It's official: Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars movie ever

>There was a time (in a galaxy far, far away, etc) when the likes of IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes didn’t exist: without a calculated percentage to guide them, bewildered film fans had to form opinions via a precarious process of watching films and then thinking about them.

>Luckily, Mike Klimo, the author of ground-breaking study ‘Ring Theory: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Prequels’, has delved into the depths of the Star Wars archives to find original reviews of each film, then processing them through the Rotten Tomatoes scoring system. The results are startling:

>The general consensus – spanning critics, fans, obsessive Star Wars experts – is that the original trilogy is far superior to the prequel. But this study throws that all into disarray: The Empire Strikes Back, that firm beloved favourite, at a tepid 63%? Revenge of the Sith – better than the rest of the prequel trilogy but still a little bit bad – a clean winner at 80%?

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> It's official: Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars movie ever Anonymous 1 minute ago No.78555272

>There was a time (in a galaxy far, far away, etc) when the likes of IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes didn’t exist: without a calculated percentage to guide them, bewildered film fans had to form opinions via a precarious process of watching films and then thinking about them.

>Luckily, Mike Klimo, the author of ground-breaking study ‘Ring Theory: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Prequels’, has delved into the depths of the Star Wars archives to find original reviews of each film, then processing them through the Rotten Tomatoes scoring system. The results are startling:

>The general consensus – spanning critics, fans, obsessive Star Wars experts – is that the original trilogy is far superior to the prequel. But this study throws that all into disarray: The Empire Strikes Back, that firm beloved favourite, at a tepid 63%? Revenge of the Sith – better than the rest of the prequel trilogy but still a little bit bad – a clean winner at 80%?

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I like all the movies so I don't care, but my personal fav is RoTJ

It brought it sheevposting which makes it /ourfilm/

>aotc is 3rd

>Luckily, Mike Klimo, the author of ground-breaking study ‘Ring Theory: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Prequels’,

I love this shit since it shows how pathetic critics are. They change their opinion when things become popular or unpopular. The Shining was panned by critics on release, but now those very critics praise it as the greatest horror film of all time. Clearly, we see something similar with Empire Strikes Back.

Where are the apologies? The "sorry, we were wrong"s?

The fact is, most critics don't have any principles, and they rate highly what they believe they are supposed to rate highly. That's why their hindsight reviews match the public opinion rather than their prior opinions.

Why was ESB considered bad when it came out? Because of the sequel bait?

You made this thread already faggot.

Well yeah, RotS is the best Star Wars movie by far

All Star Wars movies are shit.
I've never seen any Star Wars movie.

I had to read that sentence a fee times just to let it sink in.
Ground breaking study... Hidden artistry.. PREQUELS
It's like an unsolvable math equation

It's almost as if internet critic aggregates aren't the arbiter of film quality

>ESB, one of the greatest films ever made, is 3% above Phantom Menace

not falling for your tricks

besides the first one they're not that great

So did they take the first reviews of the OT submitted to rotton tomatoes, or did they take the actual first reviews from when the OT was first released and give them a rotton/fresh rating?

First one is a fucking cheese fest compared to ESB

>IV - 8.6/10
>V - 8.9/10
>VI - 7.2/10
>I - 6/10
>II - 6.7/10
>III - 7.3/10
It's almost as if no one knows what the Tomatometer actually measures

Did you even read the OP?

Critics were objectively smarter back then. They lived in a pre-blockbuster world.

Sith is a good film though. some moments of pure kino there like the final battle between Oby and Anakin