What the fuck is this guy's problem?

What the fuck is this guy's problem?

He's the liberal version of alt right

He is gay.

Fuck off, Sup Forums. He just wants to eat that delicious cookie. Let him eat his cookie in peace.

Apart from being gay he only gets work in cameo DUDE ITS SULU LMAO roles now. I'm sure (again, apart from being gay) most of his attention-whoring stems from the lack of a career

gay liberal asian

he's faggot


Faggots crave attention and this fairy only gets it by shitposting about Trump on Twitter nowadays.

Angry slanty eyed queer who was put into a camp during ww2. His stern appearances are hilarious only because he is the butt of the jokr

Literally a democratic Trump

this. + japanese american.

that being said he seems the most likely to outlive most of the original and possibly TNG cast members.

he essentially retired from acting and became a writer and spokesperson. He's not trying to be a successful actor anymore, so his lack of a career in acting isn't a surprise.

Fucking disgusting.

I can literally not think of this whenever I see him.

Truly a faggot with no class.

He's a 79 year old Asian man, for fucks sake. It's not like he's being lazy or a really horrible actor or something, it's that there's literally no casting for roles of that type east of Tokyo.

He is desperately trying to stay relevant but he cant act because he has no real talent

i think people like him just cause he's gay.

The same problem any loudmouth person with fame has.
They have an audience, so they can yell and scream about whatever they so desire

People should pay no mind to anyone just because they are famous.

>see a gay man
>can only think of him jerking off another dude

He lives in a world where an actor who jacks a guy off on camera is wiser and less perverted than the president of the united states.

at least think of a better analogy. a democratic trump is like a saint-like satan. or an intelligent you. these things just don't exist.

He Chinee
He make gag
He poke pee pee
In a fag

>implying Americans wouldn't go all the way around to the west to still be called western civilization

kek, we all live in that world user