I just finished watching this, did I enjoy it?

I just finished watching this, did I enjoy it?

I thought the acting performance was great by all the characters and I enjoyed the filming/cinematography, but I'm supposed to be racist and homophobic by Sup Forums and Sup Forums standards to fit in with all the other teenagers and neckbeards

Pseudo cinema

kill niggers

No you hated it, you're supposed to hate it because it's anti-white propaganda even though there is nothing anti-white in it

FAGGOT NIGGERS, do I fit in yet?

you loved it, literally BTFO out white "people"

>tfw it wins Best Picture
cumskins on suicide watch

3rd act was garbage

Third act is pretty weak. Could have used more Mahershala Ali, as he was the best part of the film. Excellent use of light and color. Great cinematography. Good score and soundtrack. Great message: masculinity is a prison from which we all must escape.

>I thought the acting performance was great by all the characters and I enjoyed the filming/cinematography

Same but what detracted from the movie was the overhype. It felt good enough to be nominated but it's not best picture winner material like some critics are implying. It didn't have higher highs or lower lows than the other nominees and the other nominees didn't leave audience members like "that's it?" when the movie (specifically the 3rd act) is over.

Of the two "critical darlings" of 2016, La La Land is superior.

>first act
poor kid. Drug guy and girlfriend is a bro though
>second act
wow what a shit life. That bully needs a good smacking. Oh he's getting wanked off now. okay sick, good for him.
>third act

Fucking niggers

Did anyone else feel a disconnect between the second and third acts? I had a hard time feeling connecting to Chiron between those two periods. He's such a different person I thought it was a stretch for him to become a giga-gangbanger at the end.

I'm pretty sure that was the point. Kevin even comments on it. The thing is I could still tell it was Chiron based on how he acted, especially his facial expressions. There is a massive disconnect between who he is on the inside, and how he looks on the outside, and because of this disconnect we can tell that his image was merely crafted by society and the environment he was raised in.

Did it show shit stained anal penetration? From what I understand that is what homosexuality is. Sounds entertaining or at least amusing.




nice to see a fellow /r/The_Donald bro

maybe if you dont know how to clean your ass
fucking americans

in outer space?

Was it implied his character went to jail or died or something?

chiron was not a different person in the third act. he was the same reserved individual as the first two acts. the thing that makes the third act great is that the conversation between kevin and chiron is the first time that chiron opens up in the entire movie, it's meant to be an emotional climax for his character.

is it true that it's hard to believe he gained all that muscle in 7 years? yes. it's not impossible though and certainly reasonable. he's still the same guy personality wise though.

>dude if you don't like nigger cocks then you're a Sup Forumstarded neckbeard
are you this insecure about opposite opinions?

>Great message: masculinity is a prison from which we all must escape.
Is it though?

>nigger cocks

You seem insecure enough to type that shit

Yes, it is mentioned that he died. Wish he was in it more though.

No, your side is saying that if I don't like this mediocre movie, then I'm a racist. So I might as well just be an actual racist. Do you see now how Trump got elected?

White Masculinity: Build civilizations

Nigger Masculinity: Chimp out

>if I don't like this mediocre movie, then I'm a racist

OP didn't say that at all


I thought it was interesting that he was genuinely good at selling drugs and being a gangster. But ultimately, he was still sexually unfulfilled because he could never be out of the closet in such an environment.

Wasn't that on purpose? He said when he was in prison he rebuilt himself from the ground up. I took that as he intentionally adopted a lifestyle where he couldn't be touched.

Also, I think you could make the argument that Chiron's not so much a homosexual but instead he's attracted to one of the only people who didn't treat him like shit. He never shows interest in anyone besides Juan and Kevin, and Juan was more of a father figure.

It was pretty good but it's waaaay to overhyped IMO.

Seriously it wasn't that special and groundbreaking.

>I think you could make the argument that Chiron's not so much a homosexual but instead he's attracted to one of the only people who didn't treat him like shit

Chiron's mother makes the point to Juan early on that she knows her son is gay, and all his attempts at being a father figure for him are going to end in failure because of it.

>Jerked a nigga off but not gay because he was only one nice to me.

Why would anyone ever want to watch a film with a gross looking black man unless they were black is beyond me.

On the other hand the OP is probably a faggot troll whos never watched, and spends his days creating bait threads.

because not everyone is as racist as you are?

Say anything thats not 100% PC, and out comes the Sup Forums racist card.

Could you keep it to just one thread next time.

Gotta make space for more capeshit and memes, eh?

it's not PC, it's the dumb idea that you can only watch movies about people that share your skin color and sexuality.

I don't watch super hero movies. Much less post in capeshit threads. The only threads of upcoming films I give a shit about always end up getting hijacked by waifu spammers, and no conversation about the film itself is ever allowed to be had on Sup Forums. Sometimes it gets so bad mods just end up deleting the threads.

Sup Forums here

cinematography != filming
A film's cinematography is a very specific technical facet that entails how it was photographed and lit. Usually when normies praise a film for it's cinematography they actually mean other aspects of its visual design, like the production design, the mise en scene, or whatever.

>I try to make it sound like people who see faults in weird political agenda's are lunatics because i'm insecure.
Good job retard, now fuck off.