Member when HBO was good?

member when HBO was good?

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Me either.

They were a literally who until they struck gold and made The Sopranos and went to complete shit in less than a decade.

good god larry has always been old but he looks fucking old in this

this year just got a lot more current


will he survive?

Christ he's going to be fucking insufferable now

that was actually funny

Americans really can't into self-depreciating humour

john oliver is literally /ourguy/


>unlimited material for 8 more years thansk to trump

>Christ he's going to be fucking insufferable now
not really

when the democrats are in charge then the liberal media basically is forced to carry water and justify everything the dems do, even lying often. but at least when it's a republican in office they will at least point out all of the corruption and lies in an honest manner.

media is objectively better when a republican is in office because all these liberals think of themselves as freedom fighters in the warsaw ghettos of 1940s

holy shit, is curb back?

He will be deported or end up in an unmarked mass grave during the purges.

What has Larry David been doing anyways?

What are the chances he gets a grip on reality?
If he turns on the democrats and points out their blatant race baiting, lack of ideas, corruption, using the "news" as propaganda", promotion of cultural Marxism, hatred of white people, etc and gets the logical thinkers back on his side the democrats might have a chance in 2020 if they re-invent themselves. But if it's the usual DUDE DRUMPF LMAO then it's Trump 2020.

Making terrible movies that no one saw

>If he turns on the democrats and points out their blatant race baiting
Democrats never race bait. Not sure you know what race baiting means.

>when the democrats are in power the media sucks because it attacks republicans but when REPUBLICANS are in power the media is great because it attacks republicans

why do you yanks like this faggot? is it because he has a british accent?

Most English people I've met who live in the United States are witty. Why isn't Jolliver funny?

liberals have jumped the shark, everything is the end of the world to them now and its not going to get better

I'm a liberal.

His show is like porn.

no chance absolutely none

does he look like the type of guy that can have banter with mates without telling them theyve crossed the line and are offensive?


Holy shit can you fucking kill yourself please? Thanks.

I think HBO is going to be fully dead to me as soon as I finish The Leftovers season 3

>getting btfo in your own commercial
Alright, I admit that was pretty funny.

oh wow didn't know they show jamal having sex with your wife at LWT

Not him but while being generally on the right of things a lot of posters here seem to be oblivious to just how hard Republicans (and the "alt-right) race-bait. If democrats want to make you think that every white person wants to reinstitute slavery, right-tards want you to think every person whose skin is darker than off-white is a criminal illegal alien who has come here to steal your job, rape your children with brown cocks, and shoot you in your suburban home. It's just emotional and psychological manipulation (something both parties have leaned on for far too long).

How upset are you that Trump is the most powerful man in the world?

no what I mean is that the media that likes to pretend it's "liberal" and "leftist" will turn a blind eye to the corruption and rightwing policy of the democrats. the liberals view the democrats as their "team" even when some democrats aren't even liberals (like clinton) and ignore all of their faults + corruption

He's funny in community, but that's just because he plays a parody of his own brand of utterly pathetic nerd. When he's trying to be charismatic, he fails. British humour is built on undermining the absurdity in class and aspiration, so any arrogant self righteous dickheads are always secondary foil. He has to do it on his own for half an hour, and he's bad at it.

The Current Year Returns

democrats are a lot more explicit about how badly they want america to become less white. The only person in the public sphere saying america should become more white is Richard Spencer

white people commit less crimes than those black and brown people you talk about

>curb is back

CIA likes his coffee black

It's always hilarious when a brain washed SJW tries to sound level headed. You have no self awareness

Going to be an amazing next four years for us liberals, poor rednecks who vote for trump are going to be in for a dude awakening

millions of people losing their health
the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer

going to be a blast when everyone in the world get to say

"we told you so"

I can't fucking wait for the 20th boys. It really feels great

No, cuck. It's you who are in for the dude awakening



nice brave face youre putting on, you can admit you cried on election night tho

>democrats are a lot more explicit about how badly they want america to become less white.
This is rooted within your persecution complex. It's pure delusion. No one cares about you dude, I'm sorry to inform you. You aren't that important. The reasons for your failures in life aren't because of some mythical jew hiding behind every corner, it's actually because you are mediocre.

Maybe if you stopped blaming everyone else and took some responsibility in your life you might finally find success. My advice.

>leftists are still this assblasted


wanted Trump to win from the start, seeing all those alt right, anti SJW youtubers suck Trump's cock so racist can give them money was hilarious, now that he's in and we have it on record they all supported him...when it turns out that Trump is the piece of everyone with a brain thought he was, watching them defending everything he does will be golden

lol, not a SJW. I just realized how full of shit the Breitbart posse is.

What do crime statistics have to do with my post? Do you live your life in fear of minorities because of those statistics? If so you are a sad person. I even think it's more an issue of poverty than race (because contrary to the left I don't think government programs automatically solve poverty).

Every time you see someone screaming about "NO MORE WHITES 2050" you are being race-baited. That is what I am saying.

>This is rooted within your persecution complex. It's pure delusion. No one cares about you dude, I'm sorry to inform you. You aren't that important. The reasons for your failures in life aren't because of some mythical white privileged man hiding behind every corner, it's actually because you are mediocre.
>Maybe if you stopped blaming everyone else and took some responsibility in your life you might finally find success. My advice.
now accept refugees

If the past few months are any indication it's going to be nothing but "orange face xD" and "fucking Russia! REEEEEE".

Is Curb your Enthusiasm actually gonna come back?
You dont joke about that kinda stuff.

it is

>le blacks commit crime due to poverty
>not a lefty btw
use some logic please its culture not poverty

Not him but IMO the rate America accepts refugees is pretty reasonable. Europe fucked up but what else do you expect from them?

I'll admit bias and think we should really accept more Christians because I think they are pretty close to genocide no matter which side wins the war.

>tfw more excited for Oliver to return than David

I don't think it's strictly one or the other, but material want creates a fertile ground for misconduct, especially given the lack of opportunities in inner cities. There are a lot of factors at play, including broken families, a lousy criminal justice system, police quotas (which help no one), and a pop culture that glorifies violence. Getting people jobs is a step in the right direction.

Asad wont genocide the christians.
tell me how it is that we should accept more immigrants, whilst at the same time we should get used to the automization of industry coming?

When they added Vice and LWT to appease SJWs

> I'm surprised The Young Pope is even on HBO

its culture and nothing is gonna change whilst liberals blame poverty and people like you make concessions to them, crime was not the same in other minority groups suffering poverty

I didn't make a judgement on whether or not the democrats pining for a less white america is a good thing or a bad thing, simply that they do it and like it. Which makes sense for them, non-educated non-white voters are the majority of the democratic base

You then immediately dove-tailed into an ad-hom attack


>Asad wont genocide the christians
I never said he would. Violent attacks will continue though like they do in Egypt and Turkey, our secular allies.

Nothing is gonna change? You're ignorant of how much has changed in 50 years. Black culture was vibrant and people generally improving their standards of living until the Great Society programs started gutting black communities. Did you forget the Harlem Renaissance?

I'm sorry to say but that attitude makes it sound like you want to have a reason to justify your disgust with black people. As if the Irish or Italians didn't used to be little more then thugs and criminals in America's inner cities "begging" for handouts. People thought it was "culture" back then too.

What the fuck is going on here? Has Big Rob from celebheights finally lost the plot with his height listings?

>now accept refugees
I'm personally "OK" with the way USA accepts refugees where they are heavily vetted and are actually refugees.

The fucking morons in europe just opened the floodgates and let anyone through, mostly they were just immigrants looking to leech off europes welfare state. That's radically different from refugees fleeing from war though.

>5'11.5" ubermensch vs 5'11" manlet
When will they learn?

Ok HBO don't fuck with me
New season now

I thought the Larry David part was pretty funny. I don't know why you guys get so worked up over JO

how long until trump cancels his show?

Not the result I wanted, or expected, but it is what it is. No point in being salty about it. All you can do is hope he does a great job.

>I don't know why you guys get so worked up over JO
Wanting to fit in with other Sup Forums Sup Forumslocks and shitposters.

they basically confirmed it, now they have to deliver

that's gotta be wrong. they're both standing straight and that is way more than a 2cm difference

Legitimately funny promo with the Silicon Valley, Larry David appearance.

>Sometimes we don't want a British man yelling at us for an hour about how the world is ending
He's not wrong.

Larry David is either shrinking with old age, or has never been 5' 11"

What do you mean? This sounds like the typical John Oliver joke to compare some random political event to a sex move.

Why are there are no famous troll liberals?

Every single political troll is a conservative. I guess being a conservative is just more edgy. The biggest a lib troll gets is tumblr.

I just finished The Sopranos last night. That was a good show.

Game of Normies was good, and now I just keep watching for closure.

But no, I never watched HBO until last year. My parents never subbed to it and I never wanted to until last year.

How the fuck does that have anything to do with his post? Fuck off to r/the_Donald.

Curb is kino

because trolling is derivative, hack comedy. talented people actually make jokes at the expense of those in power rather than acting like a complete fool for attention.

>larry is back
god i hope he doesn't go full retard against trump

i hope he goes all out on everyone

that would be better

>mostly they were just immigrants looking to leech off europes welfare state.
eh, can't say I blame them. If you lived in a shit hole and you knew they were a bunch of Retards in Europe willing to give you money just for existing would you not take advantage of it?

Spinal Disorder maybe?

Democrats and their media chums quietly pushed Trump in the primaries because they were sure Clinton would beat him. Then they rigged their own primary so that Clinton was the candidate. We all know what happened next.

Democrats literally tried to rig the entire election for Clinton and ended up foisting Trump on the nation because their candidate (and obnoxious campaign strategy) was so horrific. And now they're crying that the Russians rigged the election against Hillary by exposing what a terrible candidate they are.

If Trump isn't terrible, he'll be re-elected. If he is terrible (most likely the case), a different Republican will be elected in 2020. Democrats completely shit the bed this cycle and won't get a sniff of the whitehouse for over a decade now.

>everyone in the world get to say "we told you so"
The alternative was Clinton. You left people with no choice (and then didn't bother voting, LOL). Whatever Trump does, the media will paint him as a villain, and you'll say "I told you so" no matter what he does. Good thing nobody with any sense listens to you or the media any more.

fun fact: the older you get the shorter you get

>Rigged the primary

I'll never get tired of this meme

>won't get a sniff of the whitehouse for over a decade now

I wish I was this delusional.

>they rigged the Primary
Or maybe Bernie just fucking sucks?

he did a movie that was pretty much CYE with different characters and he wrote and starred in a hit play.


I get that you can't read the Wikileaks because CNN told you that it's illegal to posess a copy of it on your computer, but can you explain why Wasserman-Schultz was ousted? It's not even a fucking secret that Bernie was cheated, keep living in denial.

What a great episode, almost as good as when that bitch tried Larry over bringing a water bottle into the theater.

Bernie lost the vote even without superdelegates. And of course the party didn't support him. Why would they? He's never identified as a Democrat.

Sorry, Bernie filled arenas and auditoriums but he didn't fill fucking voting booths. DWS was incompetent and a mess. Let's be real: Bernie came out of nowhere. The entire DNC had their platform ready to go for HRC because she was the only visible candidate in the field. But no, the entire organization should have upended all of their plans because Bernie got the kids excited. If you think planning ahead is "rigging" then you're retarded.

>muh cnn

Name 1 (one) case of right wingers racebaiting as hard as the left did during ZimZam's trial.

Genuinely curious.


He was cheated because his fans were too young to vote for him? The DNC had nothing to do with why that loser didn't get elected.