Metalfags on suicide watch

Metalfags on suicide watch

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>checks library
>2 female artists
can i survive in today’s society?

it basically just checks how much mainstream female pop you listen to. it told me that 0% of my music I listen to was female, when close to half of my most recent listens on spotify was a female or had a female in the band.

it's such a blatant way of making money off of feminism. like what a joke this even exists.

can somebody tell me how to do this so i can laugh

why are they so weird

wait so you are saying that spottify thinks there are 2 genders?!?!?!?!?!?

>mfw waifufag

as a white man i apologize
i wonder how they calculate this, cause i definitely listen to women and bands with women in them a bunch

this can't be true i listened to the new anna von hausswolff album at least 4 times

Why the fuck would you wanna know? I think most people listen to music to hear music they enjoy, not to have an equal number of plays from male and female artists. Hell, this doesn’t even show male vs female songwriters. You can listen to 100% female singers while all of the actual composers have been male.

i've only listened to julie byrne because i thought she was qt

98% men / 2% women, weird i have 8 female artists in my recent listenings

There is a link to the analyzer in Pitchfork's article

It's not like i keep track of this or anything, but i could have sworn that it would have been more even than this

Also the playlist they give you is so pathetic. Really gives away what this whole thing is really for. It's for normies to get them to listen to more normie female pop.

This is so unbelievably stupid.

I suppose only pop singers count as female artists.

>top artist is youth code
>yet says I only listen to 5% women


you know what? i'm not against women being more prominent, and women being creative, but the way these liberal(note for pol: these people are NOT leftists) go at rectifying things in their mind is so smarmy and so...simplistic. They treat everything as a moral imperative, when it's natural for men to gravitate towards other male musicians when it comes to emotional shit

I got 100/0 and I think they just look for female pop artists, and consider everything else male. Good to know that Spotify agrees Grimes is a dude though.

> the extension generates an “equalized” playlist with a more balanced gender breakdown for those who skew male-heavy.

So what about plebs like me who mostly listens to Carly Rae Jepsen?

>using Spotify

In 2017, 100% of the top streamed tracks were performed by men artists. We’re missing out on so many good tunes by women.

Top what? Top 5, top 10, top 100? How many artists, because I wouldn't be surprised if the entire top 10 was taken up by Drake or some shit

>95% men


I only listen to metal, why are they putting female pop artists my playlist

>the extension generates an “equalized” playlist with a more balanced gender breakdown for those who skew male-heavy.
does it work in the opposite direction?
oh wait, you dont have to answer
I already know

>does it work in the opposite direction?

>Carly Rae Jepsen
more respect for the queen faggot

>does it work in the opposite direction?
>he likes to hear males in his ear all the time
how much of a homo can you be?

pretty sure this shit only adds up pop music
also anybody find it funny a FUCKING LIQUOR COMPANY IS DOING THIS SHIT

Why would you ever use Spotify in the first place

0% female

Male vocals are just better imo

>recent listens: Red Garland Trio, Big Black, Mass of the Fermenting Dregs, Ahmad Jamal Trio, tricot
>reccomendations: Martin Garrix, Kodak Black, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez, Iggy Azalea
This is fucking stupid.
Chris Ott is always right.

96% men, 4% women. Kek

Its completely useless. For one it has been around for past a week now, not exactly new news and pretty much everyone whose seen it has considered it a joke. Secondly the calculation is blatantly broken and I'm assuming only takes into account solo female artists (because I'm pretty sure that CHVRCHES, HAIM, Souxsie and the Banshees, X-Ray Specs etc. all include females), that's to say nothing of the frequent listening to Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, Anne Briggs and so on, something has to be faulty. Then of course there's the fact that the "tailored" playlists are composed mostly of top 40 R 'n' B/ p[op which is mostly made up of women marketed using their sex appeal to distribute to the masses - they've effectively managed to objectify women even more. Just look at this pathetic playlist (and keep in mind I put it at 90% women). Creep, fucking Pitbull - the rest of the songs that are finally written for women are about smooching and relationships as if that's the only thing women can sing about. Honestly its made me more sexist than otherwise.

I think this is stupid and not worth it to engage.

>equalized playlist only gives pop music
>sponsored by alcohol company

If I’m listening to more male artists, its probably because I relate more to them as opposed to some female artists, or the specific musicians i’m listening to are simply more entertaining to me. Entertainment shouldnt be forced on people for the sake of some arbitrary ratio.

Identity politics has ruined a lot of shit, and I say that as an ardent feminist.

Sludge metal has a surprising number of women musicians

good to see other likeminded people. i'm the same, i'm opposed to Sup Forums and things like that, but like i mentioned, liberal people in charge of media structure(cause they are) are not sophisticated or nuanced into social dynamics. identity politics is a huge mistake, and one that might take years to bury

the honest truth is the reason the music industry and especially particular genres are full of men is that men put themselves out on a limb when it was a difficult thing to do to establish new genres and styles of music and women tagged along after when it was already safe, there's probably some deep sociological reason why you could argue it was "easier" for men to go out on a limb and do something new but the fact is they did it and to take that away from them and say it doesn't count for anything and it wasn't earned is intellectually dishonest and, in the end, bad for art. even from a perspective most negative towards men in music you would have to admit at the very least that innovative male musicians opened the doors for and make it easier for everyone else to follow including minorities

Considering how much Dolly Parton I listen to the 0% it gave me seems unfair.

Seems a little inaccurate desu. What happens with bands/groups consisting of both genders?

> that men put themselves out on a limb when it was a difficult thing to do to establish new genres and styles of music and women tagged along after when it was already safe,
not true btw

Yea this thing is bogus

>Metalfags on suicide watch
Gothic Metal is female as fuck


>not pirating your music

Tfw the bands I listen to the most are Kinokoteikoku, tricot, and MOTFD but nah I listen to 94% male artists. Then they proceed to recommend me female pop artists.

Wanna know a fun thing? The Equalize your playlist slide, starts at 70% in favor of women and 30% in favor of men. You can only drag it down to 50/50, but can drag it up to 90% in favor of women and 10% in favor of men.
True equality in the eyes of a feminist.

I like Meredith Monk, I was talking about pop music

Just tried it. Said i listen to 100% male artists, then suggested me a playlist with Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, and Kasabian. what absolute fucking trash is this.

I DO listen to female artists by the way

Like, I'm fairly sure SZA and M.I.A are women and not even obscure...

If women made better music they'd get more listening. Problem is it's more beneficial for them to sell their image instead.

Other examples where the female artists actual musicianship is great with very little-to no image being needed? I can think of Joanna Newsom and Cocteau Twins off of the top of my mind

you people deserve it for using spotify

>Other examples where the female artists actual musicianship is great with very little-to no image being needed?
Meredith Monk

I'd be more ok if it was even Japanese Pop based on the stuff you listen to it doesn't need to be post-hardcore with a poppy edge done by girls, because the implication would be that at least it's checking the stuff you listen to. It's mot even giving a shit.

cat powers
anna domino
patty waters
laura nyro
anne briggs
marine girls
beth gibbons

>guilting listeners into thinking they are the cause of sexism in the music industry
Record labels generally sign and promote a significantly higher number of male artists than female artists. This isn't news. Unless you go out of your way to listen to female artists, you almost certainly listen to more male artists than female artists.

Also, whoever created this algorithm is dumb as hell, just in terms of it literally not being accurate.

what exactly is wrong with spotify? honestly
apart from only having shitty remasters sometimes


there's also The Raincoats, Lisa Germano, Solex, probably a lot more
A lot of women that do have genuine musicianship (Nico, Bjork, Lydia Lunch, Joni Mitchell, etc) also use image anyway

thanks just shorted 100k

pre-2000s Liz Phair


yeah it's kinda dumb you can't just save all the albums, but why not just not save an album and search for it when you want to listen to it

same here
if only joanna newsom were on spotify

>but why not just not save an album and search for it when you want to listen to it
why should i pay $5 for something i can do on youtube for free?


I just looked at some pitchfork articles after having not read the site in 7 years or so and good lord is the writing terrible, like it's written by teenage girls.

Was it always this bad?

(not a soyboy btw)

because you also have to pay a fee to use youtube in the background

just use the musi app. its free and u can listen in the background

Holly Herndon
Laurel Halo
GFOTY (despite her music being trashy pop and having a starbucks cup on her album cover, her music kinda speaks for itself)

Was bought by Condé Nast. The music they cover hasn't really changed but the editorial content has changed dramatically

this doesnt count bjork as a woman but puts her in the playlist?

Im disappointed i didnt get 100%

why do you have to lump in this dumb tumblr shit with liberal politics? You think liberals who are trying to raise the minimum wage and make a fair healthcare system give a shit about this kind of stuff? We're not all blue haired landwhales.

I give conservatives the benefit of the doubt that the vast majority of you aren't alex jones conspiracy nuts who spend all day watching televangelists and beating your wives. It would be better for everyone if you returned the favour and serious political debate wasn't stifled by which sides extremists are more retarded

get a load of this sjw fellas

way to miss the point, dumb fuck.


>don't use spotify anymore
>my only albums with females even in them are Bosnian Rainbows, that Omar Rodriguez-Lopez album with Ximena Sireña, and two Smashing Pumpkins albums because of Darcy
It's more than I expected it to be

Clearly the had an female heavy "equal" team to make this because they cant even do basic math right.

Actually appropriating leftist concepts and adding a corporate, capitalist sheen to them is the most liberal thing I can think of. Just think about how many corporations have jumped on the woke bandwagon, in this case, a giant alcohol company partnering with the biggest music streaming service in the world to say "you're not woke if you don't listen to incredibly corporate music with female performers"

It should tell you the percentage relative to the proportion of men to women artists.

I guess my music-taste is now opressing women. I like how they just add alot of random female artists who has nothing to do with the music you actually listen to to a "equalized playlist"

I guess this means I'm a massive misogynist,clearly my listening habits are just so problematic. Can anyone recommend me some good music by women so I can rectify this?



How about this. Post this smirnoff result next to your lastfm most listened artists. Let's show everyone what a load of fucking rubbish this is

>recent listens: Red Garland Trio, Big Black, Mass of the Fermenting Dregs, Ahmad Jamal Trio, tricot
>reccomendations: Martin Garrix, Kodak Black, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez, Iggy Azalea
Don't call it a grave; it's the future you chose

Got 100% male, 0% female, but this is my artist list. Lol?

Guess I'll be listening to Arkona tonight boys

They only gave you 100% because your taste is disgusting

are you telling me an ideological tool-based website is lying to you to prove its already completely bullshit agenda?


alternatively, i got 78% male and 22% female and i don't even know who the last artist i listened to was
also all the recommendations in the playlist are top 40 pop and mumble rap. hmmmmmm.........

what a bunch of bullshit. i listen to sharon von etten, neko case, patsy cline, feist, cat power, julie doiron, kaki king, alabama shakes, rilo kiley fuckin all sorts of shit... and it gives me this entry level retarded ass playlist fuck u honey dijon the fuck is that name anyway

forgot pic

Still too many. Now I will actively purge all female artists that pop up on my feed

i am literally shaking right now

I have used spotify a handful of times and have only listened to Grouper, Laurel Halo, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Julia Holter, SPC Eco, tricot, capsule, TENTENKO, You'll Melt More, A Sunny Day in Glasgow, Broadcast, Sonic Youth and, The Beatles, The Zombies and Pink Floyd because anything I want to listen to is on my harddrive.
Great job, smirnoff

Oh, and Wednesday Campanella

rate me Sup Forums