You getting tickets?

You getting tickets?

I am actually, I think it'll be lit.

Other urls found in this thread:

usually I don't cry shill but the dapperton posting is especially suspiciously shilly

I'm just a huge fan and getting tickets when he comes here on his tour. Just wondering if anyone else is

>You think you're a comic!
What does this supposed to mean?

Marketing teams ruined this board.

I have no idea, it's the name of his new EP.
I guess it's his way off saying fuck the haters, they think they're so clever?

When will napoleon dynamite tier aesthetics finally fucking die?


Did marketers make this guy in a lab?
The song is ok but the image and slick industry machine backing him kind of ruins it a bit

>calls himself diy indie original artist who came out of nowhere
>professionally directed music video
>VEVO watermark
>favored by the youtube algorithm


So? Who cares? It's good music.

it makes me sad fellow bay area Sup Forumstants have such terrible taste

Yeah and he got an article in fucking Vogue with a bandcamp EP out

it's pretty dime a dozen dude. there's nothing unique about it

Am I not fucking allowed to like it?

youre allowed to like anything you want even if it is a faggot industry plant

Do you have any proof he's an industry plant? He seems like a diy artist who went viral because people like his music to me.

no bitch

This faggot is kinda decent to listen to but I'm afraid of the people who would go see him

Bullshit. you are a shill.
