Are you excited for what's to come in 2020?

Are you excited for what's to come in 2020?

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Unless it’s a giant asteroid, no

Not sure why it's decided upon that TPAB is the best album of the decade, but sure, I'm very interested to see where music goes and how it'll manage to rebel in an age where we're constantly being monitored, and how it'll advance after so much has been done.

>Not sure why it's decided upon that TPAB is the best album of the decade
It was MBDTF for a while.

>not one electronic album
>not one folk album
rym is full of pards

Well, 80s highest rated album is from 1989, I still have some hope left.

That nigger album doesn't belong there. MBDTF should be there instead.

>What is Kid A
>What is pre-50s RYM (particularly that one year where the Woodie Guthrie album was the highest)

The 80s album is an absolute travesty, the rest besides 2010s are at least understandable

>What is Kid A
a rock album w
cmon dont be dumb kid.

What's rock about it? The minimalist structures on most of the tracks? Or the mostly electronic instrumentation?

>OK Computer and Kid A were the greatest albums of their representative decades
As much as I like Radiohead it's ridiculous to think that they were that relevant.

>1950: le black jazz man
>1960s-2000s: dude whypipo rock music lmao
>2010s: le black jazz rap man
really makes u think...

It's fun to hate Kendrick!!!

wow they added a modular synth
i guess autechre forgot to bring their guitars to live gigs, yeah?

Should still be MBDTF, TPAB gets worse with age.

oops sorry lad wrong link

>you have to hate someone to not think their album is the best of an entire decade's worth of music
ok pal

>posting Paranoid Android from OKC
Dawg wtf are you doing?

And you ever actually listen to The National Anthem on record? It's full of electronic effects, especially with how the horn parts actually fade and shit. It's not just the implementation of synths, but actual effects related to spatialization and whatnot as well. Not to mention how the song's structured, too.

Probably the next Radiohead album. Or the next Sigur Ros album at the rate things have been going.

I personally find it the other way around because TPAB is a far more dense record meanwhile MBDTF really starts to lose steam after Runaway. But I can also see MBDTF be enjoyed by people who typically can't do hip hop because it's far easier to digest. If hip hop had a culture akin to say...metal does with its elitism, MBDTF would probs be hated by most hip hop fans the same way an album like say....Sunbather is hated by metal fans.

>And you ever actually listen to The National Anthem on record?
100s of times
if that's your criteria for electronic. i guess i should just include tpab as electronic also

Nah. TPaB is going to age ridiculously well because of the real instruments. MBDTF seems like a relic already.

dude you're way off. most hip hop fans especially among black ppl dont give a fuck about tpab.
my black friend still says gkmc is superior

I find it the exact other way around.
TBAP really loses steam for me after u and the record expands its scope, losing emotional intimacy in the process.

theres only really three songs after runaway on MBDTF and I think theyre all great. The record doesnt actually hit its emotional peak for me until blame game and lost in the world + who will survive in America feels like ye has given up and admitted defeat to his demons. Idk I really like it. I never listen to TPAB anymore but still regularly listen to MBDTF and occasionally GKMC

>well because of the real instruments
MBDTF has "real" instruments too.


>2010s are gonna be remembered for shit-hop
fuck music

TVU > Doolittle > Kind of Blue > Kid A > DSoTM > TPAB > OKC

TVU > KOB > DSoTM > OKC > TPAB > KID A > Dootlittle

Like I said, if such a culture exists, but it doesn't.
You do realize that even the tracks before u hit more than just personal bits, too, right? Also idk how you can shit on Hood Politics, that track's crazy with it's polyrhythmic accompaniment and Kendrick's raps continuously switching back n forth to each of the two rhythms.

To me with MBDTF, the tracks that aren't my favorites (Dark Fantasy, Power, All Of The Lights, Monster, Runaway) have like this obvious gap in how little work was put into them in comparison. They don't live up to the album's themes thematically compared to the ones I am talking about do.

I mean how specific are we getting with this vague ass "electronic" term? Cuz yeah TPAB is hip hop, which kinda is electronic. Unless you're talking an EDM or IDM or Electroacoustic release or something. You seem to be very much into "electronic music" I don't think I should have to explain this one.

>But I can also see MBDTF be enjoyed by people who typically can't do hip hop because it's far easier to digest.
Easy to digest but Kanye boastfulness probably would turn newcomers off. And especially how black twitter the record is.

>make an entire website of normal people to rate music
>end looking exactly like any other music website
holy fuck how can we get rip off of ((((((them))))))

>As much as I like Radiohead it's ridiculous to think that they were that relevant.
Because they actually are that relevant.

I'm pretty excited about the 2020 but I'm also looking forward at the new music we will get on this year.

I'm still waiting for 2010 to deliver something new

I make post-music and post-noise