Can we have a FUCK WOMAN music relate thread?

Can we have a FUCK WOMAN music relate thread?
r9k & lit welcome too

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this is now a fuccboi h8 thread

Happy international women's day. As though every day isn't about them.

What did they mean by this?

Must /r9k/ incels infiltrate every corner of this board?

Still better than redditors such as yourself.

The more you know women, the more you hate female nature. They do too. There's a reason so many girls have self hatred issues.

>If you don't hate women you're a redditor
Lmao I'm sorry Becky in music class doesn't like you back.
Simply incorrect, why do lonely white incels type like they're a JRPG villain?


All women are whores, you will realize this one day young user

>Simply incorrect
It is. Youre just a white knight that thinks white knighting makes him mature or something, when it really is that black and white with very few exceptions.

>lonely white incels

I am none of these.

>If you hate women you're this archetype I don't like
You're really showing what type of person you are pal

>type like they're a JRPG villain?
You mean in a grammatically correct manner? Not everyone spends all their free time on Instagram.

I don't make large sweeping assumptions, take off those ideological glasses pal
>White knighting
>World is black and white
You've adopted to the lifestyle of a lonely white incel then, congrats I guess

No I mean you come across as a massive dork that only knows how to communicate by copying his fav edgy chinese cartoon villains

>The more you know women, the more you hate female nature. They do too. There's a reason so many girls have self hatred issues.

There's nothing edgy about this. I don't watch anime. Maybe you should stop being a tourist here thanks to fantano and go back to emoji spamming on your snap

>welcoming /r9k/

Dumb thread but I can't pass up an opportunity to post this oldie but goodie when it arises.


Seriously, do you think youre somehow more mature than others for being naive to how girls are? Its just how it is, I don't hate them for it. Ask any elderly person that has been around for a while and they'll tell you the same. My guess is you insist on denying it to feel like youre more attractive in that sense.


/r9k/ is a cesspool but you're worse. White knighting won't get you any brownie points here.

They're fake as shit

I want to but they say my pee pee is to small :(

>I know the female nature bcoz I am very smart!
Sorry for not trusting you to be the authority on such matters user.
>Ask any elderly person that has been around for a while
Lmao why would I ask an old person what they think about women when they most likely hate everyone that isn't white as well? You're dumb af my man
>White knighting
Simply incorrect, I'm not doing it for brownie points. I simply enjoy riling up incels

probably trying to hint at their fans to stop beating their wives

Once you start needing to reply to everyone like this it's clear you're just getting riled up yourself.

Sometimes I wonder how self-aware are incels of themselves? The truth is that just as there are girls who are sluts, there are a lot of good women outhere. The same with guys, 50% of men would cheat on his gf/wife if they could get away with it. I've cheated and I've been cheated many times before, but I knew what kind of relationship I was getting into all those times. Truly, incels disgust me more than SJWs, altrighters, etc. They blame others for their fucking shitty attitude. Most women can smell your fucking cheeto fingers, onion breath and desperation, that's why no good woman gets even close to you. True chads learn to deal with sluts and accept them for who they're, if they want to fuck, good, just take benefit from that, this way both parties get what they want. If you want a good woman, you will find her easily too but you'll never do that if you hang all fucking day in /r9k/ and Sup Forums

>why would I ask an old person what they think about women when they most likely hate everyone that isn't white as well?
wow you are like lowkey prejudiced

>you can never be frustrated or upset at what the opposite sex can do or does
stop living your life for other's approval

fuck the butte


women suck ducks

unkle adams will make millions

there's nothing good about being a slut, its not good for the mind body or soul. If you're a slut you shouldn't present yourself worthy of monogamy where someone holds you in high esteem because clearly you haven't, its completely hypocritical. The epitome of wanting your cake and eating it too.

the logical conclusion of all of this is becoming gay
clearly only other men are worthy of live

Best post

truly the pinnacle of music
might as well close this music discussion board down

In a couple of years, you will realize what a retard you were. You were being played the entire time and you gladly ate the shit you were fed.

lmao the jrpg villain thing is so true though

kill yourself fags

birth control gave us all to much freedom or something. we want all women to fuck us but only us. it's a problem when we taught women to enjoy sex as well .

gay guys are way more prone to drama and cheating there are exceptions though


Gay is better, guys at least know how to give head and express themselves

they are worthless and should be considered subhumans like the nigs and jews

civil rights era ruined society, its been downhill ever since and is only getting worse. Trump couldve been good but hes to much of a pussy to do anything

statistics show otherwise. lesbians have by far the most drama and domestic violence. gays the least, and straight couples a little more than gay.

shows that women need men to truly survive. If they dont have a man they become stuck up bitches

so you asexual?

no because that doesn't exist

so what are you

yes it is, it's called erectile dysfunction