Songs that hit you right in the feels every time

Songs that hit you right in the feels every time.

Here's mine: All the Young Dudes by David Bowie

Other urls found in this thread:

Freddy's got spots from ripping off the stars from his face. Funky little boat race

Television man is crazy saying we're juvenile delinquent wrecks



I accidentally spoke your first name aloud
Trying to make it fit in with the lyrics of Ana Ng
Worked like a charm

We’re getting old
When will we walk in each other’s majestic presence?
Listen, hear my words
They’re the ones you would think I would say if I was John Linnell
Or trying to be John Linnell

Animal Collective - Doggy laaaayy there, so still doggy

on gp by death grips

>Goodbye my friend, I will never love again
>Never again!

i haven't listened to that album in a long time. it was one of "our" favorites. this relationship ended in september 2015 but i'm still upset about it.
in fairness i don't think i'd be into it now if not for sentimental reasons but yeah.

Sorry to hear, that user, good song though.

>if i could leave my body for the night

thanks mate.
i think i'm going to have to try seeing someone again. about a month ago i just got hit by this overwhelming regret and hopelessness about the whole situation and since then i've been so sad it's just about been debilitating. i'm worried that if it keeps on like this for much longer i'm going to start having serious suicidal thoughts and be caught in that horrible, terrifying place again. either that or i'll get too fucked up to be able to face uni stress anymore.
i don't want it to sound like i'm blaming her though. i've had pretty bad depression on off for years that she probably played no part in.

anyway sorry what the fuck am i doing

I don't blame you, man. I felt the same about my first girlfriend. She was truly something special and at the time we were iseperable. I've changed but she's remained the same. We no longer have anything in common yet I still miss what we shared.

that sounds really similar to my situation. she was my first girlfriend as well, and really the first person i've ever felt like i had a close and totally genuine friendship with. we were only pretty young and so it's hard for me to validate in my own head that we loved each other as much as we did, but we did. i still feel like she was an incredibly special person, and that we understood each other uniquely and irreplacably.
i have no way of even talking to her now and that's what upsets me the most. it's a complicated situation where i'm still absolutely convinced she still cares about me, despite her implicitly acting like she wanted nothing to do with me ever again. we broke up so needlessly, i was the one who ultimately ended due to my own selfish intepretation of things and it kills me now. i miss her to tears and feel totally alone.

sorry, how do you mean that you've changed whereas she hasn't? you mean that only you've moved on, or matured and taken a different perspective on it?

No, I don't mean it in that deep of a sense. I mean we share none of the same basic interests anymore. And this relationship I was in also ended because of my warped view of the situation.

there's a handful of molina songs that break my heart and this is one of them. is another



>"speaking of nirvana, it was there"

oh okay. i've changed a hell of a lot as well. i pretty much cringe remembering my pretentious, naive, excessively romantic etc late teen self. it would have been nice if i'd met my ex at this stage of my life and known better how to handle it, it might have worked out better for both of us if we'd been more mature, but that's a useless wish.
i'm sure my ex has changed just as significantly. i can only hope that somewhere in there she still treasures what we had, even if she doesn't want to go back to it.
i feel like if we could just talk it would be so easy to forgive each other and repair this, but that every force in the universe is conspiring to not let me have that chance.
i'm worried that i sound like a stalker but i promise that i'm not a nasty guy. if she explicitly asked me to leave her alone i absolutely would.

Isn't that Moot the Hoople?

Yeh, the Bowie song is a cover (but I like it better)

Yeah, I guess at the very least you can hope that they treasure what you had as much as you do. I sure as hell hope that that's true of most of my past friends and girlfriends.

i wanna say missing them gets easier, but it really doesnt
stay strong, user.

You too, user, I'd love to talk more but I really should be going to bed. Good luck with everything.

Here's some more from

>I sure as hell hope that that's true of most of my past friends and girlfriends
thanks, that makes me feel a little bit less guilty about it. cause i realise it's pretty selfish to hope that you're missed by someone but i guess it's only human. i'm not pretending that i just selflessly want her to be perfectly happy and don't care at all about my own wishes. i do want her to be happy, i just wish i was still a part of her happiness you know.
the only positive way i've been able to look at this is that i'm incredibly grateful i ever got to know her. she helped pull me through some really awful times and she ultimately made me a better person even if it's all gone now.

from what you said it sounds like you've found some kind of peace with your own situation so i'm glad about that. i hope i get there eventually too. but i know it'll take a lot of being sad and accepting being sad before i'm able to feel truly okay about it.

ty user, very few things put me in the same mood as S:O

i know Sup Forums doesn't want to like him anymore but for whatever reason i get a similar emotional feeling from nujabes. there's hope, joy and love but there's a huge underlying sadness in all of it. there's also a rare sense of companionship i get from both of their music.
if you've already made up your mind that he's shitty nu-male music then i'm sorry for sounding pretentious. i've loved his music since i heard it as a teenager so it's sentimental.

anyway here's some songs that make me feel things

>mfw only listened to only one nujabes song
should i check him out?I've listened to plenty of so "Chill lofi hip-hop for study" then i stopped listen to that

i think it's worth checking out for sure. modal soul and hydeout prod 2nd collection are my favorite albums. metaphorical music is more hip-hop and spiritual state is more cafe jazzy but they're all really good.
i have no problem with those study mixes but i definitely get more out of nujabes than just easy listening background music.


Iron Maiden - Wasted Years is too much for me

i love the riff but i cant take iron maiden lyrics seriously ever

Bowie wrote it and gave it to them

Sticks and stones in my bodyyy
I close my eyes, I want to leave my body

listen to modal soul, cant recommend that album enough.

i feeeeeeeel like im dying

get well soon jonatan

Nine Inch Nails - I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally

>Thought he had it all before they called his bluff
>Found out that his skin just wasn't thick enough
>Wanted to go back to how it was before
>Thought he lost everything...
>...Then he lost a whole lot more...

>A fool's devotion
>Swallowed up in empty space
>The tears of regret
>Frozen to the side of his face

So we go inside and we gravely read the stones
All those people, all those lives
Where are they now?
With loves, and hates
And passions just like mine
They were born
And then they lived
And then they died
It seems so unfair
I want to cry

the day that never comes by Metallica. Hits me everytime

great choice user, people don't give death magnetic a chance because nu-metallica a shit, but there are some gems on that album

Thanks, can't say i like the album as a whole but it has some goodies

nice pick