Song about premature ejaculation? Heavy.

>White americans

tell me those aren't actual lyrics

they are. What did you think they were?
he's not white. Would any white guy get away with saying nigga 30 times per song?



He's a mutt. Also seeing him with his rainbow hair and grills in that music video in a crowd of paid craigslist actors dressed as bloods was fucking hilarious.

I want to sniff Cuban Doll's ass

He's half Puerto Rican/half Mexican

And he didn't pay those dudes

If you were in prison on a 20 year bid and haven't gotten pussy in years, would you fuck 6ix9ine?

>And he didn't pay those dudes


What makes you think he did? They're all bloods and they knew that song was gonna blow up. You're jealous as fuck that this rainbow hair dude is a millionaire and you're still a brokefag

imagine being on the A train in Bed Stuy at 3AM and seeing this

And how are you doing user? You achieving your dreams or living vicariously through this man? Don't bother replying, just sit to yourself and think for a bit on it. I won't be reading this thread anymore.


what happened to musicians having decent tattoos?

swift assassination

Forget his garbage output and riddle me this
>Why would you WASTE an entire arm just so you can scatter it with badly drawin 69s?
>Why THE FUCK is he only tattooing 69 all over himself?
>This level of idiocy is unprecedented

>complaining about a consistent art style when there’s thousands of rappers with any random shit tattooed all over their bodies

do I need to say it?

At least random shit indicates some form of low level thinking.
>This is skull face tattoo bad
>This is snake pit bad

sex number is timeless

He said it before in an interview the 69 is not some random shit but rather a lifestyle, you see he grew up without a father (murdered near his house) and had to give up school to support his family, do you think a person without a proper education is able to decipher contexts around? Still he's a banger while who the fuck are you?

This legitimises my theory that he is mentally between the ages of 6-9
>And he's proud


He might as well get that fuckingswine "S" that all school kids draw at some point.
>I swear to god the next fuckwit rapper is going to do that.

Stop talking about this boring ass music

t. iffy nigga

The guy is enough of an idiot not only to fuck a 13 year old, but to record it and post it

stop making shit up

He LITERALLY copy and pasted EVERY rappers back story
>No dad
>No school
>Has to support family (mom?)
>Despite all ods makes it (flairs out)

This is NOT a good enough reason to just stamp yourself with a number only school kids find amusing
>My fucking sides

He makes more money than you ever will.

This is the worst damage control I've seen about iffies

dumbass kek

>This is NOT a good enough reason to just stamp yourself with a number only school kids find amusing
Does it matter? He's making it despite the odds and here you're living in a middle-class and still not ahead of him or even near where he is.



I'm sorry but I don't regard someone who will be irrelevant and broke in 10 years as successful.
>A flame that burns twice as bright only lasts half as long

I'm sOOo jealous of having lawyers/so called friends draining my funds after I become a "has-been"

He literally hasn't even been anything for more than a year, how short sighted are you?

Also his tattoos are still fucking stupid

What? I would fucking hate myself if I was this guy. He's a horrible person and he makes really shitty generic music that's just forced posturing

Not that guy, but this dude is NOT enviable

>In October 2015, Hernandez pled guilty to one felony count of Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance. Charges were brought against Hernandez after a February 2015 incident where he had sexual contact with a 13-year-old minor and later distributed videos of the incident online

Oh yes, I forgot to add that he will 1000% become a champion as rimjobs when he's older.
>All round ass kisser
>"Hey man I'm so grateful, god bless?"


Here's the thing kids, listen closely.
>No one is making you like this guy you could always just listen to someone else.
>Nothing is forcing him on you but himself, much like he does with 13 year olds.

Yes, the billboard top 100, where good music goes to die

He will be irrelevant in one year

Now stop talking about this boring ass music, there's nothing interesting about it, you're just spouting memes and trolling

t. iffy nigga

>no one is forcing you on him

What about the paid viral marketers and the mentally ill shills who think its so le post ironic to promote garbage for free

Five songs because of hype, not talent.
>Also these all came out at around the same time.
>Let's see how he does in 2 years

what about some fresh air


Cool meme brah you showed me

Keep imitating a pedophile, it's really cool

Shit, you got me there user

not an argument


Lol dude can't even form a cogent thought, I mean yeah, I'm sure he's stoked that he got one over on millions of idiots with his shitty music

And honestly, I see nothing in his music that makes me believe he'll still be relevant in even like 6 months

>le post ironic to promote garbage for free
While you're le posting on this garbage Chinese rice paddy field image board, grow up.

Did this fucking dumbass just admit to being a paedophile?
>Also this nigger thinks he isn't just DMX in a faggier skin, we all know what happened to DMX don't we kids?

who are you quoting?


DMX made a couple of the best hip hop albums of all time though, and he's probably closer to Waka Flocka Flame than he is DMX

Yeah DMX had way more talent and heart, and everything, honestly.

Can we just talk about DMX? That dude has been arrested like 100 times, he's fucking crazy

jesus christ he types like a defensive woman

Isn't he a preacher now?

He’s still right tho

Idk what the fuck he's doing, hopefully not getting arrested

I think maybe? Yeah?

He came to my city and I fucking saw him live streaming on facebook from the street, just yelling. Mingling with the people, hyping it up.

What a legend

gay riley from the boondocks looking ass

Right about what?

He will be irrelevant in 3 years, I'm fairly certain that's just a fact, dude is not Kanye

He makes music for children who want to have a power fantasy about getting laid and having power over others, but can also identify with his stupid-ass adventure time image

The last time I heard from DMX he was found passed out in a parking lot alone and broke.
>Also didn't his son sell his awards? That was fucked up

literally exactly what he said

>first it’s one hit wonder
>next it’s no one will listen to the tape
>then it’ll be he’ll be gone in 3 years

Who are you quoting

you don't know tekashi at all tbqh


>relevant in the year of our lord 2018
I bet you can record a voice message on you fuckin phone and still get in the top ten.

His biggest F(next victim)an

>Day 69 - 4
>Little Dark Age -39


Yeah I was intentionally saying that what he said is bullshit, lol. He WILL be irrelevant in 3 years. I see almost no way around this, because what he makes is not good

>you need to be good to have longevity
lol no

>He will be irrelevant in 3 years
And there's nothing wrong with that. Better to be someone for a day than no one for the rest of your life and he beat the odds by not being a one-hit wonder.

Tell me how I'm wrong, his music is basically just posturing about this stuff. If it's not a power fantasy for people, what the fuck are you getting out of it?

Also, he's not an outsider, if that's the appeal, his music sounds like 70% of all fucking soundcloud rappers right now. He hopped on a bandwagon. So don't tell me it's originality. I think a lot of it is based in image, and if he didn't look so fucking dumb, I doubt anyone would be talking

no sc rapper sounded like tekashi before he came out

>what the fuck are you getting out of it?
I can answer this, its fun as hell. Lets not find meaning in art but rather enjoy it for what it is, pleb.


I mean that's fine, if you think it's fun and cool to like, murder people and jack off on titties?

I mean I'm sure it is and we all want to do these things all the time

So basically what you're saying is it's a fun power fantasy

>if you think it's fun and cool to like, murder people and jack off on titties?

uh yeah it probably is
lmao this dude

Literally what I said in the next line of my post

lmao this dude

>putting words into my mouth
Read my sentence again, slowly.

All you said is that it's fun, and we've established that his subject material is something that people want to do in real life

That is a power fantasy

Anyway you guys can like this shit if you want, but man I'm tired of seeing this guy here. There is nothing interesting to talk about

You done yet, gramps?

didn't he rape a 13 year old

how the fuck does he have a career

Yeah, I'm done lol

Again, not much more to say about this


Because he's 6ix9ine with the nine, on the regular

Yet you're still replying in a 6ix9ine thread lmao

Fuck you lol, I reply if I want to

I tried to raise some points but it's just "it's fun," and memes

You guys think it's cool to defend this talentless child molestor because he has bright colors on him and yells about edgy shit over noise beats

Yeah man 69 is gonna give you your manhood back and all the ladies are gonna love you now and if anyone messes with you I bet you're gonna shoot em! So coolllll

t. iffy nigga


>He makes more money than you ever will.
28 years ago you would have been saying the same shit about Vanilla Ice. Makes money =/= good in any way, shape or form.

Nah but it's a ton of fun tho

Cmon grandpa vanilla ice is cool look at his extreme hair and style

So good

such longevity

better than a pussy ass hater doe

But personally I think Vanilla Ice is a whack job and he's shit, 6ix9ine is not.

Hilarious joke friend

I think Radiohead is shit too (other than OKC), whats your point?

Also wow controversial opinion YOU DON'T LIKE VANILLA ICE?

That acclaimed rapper VANILLA ICE

You're not a fan??