Be a fucking retarded sperg about almost every movie

>Be a fucking retarded sperg about almost every movie
>make a relatively decent Blade Runner analysis

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

broken clocks are right twice a day.

Not seen it, but I assume he proved that the film's dominant interpretation among fans is sperg-authored and sperg-approved.

If you are talking about whether deckard is human or not, he plays the "both sides are wrong" card. which normally I think is a faggot cop-out.
but he's right.

He explains his stances well

He's not, Deckard is human.

The point isn't whether he's human or not. The point is that it doesn't matter because the difference is so minute.

>We never got to see Matthew rant for hours anout Batman v Superman

Is Confused Matthew dead? I haven't heard of him anything.

>Suffering bipolar

Babby's first mental disorder.

this full metal jacket analysis made me fucking mad.

Confused Matthew's review are bipolar. He also happens to suffer bipolar. It's quite funny to see him review movies.

>Pretends to be an objectivist
>Lets his emotions go unchecked whenever something triggers him
>Likes Pleb movies like T2, Jurassic Park and TDK.
>Hates movie who he doesn't understand: No Country for Old Men and Man of Steel.

>Man of Steel
was with you until just then you funny cunt.

Man of Steel is pure kino and one of the best movies to this day.

I'm glad this is becoming a more and more popular opinion, it's like people are done picking apart the minutia of the film and are actually looking at the story on a base level.

You need to be 18+ to post on this board

Eat more lithium, faggot.


I disagree friend

Now this we agree on

Only thing I agree with Confused Matthew is his hatred toward Lost in Translation.

That movies is a piece of shit garbage.

>muh jesus symbolism
>muh sex symbolism
I'm twenty minutes in and can't find anything this guy is saying to be insightful. Symbolism is all fucking swell and dandy but if the narrative is fucking garbage, it doesn't help much does it? Besides, they slap you over the face with the symbolism so fucking hard it made everyone in the theater moan when I saw it.

Go look up the definition of 'mental disorder' you fucking no-mind.

"Man of steel narrative is garbage" is an inane meme repeated by idiots

confused matthew is still a thing? i thought he stopped like 5 years ago.

Guy quit ages ago.

>we must punish zod by saving his life
>that papakent death scene
>Lois included in everything including superman's capture for no reason
>we must terraform earth into krypton because...........???????

I haven't seen the movie in years but if you think that baby-tier symbolism warrants a pass on that godawful plot, then you are lost.


Fuck off

>team fortress 2
muh hats

Holy fuck, I put TF2 instead of T2. I really am a pleb.