When did you realize yung lean is unironically good

when did you realize yung lean is unironically good

it still holds up

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He was never bad. Very pure and high quality.

yung lean was always unironically good

i knew from the start that he had actual potential. i think most people sensed it beyond the meme shit. the only problem is the producers in his crew got better and he never did. you can't just opt 100% out of having decent flow and still expect to be taken seriously as a rapper.

it's all these years later and he hasn't really gotten any better at his craft, so fuck him. i only have so many hours in the day and there's other shit to listen to.

red bottom sky is a banger though

if unknown death 2002 had kyoto on it it'd be a 10/10 album

i listened to it nonstop summer of 2014, that was my junior year of hs and it was just a great time all around. i know that album by heart almost. it's very nostalgic and #emotional because of that, because that time was so easy compared to college and thinking about "the real world" shit. it's a great soundtrack for that kind of moment in your life.

i also took a girl i met online on a date to a yung lean concert. she had a good time but i only saw her once after that, it was memorable though. one of the best shows i saw.

You have to be stoned teenager to appreciate this.
He is literally just talking and his voice cracks when he says "clocks" toward the end.

yeh, truth.

holy shit are you me.

I basically had the same experience, yung lean concert and girl included.

I used to dismiss him as some flavor of the month rapper during his rise in popularity, but it all clicked when I heard this youtube.com/watch?v=ijy9CTvvkEY

Hoover is still so godtier

Sounds like it should be in a David Fincher movie

Now that the dust has settled, who was better, yung gud or bladee?

dont forget about bladee



This reminder me a bit of yung lean

im gonna listen and see if that actually happens or if you're just memeing

ecco pull up in a rover

Agony is a god tier track holy fuck

who is this Blade person u are talking about

I used to think Lean peaked with Unknown Death but I changed my mind when this clicked.
This to me sounds like something the counter culture in bladerunner would listen to. Seriously amazing

>yung / lil anything good

If you're an edgy 12 year old, maybe.

isolation caved innnn

2many feels


Ghosttown is still the GOAT


very emotional mixtapes, takes a few listens to get to that level of sadness though.

Shawty u know what it do into miami ultras is burned into my brain, fucking great songs.

anyone who writes off yung lean is doing themselves a disservice.

I hope his next album is literally yellowman: the album
Best track in his discog imo


why would you even compare them? one is a producer and one is a vocalist

Gud is the best thing to come out of that whole scene that's a dumb question

I miss cokehead lean

fat lean makes better music though

In 2013

cokehead lean had a better atmosphere desu. More desolate and hopeless, I thought it fit in with the aesthetic nicely.