Kys mods

Kys mods

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Yes goy, we should totally not complain about the black dicks. Accept the dicks as part of the board culture.

why did you hide those threads? were they spooky? did they scare you?

report and sage all pedo spam

No they're spam from autists who are uncomfortable with their fetish that they have to spam it like a cringy edgy teenage creep whose entire existence was a hilarious mistake

Rate my manjina

Ladies and gentlegoys the average hillary supporter

Threadly reminder that mods don't the ban pedo threads:
fite me

>only 8

No the guy spamming is just triggered there are threads up he doesn't like and that they're taking all the replies from his meme and pedo threads

Sup Forums needs a mod overhaul


8 whole threads? I rarely have less than 50 threads hidden

ban all fucking phoneposting nigger spammers at once

>he thinks they are phoneposters

bet you're lost without le image.jpg meme now

i'd rather have black dicks than Sup Forumstards announcing their presence in every single post they make.

>Id rather have black dick

go to your favourite nigger porn site then cuckminded autist

Sup Forums has really turned this board to shit, I agree.
>Post ANY movie or tv show with black actors
Sup Forums comes out of the dark like roaches and start posting their charts about how most interracial marriages fail and how whites are superior.
>if you dont agree with me youre a cuck
>if you dont agree with me youre a race traitor
KYS Sup Forumscucks

these autistic threads and constant "cloister" postings are a mistake

you guys are the worst

Shitty Mods


Go get culturally enriched in the hood kuck.

I found the guy posting black dicks

>pedo threads
blakked and etc porn threads are more in number as i see

WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THE MODS? a while ago i got a week ban just for posting some pic with a unhidden nipple on it. and they leave these porn threads without retort?

it's not just the black actor/tv show threads anymore. they try to derail like 50% of the threads here. they are also so autistic that they have to tell everyone they're a Sup Forumstard every single post they make by saying jew, goy, cuck, kike, etc. they're like nazi vegans who have to tell everyone about how "redpilled" they are. except in real life they would never in a million years go up to a jew and call them a kike or go up to a black and tell them they have an IQ 30 points beneath them.

basically they ruined this board and i fucking hate them.


i'm not even liberal and i'm certainly not a nu male or a SJW and i hate you fucking faggots. i hate political correctness as much as anyone but i don't blame all my problems on the jews and hate black people because i'm threatened by them.

and i'm a white girl btw :)
yes i'm a liberal and yes I also use Reddit.

Calling us bad people wont do a thing kuck boi let a nigger rape your girlfriend to show you arent racist hahahaha

fuck gook moot. i miss white moot.

then fucking stay there

Tits or GTFO whore

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day.

Post proof you are fellating a bongo.

whole lotta samefagging itt

Rising tally

>Hiding funposting threads
Found the Jannie in training.

nice pasta

and one big autistic blowhard who makes these threads and spam cloister in all the bbc threads

pls calm down autist, no one likes you
