I go to sleep with youtube on, I usually watch nostalgia critic or jontron...

I go to sleep with youtube on, I usually watch nostalgia critic or jontron, but I've been doing this for years can you recommend me someone better than these pathetic losers and sell outs?


Mike and Jay

Both of those are pleb Sup Forums-tier trash, try red letter media.

mega 64, they have livestreams and podcasts that are video game oriented.

Oliver Harper and shitcase cinema are the only decent movie related channels

I watched alot of them already

Sup Forumsedditors out!

thanks guys. I dont really pay attention for more than thirty minutes, but it gets old doing it for a couple years like I have


>>Sup Forums

Xfm podcasts are pure gold, and theres dozens of hours of content

it's funny, if we were standing face to face I'd beat your ass

This is a red flag for depression op

Stop listening to friend simulators, they rot the brain.


hours of material and sometimes funny


arent their videos loud and jarring?

I watch this shit at night when its beddie bye time

Vinny is the most chill guy in the world.

Stefan Molymeme. Just make sure it isn't one where he screams autistically at the camera or has one of his mongoloid guests.

The keyword is "sometimes"

Joe Rogan

Anita Sarkeesian



>I usually watch nostalgia critic


Ethan and Hila