Name a soyer genre than Punk

Name a soyer genre than Punk

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PC Music is like mainlining estrogen.

Hip hop

>spoonfed babby plz!

nah. figure it out yourself, retard.

Punk is the most hypocritical leftist circlejerk I've seen

you're both half right.

Aw, did newfag just find discover the term “spoonfeed”? Find out when to use it correctly okay kiddo :)

so it's Pop Punk

post punk

that's why Emo > anarcho punk

Prog is the only soy genre

>pop punk
Is that a thing?


Prog is a neckbeard genre. Entirely different group of people.

first you're asking shit you can just go look up, now you're asking strangers to change your diapers.

here's a nickel, kid. have a nice "fall."

>green day
>blink 182
were you alive in the late 90s-early 2000s

Yes and this is the only good song in the genre

yes and i don't think there's anyone who would disagree with that.

indie, ppl that listen to shit like mumford and sons are all on soylent

math rock
midwest emo

Were you not alive in the late 90's/early 00's?

Indie rock

I feel like your typical hipster bugman would be too insecure to admit to liking those sort of bands, even in an "ironic" sense.

>telling me to google a more soy genre than punk
I don’t even know where to begin with you lol. I wasn’t asking anyone, anything. I was stating the fact the punk is soy as fuck. Go back to /r/Sup Forums yeah?

that song's not terrible. i kind of like these two by joyce manor as well. the worst thing i can say about their music is just that it's cheesy which is pretty much unavoidable in pop-punk.

your favourite genre

Traditional Chinese music.
Fuck your alt-right memes.

Shoegaze is not soy

Soyboys in the purest sense of the word probably listen to gaming playlists on Spotify, remixes they heard on a twitch stream, or acts they heard at Coachella.

However, effiminate, depressed socially retarded teens that frequent this board, despite not being classically defined "soyboys," express similar traits. They probably listen to

>asks strangers for help
>"I...I wasn't asking anyone, user! I swear!"

well you might be a functionally retarded child with a hilarious number of chromosomes, but at least all that backpedaling you're doing will give you big muscly thighs!

Backpedalling doesn't have resistance, so he'll be weaker

Shut up retard.

Help with what? Like, are you genuinely, mentally disabled?
Nevermind i don’t even know why i’m responding. 8/10 bait kept me hooked

To be honest, the soyboys that Sup Forums hates so much probably live much better lives than anyone on this website.

Stop embarrassing yourself and leave this fucking board

Source? Reverse search didn't show anything.

The real highlight of this thread

spot on.
i'm a depressed, socially retarded, slightly effeminate twenty something. i don't like all that trendy fingertapping math rock stuff but i love slowcoreish emo and moody shoegaze.

Bunnyayumi on instagram

I like punk rock, and I also like tofu.
What of it, OP?

>he doesn't like blink
You're the real hipster my friend

Shoegaze is the reason the term soy exists

>you share a board with a person this dumb
phoneposters and trump ruined everything

the far left shit yeah. the rest is whatever though.

Soy is a food

I agree that most punk is pretty damn soy. But Amebix is punk so the whole genre can't be that easily dismissed.

dlt this

first and second wave Industrial music
