Is there any 2nd/3rd Wave Post-Rock worth listening to besides Godspeed and Sigur Ros?

Is there any 2nd/3rd Wave Post-Rock worth listening to besides Godspeed and Sigur Ros?

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i like a lot of it even if it's kind of cookie cutter
i pretty much listen exclusively to post-rock and still think the genre peaked with gy!be

I'm listening to Godspeed related bands (Mt. Zion and Set Fire to Flames) and they just sound like some scrapped Godspeed material with 60% more boring drone parts

Crippled Black Phoenix
Russian Circles

I like Blindplace, I think I discovered them from them being a high bounty request on way back.
Can't find their music on youtube but I';m sure it's on soulseek, and here's a few bits from their myspace I guess.

They're a japanese band, album was 2008.

this is very good

The entire Kanadian scene
Do Make Say Think, Le Fly Pan Am, Set Fire to Flames, Silver Mt (((Zion)))

i'm a fan of this one

Trust me. When it gets to 3:30 or so, mmmmmmmm.

I got into 65daysofstatic and World's End Girlfriend.
>or are those 4th wave :S

caspian sea monster is pretty nice


I can't believe no one's mentioned Mogwai. They are hands down the best post rock group.


this will never be a thing, stop

holy shit

jfc no one has yet posted an actual GOOD band that doesn't sound like some generic nu-male crescendo-core band

Explosions in the Sky

I mean they kind of go without saying

the band that arguably killed post-rock, no less

I keep hearing this, and would genuinely like to know why that is. Is it because post-rock became too mainstream with Explosions in the Sky?

Hood and Mice Parade, only because they actually experiment

yeah everybody just tried to copy eits instead of trying anything new

Are we going to see a 4th Wave/Revival soon or are we going to be stuck with hundreds of Dollar Store EITS and Michael Gira screaming for 30 minutes forever?

come on die young is their only good album

>yeah everybody just tried to copy GY!BE and Mogwai, like eits did, instead of trying anything new
fixed, cunt

this album gets misunderstood because shitheads thought it was black metal

>Dollar Store EITS
THAT is 4th wave, user
Shitheads like the band members, right
Also the album is mediocre at best regardless of labels

GY!BE is SMZ's pleb filter

i disagree with the second statement. i think the songs are for the most part arranged really well and there are quite a number of amazing moments.
the use of shoegazey effects got tasteless at times and a few of the riffs just don't fit but i think it's basically a great album.

Do Make Say Think

>still think the genre peaked with gy!be

Kill yourself.


this is.... good?

didnt expect that desu