What do responsible and accomplished men listen to...

What do responsible and accomplished men listen to, and how can I stop liking screamo and breakcore so I can become responsible and accomplished?

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70s rock and Eminem

focus on becoming responsible and accomplished first. the rest will follow

whatever they listened to when they were 16-22

jordan peterson lectures

sure as fuck not jordan peterson

You are asking how to conform, that's why you posted JP.
You want to conform listen to top 40 stuff.
You want to be accomplished and responsible? You can be accomplished and responsible with screamo too

not anything jordan peterson's listening to, that's for sure

Slick Rick.

You cannot be responsible or accomplished with screamo.

If you dislike this man you are soy and thats a fact

Listen to Dave Mathews Band

soyboys like jordan peterson though. ex. h3h3 fanbase. i bet you're one of them lmao


Or maybe I'm not an historically illiterate american

>he uses the term "late stage capitalism"
>he describes songs as "bops"
>he owns a pair of thigh high socks

Underage retard spotted.

peterson is a sham. if you follow his words youve been con'd. he and his followers are psueds. psueds are killing america.

>dog whistles
Disregard anybody that uses this word unironically. As you so succinctly display, all anyone means with it is "you didn't say what I wish you did so I'll pretend that you did say it to de-legitimize your statement and not risk challenging my beliefs by taking it seriously." If JBP is pandering to the alt-right then why does he denounce the Unite the Right rally and tribalism in general?

the left can't meme

maybe im just not a politically obsessed retard who can think for himself

i dislike the far right so i must be a leftist right?

yeah no wonder leftists and people specialized in "gender studies" are spreading like cancer

no, but the meme was probably done by a lefty

To keep it music-related, what do we think of his actual taste in music?

>I like a lot of different genres. I listen to rock. I'm a dinosaur, so I listen to classic rock, often from the '70s. You know, I was wired out and imprinted on that stuff. I listen to rock music from the '50s through to today. I really like the band arcade fire, for example - beach house is a new band, I like them. There's a band called devotckha, I think they're really good. I love tom waits. I like old country music, the western stuff from the '30s, '40s and '50s. I listen to jazz. I like blues. I listen to classical music. I don't remember who said it, but someone said there's only two kinds of music, good music and bad music, and I really believe that's true. and so, I've found what I regard as great music in all sorts of genres. I wouldn't say I'm a hip-hop aficionado, but i''ve learned to like some of it. I really like Eminem's rap god, I think that's a remarkable song. he's unbelievably skilled in his ability to enunciate, and I think there's high quality music being produced across a wide range of genres. I don't like pop, generally speaking. It all sounds like bad 1970s disco to me, and I didn't like that 1970s disco."

projection: the post
I'm actually moderate right on the pol spectrum, but even I hate that hack of a 'lecturer'. Go back to or whatever the fuck youtube reaction channel you watch and drone, retard.

>moderate right

How about you fuck off? Bootlickers don't belong on Sup Forums.

No kidding.
Look at this image and try not to feel the palpable butthurt.

god this is embarrassing

embarrassing for you :)

so are the pussy pseud followers of Peterson who are too scared to discover and think for themselves and crave any sort of leader figure

i'm not from america bud, if that helps.

>the left can't meme

unironically what is wrong with peterson, I only just started listening

You didnt substantiate why hes a hack, you just dislike what you percieve to be his fanbase

How exactly is he a sham and in what sense? I don’t necessarily agree with everything he has to say or theorize but he’s still a very good observationalist and clearly isn’t a moron or a GOTCHA retard who looks for gimme questions and answers all day. If anything he shows how human rights legislation is inherently anti-egalitarian and made to push political agendas instead of serving the equality of society in the way thinkers like Mill would want

70's rock and eminem both glorify irresponsibility and excess though.
I make music and have for 5-10 years and I think about and listen to music often, so it's an important piece of the puzzle in my case.
I guess statistically that might be true. I'm trying to be a better man though, and I don't think I can do that with such a chaotic taste in music that I listen to and create reinforcing my drive towards chaotic behavior.
Most people who listen to Jordan Peterson are broken in some important way or they wouldn't value a man who is offering help as highly as they do. Hopefully a good amount of them can save themselves. I want to climb out of the hole I've dug myself into.
Conforming is not possible for me. Top 40 music glorifies particularly low class forms of irresponsibility and I don't want anything to do with it unless it catches my ear. Screamo is probably even more degenerate that top 40 though, since it romanticizes wanting to off yourself and the vocals are distressed and unmanly.
He introduced me to this piece, which I really like. I wish harpsichords weren't so ridiculously expensive.
I'm skeptical about Slick Rick.
I wouldn't go that far. There are 2 or 3 questions he's absolutely wrong on and some people will judge him for that, but he does heaps of great work.
I guess I'll try it but I'm not happy about it.
I used to be a literal soyboy. I ate boca burgers all the time when I was a teenager.
How? He's not even American.
I agree with the alt-right and I can guarantee that Jordan Peterson loathes us. You can look up how disrespectfully he tweeted at Kevin McDonald for evidence of that.
True, but the right can't make puns worth a shit so it evens out.
I'm surprised he liked rap god but it is a display. Reminds me of Frank Zappa with the disco stuff.

Why does this man have so many followers?

For me is that he doesn't know what post modernism is and has a clear anti marxist agenda, even if he doesn't understand marxist.
He's a glorified self help writer

pls got on pills or up your doses of whatever your on

He's good at talking.

>He's skeptical about Slick Rick
Get your head checked buster.

>If anything he shows how human rights legislation is inherently anti-egalitarian and made to push political agendas instead of serving the equality of society in the way thinkers like Mill would want
This is true as a statment but from the moment you blame "marxist post modernist" without understanding both you are a mems

talking is overrated and gay

>Screamo is probably even more degenerate that top 40 though, since it romanticizes wanting to off yourself and the vocals are distressed and unmanly.
Seek help instead of listeng to self help scammers.

>and has a clear anti marxist agenda
So what? Marxism is fucking stupid and has no place in the West since it basically says that workers are treated like shit and expropriated by the bourgeois so let’s expropriate the bourgeois so we can all live in the same shit together and be truly free since now we live horribly but at least we own our production and capital!
If anything Marx would be the kind of person who’d be for a Jeffersonian agrarian republic but instead he goes full autism and writes about how he hates everyone instead and retards took it seriously. So no it’s not illogical to detest Marxism as an ideology when it’s blatantly anti-liberal at its core since it discrimates and abuses the middle class by Marx’s own words.

He needs to learn to throw hands instead.

lol stfu loser.

This album is perfect for Peterson acolytes

My brother has his shit together sweet pregnant wife and makes 6 figures. Bought his home outright. From a lower middle class senpai. He never listened to much music except some classical stuff hes picked up from his wife cause they got together in their teens and he listens to 20s or 30s radio in the car I can't even tell the difference between the decades desu.

See Also if you are this user I advise you never to post about political theory again.

>pussy pseud followers of Peterson who are too scared to discover and think for themselves and crave any sort of leader figure
No one should be subject to be held up to some sort of leader status, even more if you need someone else to word things out for you. But most leftists are just like that, following illiterate pseuds while misquoting Beauvoir.

go back

>there are people in this very thread who give their hard-earn money to this clown

He's obviously well read and intelligent, but he talks in loops. He knows there is no necessary objectivity to any types of success or failure or anything in life. He knows that but he's scared of that. Peterson creates metaphorical analogies involving western religion to try to present objectivity when there really is nothing there. He's a metaphorical speaker. No one has one perception of success therefore as appealing as he might sound due to his knowledge, he's a pseud. He's pretty good at tricking himself and the pseuds that follow him. He's a showman for people who want to believe they're smart because they don't agree with basic easily dismantled social justice ideologies.

70s hard rock

read it in his voice

I've seen this "think for yourself' line a lot lately any time someone mentions looking towards someone with more expertise than they have for guidance on a matter. It's extremely asinine and reflects a lack of humility and an expectation for everyone else to be as narcissistic as you are. Leaders exist because some people are better than other people in certain ways.
Practically worships Jews and is anti-racist in the most boomer of ways. Everything else about him is great though.
I find the most value in his discussion of religious symbolism. He's got like a 140+ IQ and he uses it well. He's knows things and he tells people what he knows for free. Most people probably know him best from him opposing a bill in Canada that compels people to use a transgender person's preferred pronouns.
Being Anti-Marxist is the correct way to be. He is literally a self-help writer with his new book but his work spans far outside of just that.
It's just whiskey.
I probably should.
What does what you said even have to do with your quote of me?
Thanks for the recommendation, friendo.
Yeah, that's a type of person. My dad's kinda like that now, although he went to a lot of concerts when he was young too.
I wouldn't qualify mockery and "you don't know what you're talking about" as posting about political theory, but it's good advice for him not to anyway.
>He knows there is no necessary objectivity to any types of success or failure or anything in life
u wot m9

>The commie memer is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a cuck, soyboy, nu-male, beta orbiter, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell him that "the left can't meme" and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I can't meme.”

I lul


>so let’s expropriate the bourgeois so we can all live in the same shit together and be truly free since now we live horribly but at least we own our production and capital!
You seriously think you need the bourgeoisie for anything?
Isn't pic related a marx quote?
How do you explain stndards of living growing in every country in which it was applied?
>no it’s not illogical to detest Marxism
No it's not, it's illogical to blame him for trannies in college
>it discrimates and abuses the middle class by Marx’s own words.
Read here what marx meant and put historical context
>It has no place in the west
How? You mean that Consumerism, hedonism ecx. Has place in the west? Why it's here then?

Forgot the pic

I advise you to stop trying to suck your own dick every night.

user here and this is my jam, beat.. whatever atm, youtube.com/watch?v=BQ4o16lCwrY like what you like, any muzac's fine as long as you try some other stuff once in a while, you choose what defines you, don't think too hard about it XoXo.

do you believe that there's an objective route to success?

Americans won't read anything with the words "Socialism" or "Marxism" on it due to years of Cold War propaganda


If he was a psuedointellectual who speaks in circles then how is he a Ph.D when he has to research constantly for years and then defend his thesis before a panel and if he doesn’t he gets rejected and yet still got his? How would someone who is as you assume he is get away with that not at some rinky dink small state school but at a University ranked as one of the top 30 world wide for research universities?
Also if you even hear his interviews on gender and society you can see that he does know what he’s talking about and only talks about what he knows as a certainty based on supported statistics and evidence. His self-help book is not the core aspect to his research.

>the bourgeoisie for anything?
Lol yes, class, stability, wealth. I want to be the bourgeoisie when I'm old and have made myself money, fuck off bohemian soyboy fuckwits. It's all society fault! Piss off you absolute cretin and stop being so resentful

I've been getting more and more into classical music lately. I think it's probably for the best.
You know that when people say "cultural Marxism" they're recognizing that the Marxist principle of forced equality is being applied on a social level with the role of the bourgeoisie and proletariat being filled by oppressor groups and oppressed groups, right? We're not blaming Marx himself, like what the social justice warriors have been saying were his personal ideas. The genesis was within Marxist intellectualism, but there have been plenty of Marxists who weren't Karl Marx that have put their own ideas into what Marxism has become.
I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
There are several objective routes that lead to different kinds of success. There are routes that objectively lead to failure. You're asking me a very vague question and expecting me to just say yes and I don't even really know what you're getting at.

This is such a lazy response, you're basically self-aggrandising that you're "so above" his message because it's for the laymen, despite the fact that he has multiple credentials, was published and recognised as an academic voice well before "lol rekt feminism 420 ben shapiro" videos. There is nothing in substance to your criticism, what about his logic is circular? He has a credible metaphysics, one I don't personally subscribe to but nevertheless it is internally consistent. A criticism I would make is that he has certain argumentative points lined up, but that's mostly due to the fact that interviewers ask him basically the same questions.

haha, I also like to uncomfortably talk politics with my son's friends when they're at a young age.

He just takes the kind of tired boomer cliches you'd see on your uncle's facebook feed and clouds them in cherry-picked psychology and mythological metaphor. This wouldn't be so bad by itself if it wasn't so effective at convincing hordes of teenagers that yelling at trannies on the internet is some kind of revolutionary act. He's the anti-intellectual's academic, simultaneously affirming and denying their beliefs about the "post modern neomarxist corruption" of higher education.

>the Marxist principle of forced equality
read a book

>You seriously think you need the bourgeoisie for anything?
Yes you do because not every worker desires to be his own capitalist and you need capital flow and good leadership and practices to run a healthy economy and stimulate demand and supply chains. Again if Marx thought we didn’t need bourgeois then why wouldn’t he support agrarian republicanism that makes it more like his ideal classical economic system of self-made citizens bartering and getting by with their owns means of production? What he encourages is that everyone be forced to become a bottom barrel worker and have no middle class, only a serfdom because apparently to Marx if industrial property doesn’t exist neither does the subjection of labourers which is a ridiculous solution to the burdens of the working class when it basically keeps them in the state they’re in forever and gives 0 chance to become a capitalist and move up the ladder even if they wanted to be self-sustaining. See Lenin and Trotsky’s Russia for this in action.
>it's illogical to blame him for trannies in college
When did Peterson blame Marx for trannies and if he did what was his reasoning behind it?
>How do you explain stndards of living growing in every country in which it was applied?
Maybe slightly for the very poor since they Russia and most of those European states came out of WWI with poverty so with the money being accumulated by central planning via natural resources yes they had some money to improve some living however I wouldn’t say the farmers lives were improved when they were killed by Lenin and Stalin for decades via starvation from taking their crops for re-distribution. Even then central planning is what caused the USSR to implode after WWII and the economy only was solid in the 60s because of the military industrial complex, once the USSR bowed to international pressure their system unravelled into bullshit and it took the current cryptocommies in change decades to fix Russia.

Whatever they want. It depends what they do successfully and who they are. If music has nothing to do with your career then it doesn't affect it.

Also since I ran out of characters in the last post to answer your last questions and statements:
I’ve read his manuscripts, capitol vol 1 and the manifesto, communism inherently is anti-liberal because it does not promote total social equality but selective equality for the “disadvantaged.”

breakcore=music the shitpost.
Bretty good, desu.

i think jordan peterson listens to tom waits a lot
i think i heard him say that

You know that when people say "cultural Marxism" they're recognizing that the Marxist principle of forced equality
You know that the randian concept of equality is quite literally propaganda on the same level of Friedman "they can't produce pencils"?
Again to each according to his ability, to each according to his own needs. You can have a better job and get payed more under communism. What you can't to is own people and means of production. No one is coming for your second house neither, big buisness who owns 3 quarters of a city? We want them gone.
Private property is not an object or a commodity, but the means of production of those
>is being applied on a social level with the role of the bourgeoisie and proletariat being filled by oppressor groups and oppressed groups, right?
Wrong. Marx was a materialist, not a humanist and not an utopian. His theories were about the metod of productions, you can't apply those to social circles.
Secondly yeah, he did belive in a cultural change becase pic related. Marxist dialectics are a way to study history in a materialist way.
>We're not blaming Marx himself, like what the social justice warriors have been saying were his personal ideas. The genesis was within Marxist intellectualist
You are referring to marxist french intellectuals probably, which were banned in the soviet union... But it's not something I disagree with. I hate SJW myself and JBP makes a good point. The problem is when he tries to distort this in cospiracy theories where this move was deliberately made by communist who after the fall of the soviet block tried to influence accademia with PC ecc.

The Gulag Archipelago audiobook. All 70+ hours of it.

You're misinterpreting what the word "man" in this context means. It doesn't mean males aged 40-60. He's not asking when males in that age range listen to. He's asking for music that promotes healthy perspectives. Listening to morally corrupt music influences the way you think. It doesn't mean you'll necessarily become a degenerate or anything, but it's definitely a negative supplement.

>communism inherently is anti-liberal because it does not promote total social equality but selective equality for the “disadvantaged.”
No. It's not liberal because it doesn't promote social equality, stop. >then why wouldn’t he support agrarian republicanism that makes it more like his ideal classical economic system of self-made citizens bartering and getting by with their owns means of production?
Because Marx didn't ignore industrialization? Because he never said that capitalism should never have existed? Because he always thought of communism as the natural transition from capitalism?
>What he encourages is that everyone be forced to become a bottom barrel worker and have no middle class,
You mean that he didn't wanted you to sit on your ass all day and make money?
True then.
> if industrial property doesn’t exist neither does the subjection of labourers which is a ridiculous solution to the burdens of the working class when it basically keeps them in the state they’re in forever and gives 0 chance to become a capitalist and move up the ladder
you keep saying capitalist as if is something inerenth to every system ever.
Make these statment but instead of capitalism and communism make them feudalism and capitalism. No difference.
Also what do you mean by bottom of the barrel? You can fucking study if you want be a doctor of some shit. If you didn't study you will work in a fabric and there will be no extraction of surplus labor from your salary. That's it.
>See Lenin and Trotsky’s Russia for this in action.
I don't know why you cited trotsky, but lenin and stalin took a country and made it a world power. Really nothing to add
>When did Peterson blame Marx for trannies and if he did what was his reasoning behind it?
His idea is that after the collaps of the soviet union, communists moved from class fight to academia to spred communism through trannies and social sciences

How would you describe the philosophy of the people who have corrupter higher education, and why do you think "forced equality" is an unwise description of Marx's ideal? You're making negative arguments.
I'm not a fan of Rand, Friedman, or Marx. Do you read anything by gentiles? French postmodernists and German-Jewish Frankfurters seem to have been indispensable to the creation of SJW ideology, but I won't pretend to have read their work. Your description of Marxism seems to apply to socialism more broadly. I think it's retarded to apply that dichotomy, and then attempt to equalize power in a sense of competing groups as well, because I believe in nationalism, and that groups have a right to covet their power, money, influence, etc. The materialism of both communism and capitalism are huge problems with them as ideologies that try to be encompassing. They both break down the quality of nations in different ways. Communism impoverishes and starves people and capitalism turns them into sons of bitches. A healthy conception of co-responsible hierarchy and the legitimacy of idea of the state as an avatar of the nation needs to come before economic concerns.
Good lord.
Yeah, that's what I meant.

>I wouldn’t say the farmers lives were improved when they were killed by Lenin and Stalin for decades via starvation from taking their crops for re-distribution
Literally only one famine, the collectivization was badly handled tho. It was a necessary step tho.
The difference here is that a mistake here is really made by human error or mistakes in calculations instead of "mistakes" like iraq.
>Even then central planning is what caused the USSR to implode after WWII and the economy only was solid in the 60s because of the military industrial complex
just lol. Seriously. Not gonna even bother with this.
> once the USSR bowed to international pressure their system unravelled into bullshit
Which is exactly with the kosygin reforms that opened the market.
> it took the current cryptocommies in change
Wew lad.

You keep thinking about communism like it's a capitalist mode of production. That's the only reason you buy into anti communist stuff, trust me you wouldn't otherwise

>French postmodernists and German-Jewish Frankfurters seem to have been indispensable to the creation of SJW ideology, but I won't pretend to have read their work.
I even agreed on that. That's not the problem I have with peterson. It's the cospiracy tier idea of these dominating the academia to spread communism because the soviet union failed
>Your description of Marxism seems to apply to socialism more broadly. I think it's retarded to apply that dichotomy,
Marx talked about modes of production and how they influence society. Social marxism is a meme
>The materialism of both communism and capitalism are huge problems with them as ideologies that try to be encompassing.
Ah, ok. I understand now. I do think that it's a utopian view of the world, but i do understand the disagreement.
Nationalism and communism can coexist, but if you are not interested in a materialist perspective there is no reason for you to accept it. As long as you aware of capitalism as a damaging thing, I can't even complain.
Just read more about ex socialist states, you'll learn a lot and not confuse facts from propaganda. Just that, even if you are not interested it's always good

>you will never make tens of thousands of dollars a year by selling redditors $15 personality tests and telling them to clean their room

I think Bob Dylan might be good. I'm sure some of the lyrics might be a bit too socialistic, but for the most part I think his stuff should be good. I'm not a Bob Dylan expert though.

>How would you describe the philosophy of the people who have corrupter higher education,
I wouldn't say that higher education has been corrupted, I would say that the current situation on college campuses is more of an inevitable result of the commodification of education. I feel that it is no coincidence that most of this stuff happens in private universities. When education becomes a product/service, it's only inevitable that people flip their shit when their product isn't 100% what they want (what they want is adult daycare, not education). Harassing faculty that don't think halloween costumes are that big of a deal isn't really that much different than demanding the manager fire the frycook who put pickles on your cheeseburger.
>and why do you think "forced equality" is an unwise description of Marx's ideal?
"Forced equality" implies a common mischaracterization of Marx as a proponent of equality of outcome, which comes from a misunderstanding of what Marx means by class. In Marxist terms, class isn't a euphemism for income level, but denotes a specific relationship in the process of production. "Bourgeoisie" refers to the merchant class that became the ruling class after the rise of capitalism, it only means "middle class" in relation to the peasants and the royalty/clergy it was sandwiched between during feudal times and not what modern economists are referring to when they talk about the "declining middle class". When Marx talks about overthrowing the class system he isn't talking about wealth redistribution but a fundamental transformation of the productive process in which the designation between worker and capitalist is no longer applicable.

>Frankfurters seem to have been indispensable to the creation of SJW ideology, but I won't pretend to have read their work.

Oh, it shows that you haven't read their work. Where the fuck did this idea come from that the Frankfurt School scholars have something to do with 'SJW ideology'. Thinkers such as Adorno and Marcuse wrote about things like the degradation of culture under late capitalism, the erosion of dialectical thought and the ability to think about a radically different existence beyond 'advanced industrial society', scientific/instrumental knowledge as a method of domination over both man and nature, etc. They weren't banging on about gender fluidity or homosexuality or whatever. Why have they been so misrepresented?

I don't think the conspiracy theory you describe actually exists. We both know there are actual Marxists in Academia, but I've never seen anyone claim that what they're trying to do is instate communism because they're butthurt about the Soviet Union (or dozens of other attempts at communism) failing. I'm sure there are many that would like to do that, but it's not a serious force. What people take seriously is of a more spiritual nature than an economic nature and has to do with the forcing of equalities of both opportunity and outcome by people who have not done anything to earn the opportunity and who can not under normal circumstances achieve the same outcome. These are degenerative influences. Social Marxism is a meme, and an effective one. Memes are the cultural equivalent of genes.
Higher education was always a "commodity". It's less aristocratic now than it's ever been. Professors are preaching a destructive worldview, and if you can't see that it's probably because you agree with them.

I can't contest your point about Marx because I haven't read him yet, although I have no reason to think what you're saying isn't true. The idea is that there is no bourgeoisie and the workers will control the means of production (which is obviously problematic from the get-go) and if he didn't imply equality by that that's certainly how his followers have ran with it.
"The small and powerless minorities which struggle against the false consciousness and it's beneficiaries must be helped. Their continued existence is more important than the preservation of abused rights and liberties which grant constitutional powers to those who oppress these minorities"
- Herbert Marcuse

I dont understand why the entire USA cannot differentiate between left and liberal.

All I want a is a white communist ethnostate

>I wouldn't say that higher education has been corrupted
Dude, what.


"The small and powerless minorities which struggle against the false consciousness and it's beneficiaries must be helped. Their continued existence is more important than the preservation of abused rights and liberties which grant constitutional powers to those who oppress these minorities"
- Herbert Marcuse

Yes, Marcuse had socially progressive views, but the impact of the Frankfurt School on modern 'SJWs' is minimal. Marcuse was influential to the counterculture and New Left in the 60s, however.

Also, he's not wrong.

Conservatives are liberals. Liberals are egalitarian extremists. Leftists are a force of decay. Closest thing you're gonna get to a commie ethnostate is probably Scandinavia pre-rapefugees.
He wouldn't say that because they're /hisguys/.
There is continuity between the sexual revolution of the 60's and the SJW phenomenon. It's all part of the same general swing of things towards a materialist hedonism.

jordan peterson is so fucking stupid and everything he says is hilarious

It's true, but good luck getting the cultists who believe in le cultural marxism white genocide conspiracies to admit that.


he's only really qualified in the field of psychology, whenever he tries talking about politics or economics he is out of his depth and just sounds like some typical cranky old conservative complaining that young people arent responsible enough

I believe Peterson has become a hack. I really enjoyed his political commentary and debate and watched his psychology lectures with great interest. His rhetoric is incredible and he has a remarkable charisma and ability to express himself in such a manner that does not expose weaknesses. I've completely gotten turned off from his material after he started moving into self-help stuff. It's so boring and only serves the asinine interests of lost souls who can't realize how retarded they are without being told by someone else. All he did is dilute Nietzsche, Solzhenitsyn, and Jung into a simple, easy to understand essence and people regard him as the savior of the West. OP kind of captures everything I see wrong with the new Peterson following. They completely miss the point and are quickly becoming dogmatic. I don't get how Peterson is fine being degraded from a respectable scholar to a pop-philosophy/psychology self-help figure.