What's a good show to watch high on weed and xanax?

What's a good show to watch high on weed and xanax?

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Spongebob Squarepants of course


Just stick to weed bro, xanax is a terrible drug

umm any show?

kenny vs spenny


but I'm addicted to it


kenny vs spenny

>weed and xanax?

Anything you don't care to remember. Bout to pop another myself desu

If youre serious, get help bro. Its one of the worse most dangerous drugs to withdraw on


I tried to stop once. A full month without sleep, always sweating, couldn't even think straight.

What is xanax even used for and why are people talking so much about it in the past year or so?

go raid your grandmothers medicine cabinet. you'll thank me later


Get off it man, seen so many friends get fucked from xans, seizures are so common.

lol alri stan



Anxiety, it was a trendy drug throughout 2013-2016 and now people are learning how fucking dumb and easy it is to get addicted

>What is xanax even used for
Anti social anxiety

>why are people talking so much about it
Mental problems became fashionable again

why do people pretend to be hardasses on the internet?

Why do you pretend to be homosexual? Oh wait you're not

Not homosexual or not pretending to be homosexual?

Snatch dude lmao

Shut the hell up

I watched The Spice Girls movie last night baked was fun

Hardasses? Try experienced. Ive been around xans a lot and they do nothing but harm to people. Seems like a harmless drug at first until youre addicted and seizing and get xan brain.

>pill head

>not also on ritalin and codeine


btw watching dirk gently, pretty good on the combo

>had really bad panic attacks during senior year of high school
>psychiatrist perscribed me xanax
>would pop it in the morning
>didn't remember the first half of my day

Joe would he ashamed of a degenerate like you using destructive addictive pharmaceuticals. Not powerful bro

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm take antidepressants just so I can get off my bed, I know very well mental disorders are serious. But I would be lying if I said they don't get in and out of fashio all the time and the increasing popularity of xanax is just a trend

also all these pussies talking about xanax withdrawal, why not get valium and taper you degenerates

Ritalin does the exact opposite effect of xanax. I take codeine occasionally as painkiller.


>being a degenerate pill head

Have fun looking and feeling like shit

It doesn't if you're actually prescribed it mate.

I took 2 lorazepam earlier and just smoked some weed it's funny to see others with the same plan

gondor primulon cunt

Not available in my country thanks to European laws. And I don't wanna buy via Silk Road. Fuck those people.

This is exactly what every pill head looks like lmaooo

I live in the UK? Which is still in europe.


>Not available in my country

What Ritalin? May I ask the reason why?
My Doctor want to put me in it, but I'm reaaaaally afraid of it

Am I the only one on earth?

Not EU.

>May I ask the reason why?
How the fuck am I supposed to know? Fucking bureaucrats and their stupid laws.

>red eyelids
>yellow/gaunt skin
>sleepy look

enjoy your fried noggin

Tim and Eric Awesome Show
Eric Andre Show
World Peace

Just watch whatever, you're not gonna remember it anyway.

May I ask what country would do this?
It's actually useful in my day to day life and help me sustain work.
What country would not allow a drug that made alot more people more motivated, with next to no side effects, at least personally for me.
I dont get it.

Its my bed time mate.
Getting comfy before bed.

John Wick




That's actually a pretty good choice. But this is Sup Forums, so you're probably being ironic.


not being ironic

also pic related

does xanax show up on drug tests? where do i get some?


for real? is that the same as xanny bars?

walgreens, fred meyer, target
just ask the person at the medicine area

i find films ive watched 100 times over great under influence

what came first, the stupidity or the drugs?

Because tapering benzos can literally last over a year if you've been taking too much/for too long


I got high as a fucking kite last week when watching the 2nd episode of Sherlock and needless to say Toby Jones scared the shit outta me. I literally had to pause because I was very close to panicking.

Also, I find Tarantino films ok if you wanna chill and giggle when high.

Does your husband fuck your suburban white mom ass too?

The one where Duterte splatters your brains all over the pavement

>impotent straight edge rage
Feels even better on opioids.

Are you literally retarded?

How do I go full Aldous Huxley

If you're gonna watch Spongebob high you might as well watch Ren & Stimpy

Both drugs are legal in my country. I ain't no criminal.


>Chad pulls her hair rather violently
>"Mhmmm I'm so going to blow his cock tonight" *smirk*

>Robot smiles at her


Get help


Don't push it. Don't mess with me.
Or I will kill you and your mothers in their sleep tonight.

I fucking hate drugs cause they ruin everything. They're disgusting, and people who use and distribute them should be shot.
t. a former cocaine dealer

Your country is shit.

So why don't you shoot yourself?
>B-but I stopped selling them!
Your beloved Duterte wouldn't give a single fuck.

Xavier Renegade Angel and Wonder Showzen

Goddamn I love benzos. They're wonder drugs, but they will fuck you over hard before you know it. It's not just the withdrawals that are terrible. Long term use of benzos will permanently damage your brain, and has been linked with early onset dementia and alzheimers.

A damn shame too since they're so nice. I love eating after taking xanax. Xanax munchies are like weed munchies on steroids.

oh, i forgot, nothing is worthwhile if it takes time to do.