H3h3 podcast w/ guest justin roiland (rick & morty)

is this the most reddit thing in existence?

who cares?
just enjoy it, and if you don't like it then don't watch it

Oh fuck off.
Rick and Morty is fantastic

Yes. Rick & Morty is great, though. H3H3 is an unfunny hack who got old and boring too fast.

What board do you think he posts on?

Sup Forums?

He said in this that he went on Sup Forums and talked shit about the show last season

sup reddit

yo whatsup

r/dankmemes reporting

>reddit and memey

>Rick & Morty is great,
>H3H3 is an unfunny hack who got old and boring too fast.
It was literally never good, the only reason people thought it was because reddit memes

Good try though

It was a genuine question.

I've never seen the show. I just want to know what board he posts on. I don't want normal people reading my posts.

That is hardly the most Reddit thing in existence.
here is the most "Reddit" scenario I can think of.
>tall escalator in mall
>everyone dressed in not quite hipster fashion, at least one piece of clothing relating to some media they enjoy
>the first person gets onto the escalator, sees a sign advertising something
>makes a joke relating that thing to a recent show on Netflix
>next person getting on hears this, makes another reference so everyone knows they understood
>each consecutive person continues this, each "joke" less of a joke, until there are just a bunch of peoples standing around the bottom, making references without anyone listening.

What's up with all the redditors ITT?

This is the most Reddit thing I've ever read

You're just to pleb to understand my postmodern posting style.

Nope but this post is

Thanks Stranger!

Someone give this man some gold

is there anything more despicable than someone who feels superior because of their mere inclusion in some sort of group.

i.e. oh i discuss things in this format on this board, not on that format on this board..

its just funny what people pride themselves in.. cohesion with a Brazilian dry-cleaning forum is such an odd thing to take pride in

t.Butthurt Redditor


i enjoy some h3h3 videos but Ethan is becoming unbearable
fucking cunt

t. proud meme warrior, who is cool and has lots of friends and makes dank memes