What are the worst films youve ever seen? Films that leave you physically feeling ill because of how bad they are

What are the worst films youve ever seen? Films that leave you physically feeling ill because of how bad they are

Pic related, stuff like this is just pure cancer and pure reddit



You know if Lego Batman takes the same social commentary that the Lego Movie had and spins it on capeshit and cinematic universes, I think it could be really good.

>hating cat in the hat

Spawn (1997)

It left me permanent brain damage with


A Knight in Heaven
Fun in Balloon Land

Ruined most by the studio:
Fat Black Pussycat

Worst villain:
Death Bed the Bed that Eats
De Lift

Worst animation:
The Christmas Tree

Worst remake:
The Stepford Wives

Deathly Hallows part 1 was kino desu. Part 2 was cringeworthy shit.

I know it's a meme at this point but this

I really hated seeing Ultraviolet, I actually felt offended by how bad it was.

Anything Joe Swanberg is awful.

fuck, I've seen a lot of bad movies. i think shit like Collateral Beauty, The Cobbler, and Winter's Tale annoy me the most. bad movies that take themselves really, really seriously

Any of the Fast and Furious movies.

Movies are literally made for white trash

It's a meme because it really is fucking atrocious.

it's cross appeal with blacks and latinos that make those super successful

True, I can't think of a movie with a more beaner target audience.

Rogue One and Catching Fire weren't bad desu.

i hated BvS but Suicide Squad gave me a new respect for it. at least it was trying

>includes movie that isnt even out yet

Crank 2 is the worst movie I have ever seen.

Freddy Got Fingered. I get angry everytime someone even mentions it. Im angry now after i had to type this.

"Cool so we got this plan? I'm gonna leave now and I'll..."

The worst thing about it is the edit they show on TV. In the movie she goes mama mode bonkers for the kid in the violin, it becomes what would later be called a meme. They remove a lot of it for TV versions so you can't even have a so bad it's good laugh at that part.

Cat In The Hat and Jack And Jill are kino

>WW still months away
>Knows it's bad somehow based on Sup Forums memes

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