From Lord of the rings to Youtube Red show

>From Lord of the rings to Youtube Red show

What went wrong?

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an inch of a receded hairline. literally all it took. he will never get a role in a major movie again, and he will never have sex again.

>an inch of a receded hairline
At least he's not at Pippin levels

>From Lost (one of the most popular TV shows of all time) to Lord of the rings (one of the most popular movie franchises of all time) to Youtube Red show

embarrassing to be honist

Goddamn he turned into bilbo

Holy shit he looks like their dad


He's 48, over 10 years older than Elijah and 8 years older than Dom.

Am i the only person that hates that shallow deapth of field shit?

This, lmao

Where's Sean Astin?


Does Elijah really have the One Ring?
How has he aged so little?

Nobody likes him because of that book he wrote.

> Youtube Red
Wtf is this? I've been hearing about it for a long time but I still don't know what it is. Is it just google netflix? I thought google was good at marketing.

you want to see his dirty laundry in the background?

He still banged Kate so he's done better than pretty much anyone ITT

Elaborate fampai

Dude he's 40 years old. Most men wish to have that much hair left at this age...

He's a homo.

Read the reviews

looks like a young old man.

between those two things i'd imagine he has fuck you money and can piss away doing whatever little indie things he wants


this looks like some gay marriage

He still fucked Megan Fox and Evangelline Lilly at their prime.

looks like a more JUSTed version of stannis

At Corey Feldman's Mansion brah

>he's a head taller than the other two
>never noticed this before
>he's actually just on a stair

I never get tired of manlet-posting.

I'm 25 with his hairline and a bald-patch (not quite a bold spot).

I still get laid.

Yeah, it's Youtube trying to transition away from user-submitted video game reviews and Naruto AMVs towards contracted shows

>download YouTube button

how do i do this using safari?

install helper

delete system32

Jeg vet ikke

He married a qt


>Youtube Red only 10$ a month for your favourit content :^)

not that user but thanks guy

To be fair he is 48

fucking hell he looks 68.

He's gonna be on stranger things season 2 apparently

Speak for yourself, hairlet.

Anglo genes.


Shocker. Despite what Sup Forums says to you, being either bald or under 6'0 can still get you laid.

What's his secret ?

imdb shows him for only one episode

You have to have quite the personality to get a role in both LOTR and Lost


I seem to date these really metrosexual men who always know less about cars than I do. Sometimes you think I might be wearing a strap-on
-Evie on Leno, 2006

He can wave his arms back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm

A man of wealth and taste

>and he will never have sex again
after fucking Evie, who else could he fuck?

what other woman can compare??

>i'm bald everybodeeh...
>i'm old everybodeeh...

He is a cunt to work with, and he steals from sets

This desu. Balding is a sign to women that you are genetically unfit for reproduction, its one of the most offensive turn offs

london pls bby

Only fags on Sup Forums care about balding. I'm balding and get more sex than each and every one of you


He gets into shouting match against Joe Rogan on Joe Rogan's podcast. He's a vegan and doesn't even understand the necessity of hunting. He's a fucking douchebag honestly. I liked watching his travel/nature show even though it was terribly generic.

he was only the recipient of her strapon fucking.

>tfw that will never be me

what the fuck happened to all of their careers?

they were in the biggest movies of the 21st century. if jlaw and chris pratt are "a-list" and cast into everything now, what the fuck happened to the LOTR cast?

Seriously. this isn't a meme. how does hollywood work?

>It wasn't me instead
>She wasn't whispering how much of a good boy I am for taking mommys cock

Why even live bros?

Maybe they just don't care and do whatever they want since they already have that sweet lotr money for the rest of their lives.

They've already been in the best movie they will ever be in, so what's the point of busting their balls doing 12 films a year just on the off chance that one of them might be good (also known as the Leonardo di Caprio method of acting). They have the money to just fuck around doing whatever interests them, which if you look at most of their filmography (particularly Elijah Wood's) it's what they all seem to be doing.

this. they're living most actors (or maybe just people in generals) dreams desu

I'm 24 and totally bald and still get laid.

Women don't care what men look like they care what men say and do.

I liked Pet alot more than I thought I would.

Anyone got a rip of the second episode?

They're pretty type cast, and not amazingly attractive.

The A lists can do any role, have a cool appeal about them, and are attractive, Except JLaw but the media makes out she is.

Has given birth multiple times with babies from a pudgy, gross, ethnic douche

DROPPED x123456789

She's still a 11/10 so fuck you

He seems pretty cool. I was shocked how fearless he was with dangerous animals on that one show he had. show was decent but needed more whores.

Billy is like ten years older than both of them, he just looked their age in the films. He's also a punk rocker or some shit.

If you read anything about Elijah it's pretty clear he has no desire to be a "star". He just likes to act and does stuff that interests him, from what I've read he lives a pretty quite life and the only famous people he's friends with are actos he knew as a kid and people from Lord of the Rings.

>the ring brought to Elijah unnatural long life


>The book is mostly an autobiographical sketch of Astin's experience in the movie industry told from the very whiny perspective of a spoiled-brat child of Hollywood who has never learned what life is like outside the ivory tower of power-mad, fabulously wealthy liberal Democrats.

That guy will do anything desu. He just enjoys life. You got to remember, he was also a star in LOST. Nigga is already set for life, he just enjoys shit.

I know. Ashame, too. I always wanted to believe he was as nice as he seemed.

Who fucking did anything after LotR?

Why would you even need to?

Vigo Morteinstein had a cameo on Always Sunny, and that one movie where he fucks his kid, but he's irrelevant despite being ARAGORN.

Even Orlando isn't that relevant anymore, and he was pretty fucking big too.

Vsauce Michael looks like THAT?!

No that's lord of the rings guy

Looks like a typical Scot, you mean.

I mean this in the least Sup Forums way, but the answer to your question is Jews.

did he wrestle rogan? I would watch that

what went so right?

damn, he looks like my father

>insulting Viggo
>on Sup Forums

Here's your (You). He only chooses to act in true kino now.

this is why. Viggo, the handsome exception, could have stayed in the spotlight much longer, but he didn't want to. Sean Bean has had alot of work, and a few others. But LotR gave only moderately attractive "nobodies" a chance to be in mainstream spotlight in a way that is rarely seen

>lotr was filmed 20 years ago

Viggo STILL looks good. Are we sure he's not a for-real Dunedain?

Kind of looks like Needing from Batman Begins

You're exaggerating, but I sure hope I look like that when I'm 60

He's too real for Hollywood.

Watch him on the Fighter and the kid podcast. He said every single woman in Hollywood is fucked up in some way or another.

How am I exaggerating? He looks amazing. He's aged more gracefully than any man I can think of.

The blood of Elendil.


Every principal in LotR made mad bank out of it all at the end.
Like, serious cash, enough to set you up for life if you're not a mentalist.
Billy Boyd was never really gonna have a big career after, he was too old and not really handsomme enough. Monaghan's career stopped when what looks he did have began to go. Wood and Astin were already famous.

Boyd used his fuck-you money to live his rockstar dream for a few years, then gave back to his college and home city with investments. Guess he just lives quietly now, could be worse.