Mel Gibson in charge of directing war scenes

>Mel Gibson in charge of directing war scenes

*breath in*


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>not posting sound

Haha what the fuck? It's like fucking slap stick.

god damn the combat scenes were terrible in this

Jews were right. Mel "the Fel" Gibson should have stayed dead.

>using dead body as a shield

truly a work of art

When did Sup Forums get so cucked? This board is now filled with faggots.

>walking down the street

wat do?


Looks good

>first hour an unsarcastic view of a genuine "I wanna help" country boy
>comfy but fairly standard bootcamp stuff
>father interjecting some harsh reality but ultimately supports his son
>they hit the island
>those carts of mutilated men and bodies thumping along
>the shellshocked soldiers giving them advice and information
>those terrible fucking cgi ships bombarding the ridge
>the medic fucking vomiting knowing he's going up again
>that almost complete silence as they advance over the blasted landscape and rotting bodies
>webm guy's screaming
>that thumping audio of the guns and bombs
>the soldiers screaming as utter fucking chaos envelops them
>hyper-detailed slaughter for nearly thirty minutes with parts that seem exaggerated out of context but happened and flow in the scenes fine
>they make it to night
>comfy foxhole stuff
>flare nightmare
>waking up to a goddamn horde of nips barreling down on them
>horrible cgi ships covering fire
>still tons of men left up there
>montage of "Please god just let me get one more"
>sneaky descents
>"He even saved some japs. They didn't make it."
>dat slowmo baptismal shot
>they omit the part after he kicked that fucking grenade he rolls off his fucking stretcher to patch up two more guys before being fucking sniped in the back before they can get him off the ridge

It was an alright movie

This looks like the type of movie to get mixed reviews and almost ignored and then praised as a masterpiece by french critics 20 years later

is this a parody of something?

>LITERALLY rehashing the SPR "oh shit they shot my helmet but I'm ok no wait I'm dead because the next shot hits me"

Jesus Christ

what the fuck? this couldn't have come from mel

thats the kind of shit you would see in an anime

pretty brutal scene
but memesters gotta meme

what i hear when i see that scene


>This was one of the goriest, yet most intense, gut wrenching, terrifying combat scenes I've ever seen

>This is insanity...I cant imagine what these guys saw..

>The man jumping up at the beginning is ingenious. What he's seen is what we're all about to experience. It's one of the most disturbing moments I've seen in a movie. Congrats, Mel. You've depicted violence as it should be depicted. Horrifying, and something to fear. Verhoeven would be proud, and I hope this depiction reminds those who've never been to war how it should be avoided at all costs.

I'm surprised the flamethrower guy didn't blow up.

>reading youtube comments

yeah, follow costanza's advice

wtf I love jews now

Reminder that retards on here were calling this MOTY when it came out and sharing stories about how it made them cry manly tears.

Does the grenade prop fly out of that guys hand before he throws it or is that supposed to happen?

>not understanding that Mel realised that war is inherently campy and nonsensical

This is how soldiers remember war to be. Accurate representation have been done. Mel has put the audience in the minds of soldiers like no other film has managed to do since Apocalypse Now - filled with exaggeration, pulp and discombobulated flashes that exist only in nightmares.

Is this a Jap soldier spooking him? Why doesn't he look Japanese?

Is it an American soldier? Why is he spooking his own side? Was he sleeping? Why was he sleeping?

>le it's poor filmmaking on purpose
hello Mike, when's the new Rogue One coming out?

he was probably pretending to be dead guy and got scared thinking they caught him

Garfield those the hiding pretending to be death thing later

>retarded underage anons on this shit board that just downloaded the screener because their parents didn't take them to the movies to see it are now memeing about how "ridiculous" and unrealistic it is

that settles it, Mel is back

>he can't defend the movie so he just insults the people who dislike it

This is like a 16yo's vision of what war is like


why did i kek so hard

>no one appreciates her Oscar speech so she comes to Sup Forums to bitch about Mel

Fuck off Streep.

It's funny how in this scene, the bullets are going through their bodies, but then there's another scene where a half corpse is stopping the exact same bullets as a shield.

Mel is a fucking hack.

t. 16 years old

>it's one of those "based mel" guys
your father figure has bent over backwards for the kikes he despises


why did that happen?


Keep trying Abraham Cheatagoy.

what the fuck is this shit

I'm not the one defending a kikeslave

>mfw the Mel Gibson Defense Force enters the thread
Face it, the action sequences in this movie were Uwe Boll-tier

you sure remember much about it my man

fuckin' war, man...

>movie produced without any Jewish money in spite of Hollywood blacklisting

Keep false flagging Rabbi.

Except that actually happened.

>calling this MOTY
it is still MOTY

You're gonna trigger Sup Forums, m8...

>distributed by jews

Lmao. They kept the shot where the actor drops the grenade but the next shot he throws it.

BRAVO. War is chaos. Filmmaking is chaos. POTTERY MEL.

Pls discuss your fake friends and star shit somewhere else.

>starring a Jew

Nigger, I don't give a shit about Sup Forums. The bullet consistency is just bad.

>jumpscare in a war movie

really nigger?

>Jews working FOR Gibson

It's anudda shoah!

You have no clue what you're talking about.

You clearly have no idea how the movie business works if you think a distributor is working for a director/producer.

Those mother fuckers take a gigantic cut.

Director gets his cut automatically. Distributor gets paid if the movie makes the money back.

Auterism was a mistake. Now every moron just looks for "artistry" (as in, you can tell who made this shit over anonymous shit) in bad films and calls them hidden gems.

It got a lot of praise from the critics though.

this is animu tier




dude reminds me of a young bruce campbell. Made me forget I was watching a "history" film

We've been invaded by Yahoo

for how stupid this whole thing looked, it actually happened

>On the night of May 21, 1945, just a half mile past the escarpment on Okinawa, Desmond's unit inadvertently walked into a company of Japanese soldiers. The unit engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy and Desmond scrambled to treat the wounded. "They begin to throw these hand grenades," recalled Desmond. "I saw it comin'. There was three other men in the hole with me. They were on the lower side, but I was on the other side lookin' when they threw the thing. I knew there was no way I could get at it. So I just quickly took my left foot and threw it back to where I thought the grenade might be, and throw my head and helmet to the ground. And not more than half a second later, I felt like I was sailin' through the air. I was seein' stars I wasn't supposed to be seein', and I knew my legs and body were blown up." The blast left 17 pieces of shrapnel embedded in Desmond's body, mostly in his legs - The Conscientious Objector Documentary

He didn't kick the grenade 2 feet in front of him and got blasted backwards by a fucking shrapnel grenade which wouldve torn him to shreds instead of pushing him gently backwards in a rolling fashion. you retards need to realize that 'based on a true story' doesn't mean you can recreate an event that actually happened in any way you want
>and here we see the famous scene of JFK getting shot, everybody knows that a yellow-green striped unicorn riding a leprechaun was right above president Kennedy's head

None of which is seen in that scene

I saw this in theatres. When the first half was a courtroom drama I was optimistic, but then the rest was retarded comical violence.

NEVER listen to Sup Forums about gibsonkino again. He's lower than Tarantino.

Last bit of the movie plays out like a horror movie with the main character dodging squads of Japs executing wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

Damn. Bruce Campbell is looking good for his age.

wtf this guy is a hack, why is Sup Forums so consistently wrong

When have they been right?

Ignore the kikes and memes, this movie was great. A lot of kikes out in full force today.

Fuck Mel Gibson and fuck white "people"

hmmm... What happened here?

Mel clearly can direct true kino and GREAT action, so what went wrong here?