Any webms from films or tv that simulate a conversation and/or a relationship?

Any webms from films or tv that simulate a conversation and/or a relationship?

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warning: you must be emotionally prepared to view this webm

get ready to have your hearts melted

>jordyn posting

holy shit get with times gramps, jordyn has been deprecated

I too browse reddit :^)

What's wrong with going out and meeting a woman?

fair enough

I mostly banjipost ironically, tho


Its hard to meet someone who actively tries to avoid you.

if by ironically you mean your dick is hard I'm right there with you :^)


no, no

jojo is pretty cute and all, but she doesn't do that for me

I'm sure there's someone out there for you, they might even make you happy

>Chanel in the light, Hester in the dark


I just found this, wtf






that range

she's amazing, isn't she? :3





>tfw you finally get Sarah Gadon.webm


that filter is awful but it can't ruin her overall beauty


Thanks Gillian :3

Someone post the Felicity Jones train webm. Do it you fucking assholes I need to die already.


yeah make up is trash too, what were they thinking






>ITT: Fat Obnoxious Impotent Pedophiles

Please someone...anyone...give her good movie..give her good role.







>this triggers the redditor

these are great, thanks user(s)
