eight years will be great.


she probably fucked all of them, even dunham

>4 years

You mean 8 years user.

Won't lie, I'd still fuck Chelsea

>my dick is big enough to get something out of it, other than numerous diseases

Michael More looks like a middle aged tractor lesbian

Lena Dunham is defending my rights. Brb


>Michael Moore
>Lena Dunham

I am a liberal and I wish these retards would fall off the face of the Earth already. They are like walking strawman arguments that people make against liberals.


Way to expose yourself as a libtard

>I am a liberal

>am a liberal

One side dominates the mainstream media and tries to censor the other's opinion

how do you live with yourself

It took me a minute to realize that's Lena Dunham in the middle. It's amazing how much long hair improves any woman's look.

He looks like Bill Gates if he gained loads of weight then lost it all really quickly

she is brave and stunning

>2 white women
>2 black men
>1 white man :)

>move to Spain

Please, you can keep that. We have many freaks as it is.

>putting Lena on the cover again
They really want 8 years of Trump dont they?

Like him more than anyone else in the picture

Did Dunham loose wieght or did the photoshop guy go all Luke and the end of ROTJ on her?

Why do blacks act like Trump will be a problem for them when he's tried his hardest to appeal to them?

Is this the new "Nazis watch out" picture?

>Why do blacks act like Trump will be a problem

I think it's mostly white leftists who for some reason feel like they are the spokepeople for blacks.